Chapter five part: two

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(A:N//Before I release Part two I want to apologize. I know that you get this a lot, the whole "I'm sorry I'll never leave you hanging this long!" and then they stop updating.

But I am promising NEVER AGAIN. Seriously. Like, if I get grounded again (If you want the whole story see * at the end of the update) I'll like... idk bike to the library. I'm so sorry its been over a week and from now on you'll get an update AT LEAST once a week.

Thank you so much for the comments, I'm telling you if Adieu makes you happy, or if you sit n bed thinking "Now, when is she going to update? I miss William." Or if you just want to make me happy, that's the way to do it. Comment! Also in case you haven't seen my profile page (if not check it out.) I'm trying to get 1,000 reads and I'm almost there! so tell your friends! :)

If your participating in the contest (OMG I'm so excited!) after you're done, (by 6/15/11 if you want it to be officially entered.) make sure to leave a link on my PROFILE.

I'm sorry for the wait and cliffy ,Now here's your update.

Remember to comment and vote!

Chapter five

 When William awoke the next afternoon, it took him a solid minute to remember why he felt so incredibly blissful. 

When he did however he hopped down from the incredibly comfortable bed and did a victory dance.

He suddenly felt like his 13 year old self again, leaping for joy when Chloe Wright agreed to be his date to the school dance. Only this was a thousand times better, because this time, he was in love.

William reflected on his perfect night as he showered and dressed. How could it have been more perfect? There was no way.

"Look how she lights up the sky, My Belle Joséphine." he sang, in the toon of The Princess and the Frog's My Belle Evangeline. José's name fit perfectly into it, just another thing to make him happy. William was the happiest man alive. Nothing could possibly go wrong. Ever.

Thats is until he suddenly could barely breathe. Gasping he fell to his knees and held his throat. As if somehow this could help him breath more properly. 

He felt as if he were breathing through a straw, restricted in the oxygen he needed. 

"Will?" a voice asked hesitantly knocking.

William would sigh in relief but he needed all the oxygen he could get. "Help." he said faintly. That was almost too much for him, so he gasped in as much fresh air as he could muster.

"Will!" she screeched. He could hear her fumbling with the door.

William fell hard onto the hard wooden floor, exhausted. Small white specks bordered his vision and he fought to shove them away. Through the sudden haze William could just make out a loud banging noise, accompanied simultaneously by the sharp shaking of his shoulders. He attempted to say something but it only came out as a sharp gasp. 

"Will, I'm going to help you ok?" 

William glanced up to see a waterfall of chestnut hair, blurred horribly.

"I can't get to a hospital fast enough, but I'm a nurse alright? do you want to stay here?"

"Y-yes." he croaked with another sharp gasp.

He felt something warm on his neck and suddenly remembered something important. "Dez." he said hoarsely and that was it for his oxygen.

William attempted another half-breath but intend it came out as a gurgle. He couldn't breathe  and the white specks quickly overruled everything else. William's head rolled to one side and… he drifted.

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