22) After Shock

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Drake rushed outside and picked up Salome. He held her tightly, sniffing he and checking for injuries. Aside from a few cuts, she looked healthy.

"Your hair?" Those bastards cut her beautiful hair. It's all uneven and damaged.

"It'll grow back, Daddy," she smiled. "I miss you, daddy, where's Mommy?"

"Mommy is sick and has to stay in bed again," he smiled. "You can see her later; for now, you need a long bath, and your hair needs to get fixed."

Salome huff.

It's like the kidnapping didn't phase her at all. Drake set her down and asked the witch to help her take a bath and fix her hair.

He pulls Sebastian outside to talk.

"Tell me everything that happens."

Sebastian explained the whole rescue and how the kidnappers became the victims. And how he let them go because of Salome.

"And that's all," Sebastian said. "I'm worried about the priest. He was still alive when I left. We should be cautious; I doubt he will strike again. I think it'll take a while for him to heal."

Drake grips the wooden railing. "You let those two kidnappers go?"

"Salome asked me too," Sebastian groaned. "And I didn't sense much danger from them. I think Salome bonded with them. Your daughter is weird; she befriends older people too easily. She called the kidnapping and adventure she will tell our future children."

Drake turns to look at him. "Future children?"

"Don't look at me like that," he sighed. "You know I believe your daughter has an old soul and an older wolf."

Drake groaned.

"How did things go here?"

"Bad," Drake groaned. "The River clan is in disarray. Amadeus has taken control and is trying to fix things, but the remaining clan members aren't accepting it; they like how Russell and his father ruled. It seems the women didn't have much freedom in the clan. So, Amadeus arrests all the males and women who still follow the old alpha. Amadeus will take a while to regain control of the clan and bring peace."

Drake knows how hard Amadeus will work to regain control of the River clan. Drake had to do a lot of unpleasant things to control his clan.

"Aside from that, the other clans suffered some casualties, mostly property damage and a few inquiries." Drake didn't care much for them, only Kiba. "The Elder joined the fight."


"Yeah, it was awkward," Drake smiled. "She wore an outfit not for battle. Let's say the hunters probably had difficulty focusing on their targets."

Sebastian chuckled.

"I'll need you to keep an eye on things," Drake sat upright. "I need to have a serious conversation with Clay. Even though the curse on Tiara is gone, Clay is still struggling. Although I feel some resentment towards him and his family, I don't want to see him in pain."

Sebastian nodded.

"I'm guessing something happened with Clay during the attack?"

"A lot happened, but I won't get into it; I need you to take care of the clan while I'm away. The threat is gone, but that doesn't mean hunters aren't lingering around."

He needs to get this conversation over with. The sooner, the faster he can concentrate on his family.


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