Chapter 27

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Ramiel and Hans sat opposite the woman in a sitting room, the appliances in the sitting room looked outdated but the house was cozy. The woman had served them a cup of tea, the way she kept clearing her throat continuously, it seemed like she had a lot to say probably she was wondering where to start the conversation. Ramiel and Hans sat patiently waiting for her to start her speech.

"The man you are looking for, John Yates was my neighbor, we moved into this neighborhood the same day, it was a coincidence. Because of that, we were really close, almost like family friends, we shared everything even secrets. One day while I was in the kitchen, Mrs Freddie Yates came to me, she is the wife of Mr John Yates, the way she looked I knew something was wrong, I ushered her in........" the woman was saying but then suddenly coughed, she picked the glass of water on the table in their middle and sipped from it slowly. Ramiel and Hans pitied her, she looked sick and old, it also seemed like she was the only one living in this house, Hans especially wondered where her family was "......when I asked her what was wrong, she was hesitant to say anything but when I urged her, she told me that she was suspicious of her husband, she said she had a strong feeling that he was part of a secret cult. I asked her why she felt that way, she said he barely slept at home and when he returned in the morning he was somehow covered in bruises, she barely listened to his calls and when she walks in on him making a phone call, he would be talking in whispers about things she never really understood, he would end the call immediately he noticed her presence, she asked him countless times but he would wave the topic off. She left my house that day troubled, worried and......scared. Later I found out why she was afraid" the woman said

Hans and Ramiel listened carefully, this information was really important, it was all making sense now, they were on the right track of this investigation. This aged woman couldn't be telling them lies, they just wanted to know how John Yates death connected to the deaths of noble men.

"Two weeks later, at night, I heard voices, loud voices, screams and tears, I was scared so I shut my door tight, I thought they were robbers, I went to my window, I could see the Yates house from mine, I saw some men outside, they wore black and masks. I was panicked so I called the cops while on the call, I heard a gunshot and then Mrs Yates screamed and soon I didn't hear her voice again. Before the cops arrived, I saw a man elope with their daughter and the other men followed him......" the woman said.

"They had a daughter?" Ramiel asked shocked, why didn't she mention they had a daughter from the beginning?

"Yes they did. A young beautiful baby girl, she was a year then, her name............ I can't clearly remember now" the woman replied and they nodded. Of course she was old, she would definitely forget some important details, they just hoped whatever she was forgetting wouldn't affect their investigation.

"When they eloped with their child, what happened?" Hans asked.

"The cops arrived, I followed them to check out the Yates family but they were dead already by the time we got there" the woman finished.

Ramiel turned to Hans, his eyes clearly asking him what he was going to make out from this woman's story. She didn't mention anything of importance, her story didn't relate to what Ramiel wanted to hear.

Hans cleared his throat "noble men are dying in my city and their deaths are mysterious. They all had a kind of eagle tattoo on their backs, after my findings, they were part of a secret cult, the fly high mafians and it seemed like Mr John Yates used to be part of these cult before he died. He was murdered but we want to find out who killed him and why his death is related to the mysterious killings" he said.

"As for the eagle tattoo you spoke about, I have seen the tattoo twice, once on John Yates back but I can't remember where I saw the second tattoo and yes, I saw a letter few days after the death of John Yates and his wife" the woman said. Ramiel looked frustrated that she was finding it hard to recall most of the incidents but he wouldn't blame her, it had been years and she was old.

"What letter? What did the letter contain?" Hans asked.

"A message to me to protect their daughter, in the letter he warned me to keep her away from a man named Eliot Scott" the woman said.

"But you don't know where the child is" Ramiel said.

"I don't and that is why I need your help too, to find her" the woman said.

"Who is Eliot Scott?" Hans asked.

"I don't know him personally but I could remember that he was close to the Yates family for sometime" the woman said.

"Why would Mr Yates warn you to protect his daughter from a man he was close to?" Ramiel asked.

"I don't know. He only said he was a bad man and to keep his daughter safe from the bad man" the woman told him "......I failed him, I couldn't protect their child" she said.

"It's not your fault. You were locked in your house while his daughter was kidnapped, you were not aware of what was going to happen" Hans consoled.

"I need your help to find her, I am quite old now so I may not really be able to find her. I have a strong feeling that all is not well with her, she is in the hands of the bad guys, the wrong hands" the woman said sadly.

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