25) Daddy Clay

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"How are you feeling?"

"Fine, I think, and you?"

"My wound has healed," Rose smiled. "Don't worry about me."

He groaned. "I hurt you."

"Nothing I can't heal," she smiled. "I'm glad the curse is gone. I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you."

"I wouldn't want you to see," he sat up. "I need to get up."

"You need to stay in bed," she pushes him back. "Don't make me restrain you."

He chuckled. "Alright."

Clay has been in bed since breaking the curse. Sean has been taking care of the clan. But Clay does get reports about how things are going.

So far, the only problem is Frida, one of Drake's ex-lovers. She contracted rabies and is on the run. Everyone had to get vaccinated.

Another new thing is that Drake and Sean have a sister, Abigail. They kept her hidden for many reasons. Clay now understands what the Elder meant about keeping 'her' a secret.

The news of Abigail gave his father a heart attack. Clay didn't understand how that was possible until his father informed him that he and his wolf had been distant. His father is becoming more human every day.

The Elder said it was his decision. Oh, right, the Elder. That's a secret Clay can't reveal.

"I see you're awake," Margaret enters. "Let's check your vitals."

Rose stepped to the side and waited for Margaret to finish.

"Wonderful," she smiled. "You can get up now. But don't push it, take it slow."

Clay threw the covers off and got out of bed. He felt slightly dizzy. Rose steadied him.

It'll take some time before he fully recovers his strength.

He spent the next few hours walking around the house doing light lifting. Rose had to work on her homework. Since school is temporarily closed, that doesn't mean classes aren't in session.

He sat on the couch sleeping, and when he woke up, Salome sat on his chest.

"Salome, get off!"

"You ruin it!" Salome huff. She had a box of markers.

Clay groaned and sat up. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing," she tried to hide the markers even though he already saw them.

He grabbed her and tickled her. Salome laughed, and the markers spilled on the floor.

"Nice whiskers," Kristy chuckled.

"Drawing on my face while I sleep, huh?" He grabbed one of the markers. "Let's see what I should draw on you?"

Salome gasped. "No! Not my pretty face!"

Clay drew a beard and mustache, thick eyebrows, and pink circles on her cheeks. "Masterpiece."

Salome looked at the mirror by the hall and gasped. "I look ridiculous."

He stood. "When did you get here, and with who?"

"I came to visit Rose; Sebastian brought me," she wrinkled her nose as Kristy wiped the marker off her face. "We took the safe path."

The witches erected mystical barriers along every pathway in their desperate search for Frida. Meanwhile, the vampires intensified their efforts, working tirelessly around the clock to apprehend her.

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