Chapter Ten

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(A:N//  Once again, dedicated to Creativefreak. Also this is my third update in five days because I won't be updating for about a week because I am going out of town. Ok? Oh and please write a contest entree  by Friday, chances are you'll win!)

Chapter Ten

After José’s fifth remark about life that had bothered him that day, William could take it no longer. “ José I need to tell you something.”

She looked up at him with a large, irresistible smile on her face. How could he change that? “Yeah?”

He swallowed and offered her his hand out of the boat. “It’s just…. Really important that you know something.”

Josephine laughed as she touched dry land. Why oh why was she laughing? “You’re not married are you?”

William sighed, that would have been better than Cancer. “No.”

“Are you an Alcoholic?”

“Of course not!”

“ A spy with a secret mission to kill me?” She laughed lightly as they walked.

“Now that’s just ridiculous.”

She whirled around to face him, touching his face gently. “Then it doesn’t matter to me. Anything that doesn’t dramatically affect our relationship doesn’t matter to me.”

“ No. Josephine. You need to–“

“Honestly Will. What’s the problem?” Her tone had changed into one of slight annoyance and her eyebrows burrowed.

William’s heart was beating so fast that she had to hear it. “I’m dying.” He croaked.

Josephine made no reaction. “What did you say? I couldn’t hear you.”

He took a deep breath and cleared his throat. “I said–I said that I’m dying José.”

Her emerald eyes were filled with confusion. “That’s really not funny you know, the whole lemonade thing–“

“I wish it was a joke. But I’m serious. I have lung cancer and roughly five more months to live.” Was he actually telling her this?

Josephine shook her head in disbelief. “Stop it Will! That’s not funny!” She shouted at him.

William closed his eyes, forcing the tears back into his eyes. “I’m sorry.” He muttered, pulling her into tight hug.

She shoved him away. “No. Get away from me!” She said harshly.


“Who do you think you are? Her voice was stuck in between tears and pure fury. “Running around playing with my heart. Telling me that you love me and then just… Tearing it all away like that?”

William had no words to speak. He could only stare the crying beauty.

“And to think…to think that for once I thought that I had finally found someone. Someone who I truly loved, who loved me too” She let out a half sob, half laugh. “Obviously not.” She turned and began walking away.

“Josephine!” he called after her.

She turned back around toward him, her hair flying around her like a fan. “Just go away Will!” Where her last words before she disappeared into the crowd.

How could it be that just over an hour ago he was melting in happiness with the most beautiful girl in the world, and now he was completely alone and melting in his sorrow? He allowed himself a long look in the direction that she had gone in before he shook his head and walked away.  He kicked the gravel as he walked, not caring that it killed his shoes. It wasn’t quite a pain that he was feeling, more of a pressure, just above his chest. William felt the exact moment when the tears came, and for once, he didn’t attempt to fight them. He just let them come and fall, come and fall, come and fall. He hardly noticed when he found himself at the front door to The Muguet Hotel, he wasn’t going to be noticing anything for a long while. He ignored the bellhop’s warm welcome, just as he ignored it when he opened the door to suite 63 with the now fixed door. He even ignored the familiar feeling of Louie’s soft paws firmly set on his waist. Because right now, all William Smyth wanted to do was forget it all. He wanted to forget that he had the Cancer, The damn disease. He wanted to forget Paris, with the beautiful Eiffel Tower. He wanted to forget the entire world. Because William was hurting, and nothing could change that.

Josephine slammed the door to the apartment so hard that the glass shook. She kicked off her heels roughly, while through the entire room all that could be heard was the sound of her tears. She couldn’t understand why he would do such a thing to her.

 But what really scared her was that, she knew that he was telling the truth. William… was dying. The thought made her slide down the front door slowly a sob with each inch she slid. Why did it all have to hurt so much? And why didn’t he tell her sooner?

But It didn’t matter to her anymore, she no longer loved William Smyth and it would stay like that. No matter how much the other half of he wanted to argue with that simple fact.

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