I thought I could sneak off after the two hour mark of the party but my father found me and dragging me to where my mother and brother were.My eyes darken when I see Reese talking to my mother.He turns to me and he smirks."It's a pleasure to meet you again,Banks".
Why the fuck is he looking like that?And acting so confident?He always cowers when he sees me because I've been blackmailing him since I was 17.
What gave him this new sense of confidence?
"I wish I could say the same to you".
"Manners"Dad hisses.I put on a fake smile and say "I mean of course.Always a pleasure".
He fake smiles back as he holds his back."I want you all to meet someone important to me".
A blonde woman with brown eyes takes his hand before he kisses her cheek.
She looks young.Like really fucking young.She could be like 3-4 years older than me
But in a way she looked kinda familiar.I definitely know this isn't his wife.I remember railing the shit out of her when I was 19..
"and who is this?"Mother asks."My wife.Malia".
"what happened to your wife Fiona?"I ask narrowing my eyes."We got divorced.Maybe you are two young but sometimes people just don't see eye to eye".
"Stop treating me like I'm some child,I'm 21 years old"."Of course how silly of me".
Malia holds her hand out and shakes my mother's hand."It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs.Carrington"."Oh!You as well".
She then shakes my fathers,and then my brother's hand.She turns to me and clench my teeth.
I hated touching woman who weren't Mia.Sure Hugging Mum, Zoe, Naomi, Jasmine, and Jaiden were totally fine.
But other woman.No.
It disgusted me.I look down at her hand before shaking it."It's a pleasure to meet you,Banks Jr".
Something inside me breaks as I tilt my head.I let go of her hand and stare at her.Memories start rushing in.
"What is this?"I ask.
"It's what being a man is all about, Banks"Reese says.I look nervously at the woman and say "Mr.Hansen I don't think my mummy will like this".
"Your mother will thank me for turning her son into a man.This little slut I found at a club.For the right money she will do anything you want her too.Like this".He turns to her say "Strip".
I watch as the woman start shedding off her clothing and I cover my eyes.
Mr.Hansen rips my hands off my eyes and says "Look at her.This is the body of a woman,Banks.Isnt she beautiful".I shake my head start to feel tears form."You want this to be over?".
i nod my head eagerly as he walks over to her."Don't cover your eyes again.This is what a man does to a woman".
He takes his parts off and takes his part out before slamming it inside."You see this Banks?This is how you fuck a woman.Fuck their emotions and how they feel.You fuck them hard and rough like a man should.Fuck them until they come on your cock".
The woman moans loudly almost screaming.He's hurting her.But why is there a smile on her face.
He slides out and puts it back in his pants."Now you try"."I really don't think mummy would like this-"
He grabs my shoulder and says "You want mummy and daddy to hold your hand for the rest of your life,Banks?Or do you want to be a man and take care of them when they get older?".
I look at the woman and gulp.She looked like she could be 17 or 16.I do t like this.But he won't let me leave until I do this.
So I have no choice.I walk over to her as she looks at me."That's it"she whispers.
Once it starts and i shake my head."I don't like this.stop"."It's okay.Ill feel better I promise" she whispers."No.Stop.Dont!".
I feel Vaughn put his hand on my shoulder and say "Are you okay???"."I think I'm going to be sick"I say coldly.I rip his hand off me before rushing away.
I need to get out of here
I need to leave.
How could forget about this?
Why did I lock that part of me up?I bump into Olivia and she says "Woah there,Banks.If you looking for-"."-Fuck off"I say deadly.
I push her away and start making my way through the crowd.
Run Banks.Run far away like you always do.I get so close to the door before someone grabs my hand.It was my mum and Mia looking at me concerned.
"Banks what is it?What happened".
"Don't touch me"I say horrified.My mother looks at me taken back as I yank her hand off me and open the door.I pull my tie off and throw it back before walking to my car.
She touched me with that hand.
She touched me.
I have to get it off.
Get it off.I get in my car and quickly turn in on.The last thing I see is Mia and. Vaughn running out of the party.
But I was gone.Long gone by the time the reach the end of the street.I don't know where I'm going.Just someone away from here.Far away from her.From him.
From the monsters in this world.The enemies of this world.
I hate it here.I hate everyone here.I hate having to look over my shoulder.I had being scared all the time.The second I remembered everything and look at Malia.I felt it.
For the first time in my life I felt complete and utter terror.
I've never been so horrified in my life seeing her.What they did to me.I blocked it out of my mine and kept it there.But my mind was a subconsciously aware.Because I fucked woman just like he taught me to.I grip my hair with one hand.
I fucked Mia like that.My little monster.My everything???Why would I do that.
Shes more.Shes so much more.
Shes my order.Shes my sanity.
Without her I'm nothing.
Without her I'm an empty shell.Why would I treat her like something so disposable.I don't deserve her.
Shes order and I'm chaos.Nothing in that will ever make this work.
My eyes quickly dart to the road as a bright light appears a head of me. Finally.
I close my eyes ready for the impact.
And it hits.The car sideswipes me and I feel my Porsche flip over once before landing in a ditch.
I sigh in relief.I can finally die here.I can finally leave here.
All of a sudden I feel a urgent need to crawl out.Its like my body is taking over.My legs kick the glass open and I crawl out.I crawl back more and more away from the car that was about to blow up.
With some reason I have no damage to me.No broken arm.No dislocated shoulder.
It's a miracle I'm alive right now.
My eyes close as I see a blonde woman standing over me."Now is not your time,grandson"She whispers.

RomanceBANKS Break for me,Mia. Break in pieces so I can see how your were perfectly sculpted.Break into piece so I see how you work and built myself so I can be great for you. Break into pieces so I see the real you that no one knows about. Break into piec...