Chapter 41

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Getting home that day, Ramiel was bothered, he was so worried, he just didn't want to believe that the necklace in his arms, the silver necklace in his arms was Camilla's.

Camilla was with Nyx tonight, she wouldn't come to see him until tomorrow and he couldn't call to ask her about the necklace he had given her, it would sound like he was interrogating her as a suspect, he didn't know why he didn't have the courage to call and ask her about the necklace he had bought for her.

Ramiel didn't know what he was expecting as an answer from Camilla, what would be his reaction when she says the necklace was hers?

He would definitely freak out, he could never guess she was an assassin, she looked too calm to be a murderer, a killer.

Could Camilla be related to the assassin or could she be the assassin?

Ramiel shivered, he was so curious to know, he breathed out loudly and collapsed on the bed, he was so curious, he was running mad, there was so many thoughts on his mind, thoughts that were making him crazy.

His phone rang, checking the caller identification, it was Hans.

"Hans" Ramiel called placing the phone close to his ears, his whole body shook, he didn't know why he was having this reactions.

"What's up man? Have you been able to sort out with the necklace? Is it Camilla's?" Hans asked. Just like Ramiel, Hans desperately wanted to know if the necklace belonged to Camilla.

"I've not been able to ask her" Ramiel said.

"Why? So much thoughts have been going through my mind since you said the necklace looks like Camilla's and now you are saying you have not been able to ask her?" Hans asked.

"I haven't had the courage to" Ramiel said.

"You need to have the courage to ask her, you may not really know she might not be the owner of the necklace, you may just be exaggerating or it is a look alike" Hans said.

"I don't know why I just have this gut feeling about this necklace, it is making it so difficult for me to sleep. I just feel so sure that this belongs to Camilla, I bought it for her myself" Ramiel said.

Hans sighed "you are so sure huh? What will you do if you find out that Camilla is the owner of the necklace?" He asked.

"I don't know what to do, I haven't thought about that, how I would react to her answer being positive? I don't know what I would do after finding out that the one person I cherish in this world is an assassin, Camilla being the assassin never really occurred to me" Ramiel said.

"Though at first, I told you there was something off about her" Hans said.

"Did the idea of Camilla being an assassin pop into your head?" Ramiel asked.

"Not really.....but everything about her seemed off so I wouldn't be surprised if she turned out to be an assassin" Hans spoke.

"You are not helping" Ramiel reprimanded.

"I am right Ramiel, this could actually be a sign, she disappeared on you the last time remember, it took you months to find her, you never really know much about you basically nothing, no information about her family, her previous life or even her job" Hans said.

Ramiel was silent.

"I just didn't want to say anything about this but you were so in love with her, but now you should face reality. Remember Mrs Daniels message, Mr and Mrs John Yates had a daughter, who knows Camilla could be their daughter" Hans said.

"You mean Camilla is an assassin?" Ramiel asked, he was still shocked from the whole information.

"There is only one way to find out. She might actually be the person we have been looking for and to think that she was so close to us but yet we didn't suspect her, though I suspected something off about her, I didn't think it will be this secretive" Hans said and Ramiel sighed.

"I should call her then" Ramiel said.

"You should but first what will you do if she is actually an assassin?" Hans asked.

"I'm not turning her in" Ramiel suspected what Hans was insinuating, he wanted him to turn Camilla in to the authorities, he couldn't do that, he will find a way out of all this without exposing her. This was a woman he loves for Christ's sake.

"So what are you going to do? Hide a criminal?" Hans asked.

"Camilla is not a criminal. I don't believe she did it, she might actually be framed" Ramiel defended.

Hans sighed "seriously man? Are you saying all this because she is the woman you love?" He asked.

"Call it whatever you like" Ramiel replied.

"I can't believe I will say this but if you don't turn her in, then I might actually get the cops involved, we can't hide a criminal" Hans said.

Ramiel was shocked at Hans' statement "Hans" he called out shocked.

"I might just have to help you, people are dying Ramiel, use your brains not your heart, we can't hide and cover up a criminal, we might be the next target okay. I am doing this for our good, it is for us and the lives of those innocent people out there who are living in fear, fear of being murdered in their homes" Hans said and hung up.

Ramiel was shocked, he couldn't utter a word, he had even forgotten how to breath, he was so confused right now, he had never been these confused in his life, he couldn't think anymore, he had ran out of ideas.

The woman he loves was turning out to be a criminal, an assassin.

His best friend was about to betray him.

His best friend was about to take the love of his life away from him.

Ramiel breathed in countless times, he didn't know what to do, how to act, he didn't know the next step to take, he just lay on his bed confused. His world was about to crumble right before his eyes.

What was he going to do now?

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