30) Epilogue

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She looked under the bed, in the closet, and everywhere where they could be hiding.

"Did you find him?" Drake sighed.

"No," Tiara stood. "Where could he be?"

"I can only imagine where he is hiding," Drake said, grasping her hand. Come on."

Tiara worried about her troublesome children.

"Aha, come out."

Drake opened the pantry. Inside was Salome and Kaden munching on mini cookies.


Salome looked up and smiled. "Oh, hi, mommy, daddy."

"Didn't we agree you'll behave?"

"But Daddy Kaden wanted cookies; I couldn't deny him, puppy eyes, Daddy. Puppy eyes!"

Kaden squeal.

Tiara picked him up. "My naughty little boy, I was hoping you would be the calm one, but I suppose we wish for the impossible. Drake, your genetics are strong."

It's true; Kaden also looks like Drake, with the same hair and eyes.

"Ma!" Kaden nuzzles her hair.

"No more cookies; you'll get a tummy ache," she smiled. "Oh, the baby kicked." She glared at Drake.

Drake looked away. Tiara had given birth, and not long after, Drake couldn't keep his greedy hands off her. She became pregnant once again with a boy.

"Bad daddy," Salome shook her head.

"I did apologize," Drake said.

Tiara smiled and rubbed her belly. "Well, I'm not upset about it; the more kids, the merrier."

Drake chuckled. "At least I'm not Clay; that idiot got into trouble with Margaret. Oh man, I enjoyed the scolding he received."

Tiara still can't believe he didn't think Clay would do something so—unlike him. He and Rose are soulmates and have agreed to wait before doing anything together. But Clay made the move. But to be fair, Rose was working on a potion to fight off a common cold, and she added the wrong ingredients. She created something to amplify sexual needs.

And that little incident led to a cute baby boy. Little Zach is a bundle of joy.

"Let's get you ready; the other babies are arriving soon," Tiara smiled. "Salome, go get ready too."

"Yes, Mommy."

Tiara is happy with her life. For years, she has suffered at the hands of her family. But then she met Drake, and her life changed. A lonely, loveless life turned into a life full of love and laughter.

She became a mother of two beautiful children and a third.

Her life couldn't be better.

"There, look at you, my handsome little boy."

"Ma," he bit the rattle.

"Come on, I think they are here," she carried him back downstairs.

"No, Jace!"

Tiara chuckled.

Jace is Kristy and Sean's son; he's a little devil.

The moment he began to crawl, he wanted to get into everything. Currently, Jace wants to eat the wax display on the coffee table.

Sean picked him up by his ankle. "Jace, that's not for eating."

"Oh, look who's here!" Kristy grabbed baby Jenny. The man who was now her father sighed. "What can't handle her?"

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