Chapter Two

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(A:N/// hey everyone! :)

So if you're re-reading, yes, I did switch up the chapters. If you're first reading, then Thanks! I hope you like it.)

Chapter two

William slowly followed the bellhop up the abnormally steep stairs. He didn't examine him too closely for he was too focused on the beauty of the hotel. But he could see, quite clearly actually, that he was (unlike Abel) very short.

The Muguet Hotel remotely resembled a house, yet managed to still be surprisingly elegant.  The walls were a darker shade of tan than the building, while pictures of various randomness mounted on the wall. It was quite nice, along with the comfortable looking furniture.

"Here you are sir, suite 63,” He said, opining the door he had just stopped at.

The moment he did so, William immediately knew his sister had booked the best room in the house.

Room 63 was flooded with incredible light through the large, open windows. Inside was complete with a large flat screen, a medium sized bathroom, and a small safe next to the full sized bed. He wouldn't be overly surprised if there was free wireless Internet connection. William was already gaping before he looked out the window; when he did look however, he stopped breathing.

"That is Hôtel des Invalides, home of Napoleon's Tomb,” he explained, seeing Williams posture.

A large domed building was in perfect view from the window.  Even the sun seemed to recognize it beauty, for it was shining on it in all the right angles. It was truly magnificent.

"Wow. Um...  merci monsieur." he said very faintly when he was able to.

"No problem." he replied with a tip of his hat.

William smiled and was going to tip the bellhop when a familiar set of paws on a hard wood floor sounded from behind him. "Louie!" he cooed, as they were firmly planted on his waist.

"Ah oui. This little guy has been waiting for you, quite impatiently if I may add." He heard him mutter, just as the door shut with a slight Click. Louie didn’t seem to notice; instead he began to lick William's face repeatedly.

"How do you like Paris Louie?" he asked, plopping down on the bed. Only his question was cut short as he began sinking into the bed. As if it were a cloud. He hardly heard Louie’s bark as he sighed and lied back in relaxation. Somehow through the sudden haze he checked his watch. In New York it was just 4:30am. Six hours time difference. He knew he shouldn't but he couldn't seem to help himself. William wanted the sleep. Maybe just he would allow himself just a few moments of resting his eyes. He wouldn’t even drift away...

“Willy! Are you there??” a voice shrieked, tearing him back to consciousness. William let his eyes flutter open slowly. There was hardly any light through the windows now. His eyes fell onto the bedside table, 7:45pm. He groaned. He had, despite his efforts, fallen asleep. Now you’re going be jet lagged, you stupid idiot.  “Just a sec Dez. I’ve just woken up.” He replied groggily through his eternal rant. William sat up quickly, and as he did so he took note of the sleeping Louie at the foot of the bed. Smiling, he hopped of the bed with a muted Thump. He hadn’t even bothered taking off his shoes, when he had fallen asleep, he realized with a shake of his head.

“You went to sleep?” Dez asked as soon as he opened the door.

 “Noo,” He replied sarcastically with a roll of his eyes.

Dez shook her head. “Whatever, come on, we’re going to the Eiffel Tower now.”

William mimicked her motion with his own head. “No thanks, I think I’ll just stay here,” he said with a subtle step backward.  She glared in response and a moment later, he was being dragged toward the stairs. “Hey! What are you doing?” he sputtered out.

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