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the next morning

"Banks Carrington Jr?".

Victor pats my shoulder and says "This is it!We got this alright?".

I stand up and look at him."Why do you look more nervous than me?"."What no.Im fine".

"Victor your hands are really sweaty".

Victor shakes his head and we follow the lady back.I look around the office in amazement.Its been a dream of mine to play professionally and now all it would come together..

The only thing that I was missing out was Mia by my side when all of this happened.

But I didn't need to worry because little monster would be by my side soon enough.

We get into the office and the woman opens the door for us.We walk in and I see a man around 47 at a desk.And standing beside him was a woman who looked about my age.

She had brown hair and brown eyes.She smiles at me and I fake smile back."Banks.You are just in time".

I sit down and motion over to Victor."This is my agent.Victor Sokos"."Nice to meet you Mr.Sokos".

"You as well"."I am John Henry the owner of Liverpool F.C.Its a pleasure to meet our next star.And this right here is Sofia Austin.Our head PR manager.".

I smirk softly and says "thanks you sir for giving me this opportunity"."of course.I believe that you can do great things for us here.How about we go over our contract?".

I nod my head as he slides the contract over to me and aviator."The contract offers a four year deal with a trade clause afterwards.But he aware that if you aren't a good fit for us trading you would be our next move"He says.

I nod my head and says "I completely understand.Trust me when I say I will put in the works that you need and push this team to a title".

He looks at me amused and says "I heard you were confident but this is great.I like my players to have high expectation for the team.I believe that you can take us far,Banks".

Victor clears his throat and says "So walk us through what happens after we sign this contract?".

Sofia nods her head and says " you just relax until training camp starts in a month.We will book you a private train to our training faculty.Its there where you will spend the next three months training and honing your skill.On top of that there will be a lot of PR opportunities to get your name out there.Its a bunch of team bonding exercises and other things before the season starts.Trust me it will be a lot of work but I think you have it in you".

Was she flirting with me right now?

I nod my head and say "That all sounds about right".Victor grabs the contract and says "I wish for our lawyer to look over this before we sign anything.Is that alright with you?".

They both look at each other before nodding."Completely fine.If anything it's standard.Just get us this contract back as soon as you can.We want to put Banks on the roster for PR opportunities"Sofia says.

They both stand up and I follow their action.I shake both of their hands and smile."Thank you again"."Of course.We will see you next time".

I turn around with Victor and hand him the contract."What?"."There's something I need to do first".

He walks out the door and turn back over to them."Actually would it he too much to ask for a souvenir?My girlfriend loves Liverpool".

Sofia frowns as John laughs."Of course!Hell how about a tour!I would love to show you around our office".

"that would be amazing John!".

John looks at Sofia and says "Go grab a merch package from the service department and bring it over to the front desk".

Sofia nods her head and walks out the office.John walks around the desk and says "come in I will give you a tour of the place".

"Really?I don't want to take up too much of your time.."."No not at all.Come on".

I follow beside him and he glances at me."So girlfriend?".

I nod my head and say "We've been childhood friends since we were kids.And we have been on and off since teenage years but we got serious about a year ago"."Oh is she staying in London with you?".

I shake my head sadly and say "She majored in sport consulting.She got a job at Milan F.C to work there".

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that.So you two are doing long distance".

I nod my head and he smiles."Me and my wife did long distance when we'd were young"."Basing it on the fact she's your wife everything went well?".

He laughs and nods his head."Yep.She finished her internship in America and moved back over here to be with me.We got married and the rest is history.If you and this girl really are meant to be,time will tell".

I nod my head and say "Thank you for the advice,Sir".

"No problem.I just want to say that I'm rooting for the two of you.Just keep that motivation of the field too".

I laugh and say "Trust me,she will not let me lose force over winning.She any biggest cheerleader and always have been".

Even if we weren't dating Mia has always been at my games on the sidelines.Hell even when she was dating our rivals and she was sitting on the other side of the bleachers she still cheered me on secretly when I scored a goal.Shes always been my support system and she will keep being it even when she's in Milan.

"I'm glad to hear that.Athletes need a support system to be by their side when times get rough.A little more advice Banks,set up your support system earlier.The best things happen when it's early".

I nod my head and he continues to give me a tour of the building.Lets just say that I m going to fucking love it here.I mean this place really treats you like family and is there for you.

I think that this place could easily become my second home.

I finish up the tour with John and walk down to the lobby.Sofia was waiting there holding a basket full of stuff.

I could tell that she was not to happy that this was for my girlfriend."Here you go.A large is all we had".

I nod my head and smile."Thats great.She loved to wear baby shirts anyways".

Her eyes widen as I take the basket out her hand.

Yea my girlfriends got a body of a goddess.And even if she didn't,I'd still love her the way she was.

Because it wasn't just looks with Mia Campbell.It was her personality more than anything.

BREAK 4 ME (CARRINGTON DIARIES 5)( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now