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One month later

"I need to be back to see Lazarus!"Mia hisses.

I cover her eyes and grunt."Our son will be right at the nursery were we left him at the hospital.Now.You are coming with me.I planned this whole romantic dinner for you".

She pouts and says "Fine.Only because I can smell columbian food".

I laugh softly and I dro her hands.Her eyes go wide and gasps.

"Mammi??".Mrs.Campbell smiles and says"Hi Mija".

"What are you doing all the way?I thought you and Papa were in Columbia?"."I was but my future son in law wanted me to see my grandson so he flew me out".

Mia looks at me and says "You did this all for me".

I nod my head and say"Pushing a big baby out your parts is a lot of work....And I wanted to thank you for giving me another joy in my life".

Mia blushes slightly before looking over to her Mammi."Don't tell me you
Made all my favorite".

"I definitely made all your favorites".She squeaks and rushes over to the table.

"You got the ring?"Her ma asks me.

I nod my head and smirk.Ive been planning this engagement to Mia before she was even pregnant with Lazarus.

I wanted this shit to be more grand than Clays proposal to Jaiden.I got doves loser.

Not only that but I have a plane coming by sighing the question in the sky.A bunch of doves flying in the sky after she says yes.

And I got million dollar ring to showcase my love for this woman.And I also got her fathers approval.And that in itself was hard.But we will get to that later.

"well I wish you good luck.But you won't need it.My daughter will easily say yes to you"."I hope so".

She pats my back before walking into the back.I sit down across from Mia and she tilts her head at me

."You planning all of this..it's special ,Banks"."Your special.Your the one and only to the future hall of famed".

Mia snorts and says "God you really are so full of yourself".

I shrug and say"Well Love in a week I will be planning for a trophy.and that..is about to establish my greatness.What 25 year old do you know will be a league champion in his first year with his new team?".

"That's a great question.I don't know off the top of my head"She jokes.

I nod my head and say"Exactly.And I will have both of my sons and my fiancee by my side cheering me on"."Damn right".

Her mother walks out with two dishes and says "I will be your chef today.And your waiter I guess.For your appetizer my famous empanadas".

She sets the food down and I gulp.This looks delicious don't get me wrong.But it also looked spicy as hell.

"Scared?"Mia asks amused.

I shake my head and she nods her head to her mom.She leaves and Mia reaches over to grab one from my plate and dips it in the sauce.

That was definitely chili oil or some kind of salsa."What's the sauce?".

"Open your mouth baby".

I look at her concerned and she chuckles."I used to eat these all the time as a child.Open".

I open my mouth slowly and she feeds it to me.

This is Spicy as fuck.
I'm definitely going to be on the toilet when this is all over

"see not bad right?".

I shake my head trying to hide the fact my mouth was on fire.It was flavorful.Definitely I mean it was delicious once you got over the very spicy ass kick in the beginning.

I look down at my plate and gulp.And I have to eat five of these??Help me now.

"So how did you convince my papa to not go to another country without his wife?"she asks me.

I smirk and say "My amazing charm and good looks".

I'm joking.
Her father scared me.
Terrified me if I'm being honest.

When I asked for his permission to ask for her hand in marriage he told me no.Not until I completely the Garcia test.

Or what ever the fuck that was.He had me out in the woods hunting deer.Skinning them and helping him and Mrs.Campbell cook it.

Oh you thought that was it?No.It doesn't end there.

He proceeded to kidnap me from my hotel and tie me up to a chair and had me watch him beat a guy who lost his trust bloody.

If I didn't treat his little angel right that would be me but much worse.After I swore on my life that I would never he hurt Mia again and protect her,he allowed it.

I am not going to lie when I left that abandoned warehouse,my fight or flight was telling me to run as far away as I could .

But the fight in me told me that Mia Campbell was worth it.And she was my everything.

"I'm sure my father realized how amazing you are".

I nod my head and she smiles.I got past the appetizers and we moved to the main dish,Tamales.Now this I could get with.It was delicious and I have to say I'm going to need Mama Campbell to make more of these.

"And for desssert? Arroz con leche".

She puts one bowl down and two spoons.I take one spoon and put some in it

Mia opens her mouth and I feed it too her.She gushes and says "Ahh I haven't had these dishes since I was in high school.This amazing, Mammi".

"Anything for my pride and joy".She gives me a warning look and I gulp.Okay.Okay.She's starting to scare me.

She walks away again and Mia starts feeding it to me."Okay this so delicious.Sweet yet savory"I say.

She smiles and says "It makes me happy that you like my cultures food,Preppy".

"I love everything about you"."Really?"she says smirking.

I nod my head confidently and she looks at her watch."It's been a month since I've given birth to Laz"."It has hasn't it".

"I'm Offically cleared of all sexual activity now"."Oh really?".

She nods her head and I  say "Well before we get to that I have a boat ride planned for us".

Her eyes widen and says"A romantic boat ride through Milan?".

I nod my head and she cheers."I love you"."I love you too,Love.I just have to say something to your ma before we leave".

She nods her head as I stand up.

BREAK 4 ME (CARRINGTON DIARIES 5)( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now