28) Christian Plans

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"And this is how we change a diaper, that wasn't so bad. Why are you always complaining?" Rose picked up Aldric. The kid was sunshine and smiled around Rose, but it was pee and baby spit around Clay.

"The kid doesn't like me," he said.

"Of course, he likes you in his—um, own special baby way."

"You pause mid-sentence; admit it; the kids hate me." Clay slumps into the chair.

Rose sighed. "Look, I have to go; I need to go and pack my things and bring them here. So you are stuck with Aldric until I get back."

"Oh, wonderful."

Maybe it's because Aldric isn't his flesh and blood, but Clay isn't feeling the fatherhood.

She set Aldric in his crib. "Kristy is around, and she can help you. Aldric might not be our son, but we must treat him like one. Remember, don't let history repeat itself."

Clay sat up. Scott.

Scott always felt like he didn't belong in the family. Clay looks at Aldric; he should try harder to be this child's father. Clay doesn't want Aldric to grow up and feel left out. He doesn't want another Scott history.

He stayed home with Aldric; the kid napped almost all day. He only woke up when he was hungry or needed a diaper change.

Clay finished catching up on work, piling up on his desk. He organized the documents. By the time he was finished with work, Rose arrived with Christian. He's going to be the future Beta of the Pine clan. He is also Sebastian's cousin.

"How is the baby?"

"Sleeping," Clay said.


"Is that bad?" He asked.

"No, but we shouldn't disturb his schedule; we need to be strict about it," she woke Aldric up, and he fussed. "You slept long enough."

"You look pale," Clay stared at Christian.

"I have been busy," he smiled. "The attack took a toll on me; it was hectic."

"And yet you're helping Rose when you should be sleeping?"

Christian grin. "I encountered Rose on my way here, so I decided to help her. I need to talk to you."



Rose smiled. "Go on, I don't mind."

Clay escorted Christian to his office; what could this boy want? He couldn't offer him alcohol, so he opted for a can of soda.

"So speak, what do you wish to speak to me about?"

Christian leans back. "I, um."


"How should I put it," Christian groaned.

It must be a serious topic if he can't seem to start the conversation.

He sighed. "I'll be taking control of the Pine clan."

Clay had to take a moment to process what Christian told him. To overthrow someone like Brock won't be easy. Christian needs followers and immense wealth.

"Do you have the requirements?" He asked. "Don't be like Drake; he took it with brute force. How will you take it, since circumstances are different."

Christian smiled. "I have followers and money. Many people are not satisfied with my uncle's ruling. They wanted Sebastian to take control, but he became your Beta. So now, I'll become Alpha. Of course, I won't take my uncle and cousin down right now. I need more time to get stronger."

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