Chapter Nine

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(A:N// Just wanted to say quickly that once again this chapter is dedicated to Creativefreak. Happy Birthday! )

Chapter Nine

Josephine was nervous. The kind of light butterflies you get in your stomach? Not remotely close to what she was feeling at this very moment. She paced around her apartment barefooted, every few paces stopping abruptly and staring at her bed. Well, what was her bed until about five minutes ago, when she threw every piece of clothing she owned onto it. Now it was more like a heap of clothes with pillows. She couldn’t quite understand what it was that got to her about the whole thing. It couldn’t be the mere concept of being alone with him because being with William was like falling in Josephine’s eyes. Could it be the fact that it was more alike a date then a spontaneous decision? It was all quite probable to ponder on but in the end she knew that this was just another way to keep her mind off the fact that she was, in fact, stalling. She stopped at her bed for the umpteenth time only this time determination shone in her emerald eyes.

She arrived at The Eiffel Tower two minutes before noon but William still managed to beat her. He was dressed simply in jean shorts and a t-shirt an appropriate outfit for the abnormal heat Paris was experiencing this March.  She laughed when she saw what the print said on his shirt.

“What?” He questioned.

“You read my t-shirt, that’s enough socialization for one day. How clever. Where did you buy it?”

William paused long enough for her to wonder if he had heard her question. “Um, it was a Christmas gift.” He said quietly. Though his eyes were far away.

“What’s wrong Will?” She asked, concern thick in her voice.

“Oh, nothing. It’s just the thought of…” he coughed. “Christmas.”

She cocked her head to one side. “What’s wrong with–“

“You look really fantastic, did you know?” He interrupted rather abruptly.

José looked down at herself. Her plain old olive toned summer dress was entirely unimpressive in her eyes. How could he think it was fantastic?

“It really brings out your eyes. I like it.” He said quickly, as if he were reading her very crowded mind. “Shall we? I have a lot planned.” He asked after a moment. Sticking out his hand.

She eyed him suspiciously. Deep in his chocolate eyes there was a flicker of something Josephine could see he was trying his very hardest to conceal. She couldn’t quite tell exactly what it was but something about it was… dishonest somehow. But she shrugged it off and took his hand despite herself. She trusted William, if there was something she needed to know, he would have already told her. “What is it exactly that you have planned?”

 “You’ll have to wait and see.”  He chuckled. But then his expression became more serious. “You’re not by any chance… afraid of water are you?”

It was her turn to laugh. “Oh no, not me. I love the water.”

“So you wouldn’t mind if we went on a boat ride in the Saint Martian Canal?”

Josephine gasped. “Really? I’ve never been in the Canal”

William’s eyes grew to the size of small saucers. “You have lived in Paris all of your life! How have you never been in the Canal?”

She shrugged. “My family did more things around Europe than in Parié. I just never got around to it. But hey, we have all of our life don’t we?”

William nodded but an odd expression crossed his face. With the expression she suddenly remembered his Christmas reaction. Before she could pry however, she was standing right by the entrance to the Canal. All thoughts of continuing on her observation flew from her mind with the passing wind. Josephine had always admired the Canal. The water always seemed to have a special glow to it, one that always made her feel like she could do anything, even if it was as ridiculous as flying. Now more than ever, since she found William.

“Deux s'il vous plait.” He said politely, requesting two tickets and paying.

“Voilà, monsieur, votre plaisir de conduire.”

“Merci.” William replied as the tickets were placed into his hand. The two were just a foot away from the man when William whispered into her ear. “What did he say?”

Josephine laughed loudly. “And here I was thinking you knew it all. He said here you are sir, enjoy your ride.”

William nodded as helped her into the medium sized rowboat. As he did Josephine noticed the basket around his left shoulder. “What’s in the basket?” she asked.

William grinned. “Lunch.”

Josephine smiled. “You do realize that you impress me more and more each time I’m with you?”  She watched as he simply smiled in response and climbed in directly across from her.

There were flower petals all around them, as if someone had placed them in just the right way. The birds were chirping all around her as the sun warmed her skin. It was paradise and she loved the thought of being able to do things like this with William everyday, for the rest of her life. She ran her finger through the water leaving a curved line through the petals, which disappeared just as fast as it had appeared. José looked along the sides of the Canal. She could see children playing tag, couples sitting on the edge with their bare toes tickling the surface of the water, and dogs running after various Frisbees. Nothing had to be said in that moment. It was too perfect for words, too perfect to waste. She forced herself to drown in it, to drown in the memory.

“This is incredible Will.” She said after about ten minutes of silence, biting into half of a turkey and cheese sandwich. How did he know it was her absolute favorite food?

“Yes, you are incredible.” He replied, mimicking her action.

José shook her head. “Are you trying to embarrass me?”

William grinned. “Yes. Is it working?”

“No.” She lied with a laugh.

“Ooh. That one hurt José.” He laughed back.

It was like a perfect painting from an art museum. The two of them laughing like idiots in the rowboat. “Do you ever wonder what it will be like?”

“What what will be like?” William asked out the side  of his mouth, in an effort to not allow the cold lemonade to fall out of his mouth.

“Getting old and having grandchildren run around your legs.” She clarified. Only to have her gaping in surprise as William began chocking. “Are you alright?”

William nodded and coughed again. “I just chocked on my lemonade.” He responded.

Josephine eyed him carefully just to make sure he was alright for a moment longer before shrugging and sipping her own lemonade. “Don’t kill yourself Will, it would absolutely suck if you died.” She joked.

She didn’t notice when William didn’t laugh with her.


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