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"fucking hell this is so nerve racking!!"Luisa says.We were in the skybox with Paulo and some the teams significant others.Chaos purrs as he lays on my lap.

"Oh god we only have a minute left and we are tied"Cara says biting her nails

.I sigh in relief as I watch Banks walk over to Nemo.They talk and Nemo nods his head.

They work well together.I think that him and Benji are probably the only ones in the team that respect Banks of how good he is.

Then again the other members probably haven't seen Banks under this type of pressure.

But this is where Banks thrives.And it's always been that way.

"You think they are going to win it?"Cara asks.I nod my head and say "Preppy got this".

"I love how supportive you are over you man"Luisa says smirking."Someone has to be".

Cara gasps and says "You didn't deny it.So I'm guessing that you and Banks are really going somewhere".

"Hopefully.Its been years in the making for us"."Hey I'm rooting for you too.You better give him a kiss he wins this".

If he wins this,he's getting a lot more than a kiss.

Luisa chuckles and says "They are fucking tonight if he wins"."Someone knows me"I point out.

Luisa points at me and says "Well you are the one who brags about how good sex between you two were".

"Good is an understatement".They both groan as I laugh.

"Carrington has the ball!"The announcer yells in French.

I lean forward as Banks gets closer and closer to the goal.He spins on an opponent and takes off running.

Time was running out.If he misses this goal,It would end in a tie.And ties are never good in this league.

"Oh shit!The goalie is going right for him".I stand up holding Chaos in my arms.Banks kicks it up before kicking it in the air.

It grazed the goalies hands before-
"GOAL! GOAL!"The announcer yells.


The crowd goes wide as Cara cheers.

"Holy shit he did it!Mia your boyfriend is amazing"."He is isn't he".

I watch as he is lifted up by his team and he laughs softly.He holds his hand up and smiles.

"it's a after party to Benjis house.Are you sure you two aren't coming?".

Banks shakes his head and says "Nah I'm going to call it a night"."You did good out there Banks"Nemo says patting his shoulder.

"Thank you".

I watch as Banks grabs his bag and walks beside me out the backstage."Banks!".

He turns around as Emilia runs over and hugs him.My eyes widen as I clench my teeth.

A wave of possessiveness and jealousy hits me.Who the fuck does this bitch think she is?

I wanted to gut that bitch for touching him like that.I was the only one allowed to touch Banks like that

Banks pushes her off and she smiles at him."you did amazing out there!The way you scored that goal was incredible!",

"Thank you Emilia but I really need to go"."Fuck off"I hiss her

She looks at me shocked as I glare at her.I grab Banks wrist and drag him away.

He laughs softly as I push him in my car."Wow someone is in a mood?",

I put on my seatbelt and grunt."Shut up,Asshole".

"Wow and now you are taking it out on your handsome boyfriend".I roll my eyes and turn the car on.

"Are you hungry?"."You never told me where we are going".

I ignore him and he shakes his head."No Little monster.Im not hungry"."Good.Because I'm not stopping".

"Until we get to wherever you are taking me"."That's right"I say.

He sits back and says "I can't believe that actually went in.I thought I missed it"."But you didn't.It was amazing Baby".

He smiles and says "I missed you calling me that"."There's a lot more where that came from tonight".

We get back to his place and I let him shower first before taking mine.

i grab the robe and wrap it around myself before walking into his room.He was wearing shorts and a tank top.

"You want to watch a movie?"He asks.

I tilt my head and say "I was thinking of something else"."Really?Like what?Board games?Making out?".

He turns around to face me and I tilt my head.I pull the belt off and open the robe to reveal myself."Someone deserves backshots".

His eyes widen and he drops his bag of chips."W-what??"he says stuttering.

My eyes darken as I slowly walk over to him.The second I'm in front of him,I drop my robe on the ground and look up at him.

"Bend me over and fuck me,Carrington".

"M-Mia if this isn't what you want we can't just-"."-I want you to bend me over this bed and the fuck the shit out of me.Make me legs shake and fill me up with your cum".

His eyes wide and he groans."You..you are the death of me"."Good.Because no one will drive you crazy more than me,Preppy".

I walk over to the bed and lay down.I look over my shoulder and smirk."What are you waiting for?".

He quickly pulls his pants down revealing his hard dick dripping with pre cum.My mouth waters as he pulling his tank top off.

He holds his dick in his hand as he lines me up I could tell how excited he was but for some reason I could sense nervousness in him.

"Who has the best dick game?"I ask.

He smirks and says "Me.Im the best dick you've had Mia".

I nod my head and say "Act like it then.Because as much as I love my sweet and considerate Banks,I love being fucked by my cocky and flirty Banks".

He kisses my neck softly and says "Something about you calling me your Banks has me hard.Say it again,please?".

"My Banks.My boyfriend.My Preppy.Mine".

He groans stoking his dick softly and says "Fuck I love you when you are possessive"."And I love you when you're possessive.Fuck me like I'm yours Banks"

."You are mine"he says proudly.

He goes back to lining his dick up and grabbing my waist."Wait.Condom"."It's my safe day"I say.

"You really are trying to bring the man whore back in me huh?Ive been abstinent for five years for you Mia.This..this is going to ruin me".

"As long as it  ruins you for me,fuck me as much as you want Carrington.Because you're mine and I'm yours".

He nods his head and says "Forever,Little monster.Forever".

BREAK 4 ME (CARRINGTON DIARIES 5)( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now