26) Drake's Outrage

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"Salome, where are you going in such a hurry and with those clothes?"

Salame hid the brown satchel behind her back.

"Well, I'm going out to see a friend," she smiled. "And these clothes are for when I get dirty."

Tiara knows precisely where her daughter is going. She's been sneaking out after her online classes.

"Is Sebastian going with you?"


"Don't be late, and be careful."

Salome hugged her and kissed her belly. "Bye, Mommy. I'll be home soon!"

Tiara won't tell Drake. She wants Veronica to escape. Tiara already had a good idea of Salome's plans.

Lilac and Abigail are involved. Salome and Lilac spend much time together, and Abigail has been calling to talk to Salome. Drake thinks it's about ice cream flavors, but Tiara knows it's about arrangements for Veronica.

Her daughter is an intelligent child.

Tiara will help a little.

"Did our troublesome daughter run off again?"

"Yes, let her be. She's a bit bored staying home all day," she said, separating the laundry.

"Since she's out," he grinned.

"No," she pushes him away. "You need to finish your paperwork; the pile has gotten bigger. And I need to do chores. Now go on to work."

He groaned. "That's unfair."

"Of course," she smiled. "Besides, we can't have sex every day; I think the baby hates all the movement. And my back aches; you left me bruises."

Drake tsk. "You like it rough, and mind I remind you, you kept saying hard-."

She slaps a hand across his mouth. Why must her dearest say such embarrassing things to her?

He licked the palm of her hand.

"Ugh, stop it," she wipes her hand on her dress. "Go."


He can be such a clingy man. Smiling, Tiara got back to doing chores.

Halfway through, the sky darkens a little. Tiara looks out the window. Sebastian should be bringing Salome home.

She jumped at the thunder and went downstairs. Drake was coming out of his office to refill his coffee. "Worry?"

"Yeah, it's going to rain," she sighed. "I'm worried about Salome getting stuck in the rain."

"Don't worry, Sebastian will seek shelter; he won't let our little girl get sick," Drake refills his cup with coffee. "Try not to worry; if the rain worsens, I'll go get them."

Tiara sighed.

She will try not to worry. What's the worst that can happen?

The worst thing happened when Sebastian arrived with Salome soaking wet, dirty, and injured. Salome was unconscious.

"What happened?"

"Frida happened," Sebastian said. "Somehow, she got through the barrier while Salome and I were coming back. She attacked and bit Salome. I got bitten, too. She couldn't do much since two vampires caught up with her, but she fled. I think Frida is conscious of what she's doing."

Drake called Margaret and Dr. William. The house once again became busy. Tiara had to stay away because of her pregnancy.

"If Frida is conscious of her actions, someone is helping her; no way she would be sane after getting infected with rabies," Clay spoke from the video chat. Drake had called an emergency meeting with the alpha's. Tiara is surprised they answer his call.

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