Chapter 32

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Destiny Winslow bit back the sob that threatened to depart her. "Are you sure?" She asked hoarsely.

The blonde guy-who honestly, looked a bit too young to be a doctor- nodded. "He shouldn't be alive as we speak, it's a miracle, it really is."

Her eyes fluttered closed as he spoke, the first tear of what would be many rolling down her cheek. "Can I see him?"

"Two visitors at a time," he reminded gently, before nodding and retreating down the long hallway.

"I'll be back before nine."

Destiny watched as she swiftly untangled herself from his arms and climbed from the bed.

"I'll be right here, I promise," he replied, smiling slightly.

Jose nodded in response before passing her at the door without another word.

She took a deep breath, pulling in all of the sobs that were threatening to escape. "Hi."

He grinned. "Hey Dezi."

A tear slowly rolled down her cheek and onto her lips without her permission. "How do you feel?"

William shrugged. "Hand me that notebook, would you?"

She nodded, picking up leather bound book as she walked to him. "I'm scared Will, really I am."

"What's there to be scared about? Thanks." he questioned, taking it.

"You," she explained, sitting down beside him. "You dying."

He gave her the strangest of looks for a moment before writing something. "Death is simply another adventure, it's nothing to fear, it really isn't."

Her dark ponytail shook back and forth. "I love you Willy. I can't imagine life without you."

"You can't imagine anything until it happens," he said quietly, not looking up from whatever he was writing. "You're smart, beautiful, kind, and downright brilliant. You don't need me around to continue that; I promise you, you'll be just fine."

"I don't know," she admitted, another tear escaping. Damn them, those stupid tears. "It stinks, me knowing and all. Sometimes I wonder-"

"Would you rather I just... Died randomly? Without you having a chance to talk to me?"

Destiny shook her head once more. "No! I-I just-"

"It reminds you of Dad, doesn't it," he said gently, his chocolate eyes finally meeting her own.

His words demolished her resolve, causing the floodgate of tears to pry open. Everything she'd been holding back for the past four months came pouring out. She cried for her brothers death, how he would never see his child, she cried for Jose, who would never have an anniversary, she cried for her father, who had passed when she was only ten years old; she let it all out in that moment, with no limitations. She was sick of being the strong one, sick of hiding the fact that she was burning inside, hiding that everytime she saw him she wanted to scream out "No! You are my brother, you cannot leave me!", she was so sick of holding It inside; so she didn't.

"Destiny," he murmured, taking her hand. "I know it's hard, and I know you're upset, but please. Don't cry, It makes me miserable when you do that. I'm not in pain, I'm not afraid, and I'm still alive."

She nodded, although the waterfall refused to cease.

William looked into her eyes for another long moment before smiling slightly. "Do you remember John?"

Destiny chuckled, nearly choking herself. "You mean, the one you nearly killed?"

"He wouldn't stop looking at you weirdly! I swear all he wanted-"

"We've been over it already, thank you," she laughed, her frown flipping upside down instantly. "What about him?"

"Nothing," he replied, writing once more. "I just wanted to make you smile."

Her smile grew two feet. "Thank you."

"It makes me miserable when you cry," he reminded her, not looking up.

Destiny sighed, curiosity getting the best of her. "What is it that your writing anyway?"

"I'm not sure... That you'd want to know," he replied quietly, setting the pen down.

"Please?" She begged. "I wont get upset, even if it's about me."

William paused long enough for her to suspect that he wouldn't answer before glancing up at her. "I'm writing a letter. A letter to my son."

Her eyes grew to the size of small saucers. "Y-you are?"

He nodded. "I figured he should know how much I love him."

Destiny bit her lip, refusing to get too emotional. "Thats... That's wonderful," she whispered.

"I figured that he'll open it when he's around four, just old enough to understand."

She nodded. "But what if it isn't a boy?"

William rolled his eyes, his lips raising at one corner. "Why is it that no one believes me? He's a boy, I'd bet my life on it."

"Because everyone knows that it's only coincidence that every first child has been a boy so far, you included," she insisted, resisting the urge to wince at his choice of words.

"Maybe," he agreed. "But I know, my wife is carrying my son; I swear."

Destiny shook her head. "Sure."

(A:N/// Again so sorry for the late update, I don't know what my brain was thinking. Anyway, the make-up chapter will be posted later (I still need to write it lol.) Thanks for reading! I've calculated that the reads go up by over 100 every two days, which is epic :) I'll be hitting 3,000 soon and that will be a cause of celebration for anyone reading as well as me ;) heads up.)

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