Chapter 31

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Ramiel sat in the bar waiting patiently for someone who was obviously Camilla, he had been sitting in that same position for two hours, he had taken so much alcohol that he was now drunk, he reeked of whiskey. His focus was on the exit door of the bar, he had decided to spend the night in the bar until he meets with Camilla. He noticed he was so drunk because he was now talking out of points, saying unnecessary things and even laughing to things that weren't funny.

Finally, the exit bar door opened and revealed Camilla's figure walking in, Ramiel was too drunk for his brain to calculate that the person who just walked in was the person he had been waiting for. Camilla sighted him sitting at the bar stand drinking and laughing, she took in two deep breaths before walking to the bar stand, she tried to gain as much confidence as possible.

Ramiel turned to Camilla who was steadily walking to him, he smiled brightly, he was so excited to see her, he knew she would come, he was so grateful she did, he burst into a joyful laughter, he didn't know why he was laughing but now he was not in control of his emotions anymore. He couldn't believe that the person standing in front of him was Camilla, the woman he loves.

Camilla stopped in front of him when he started laughing, he reeked of alcohol, just how much did he drink, she smiled as she stared at the one person she had yearned to see, she was so happy that she was standing in front of the one man she loved, how she had wished for this day to come. Though he looked haggard and drunk, he was still as handsome as she could remember.

Ramiel got up from his chair and hugged her tightly "I missed you" he said, his voice shaking, he had really missed her, he wished he could hug her everyday, he wished he could see her and just tell how much he missed her.

Camilla hugged him back.

"Please be real" Ramiel said and looked at her face, he wanted to be sure he was with Camilla, he wanted to be sure that he wasn't seeing things.

"I am real" Camilla replied and he hugged her again. The fact that he was drunk didn't help him control his emotions.

"I've longed for this day since you left, I've always wished for this moment. I pretended to be okay but.....deep down I wasn't" Ramiel said

Camilla smiled, she was glad to know she wasn't the only one who felt lonely. She noticed they were drawing attentions to themselves so she said "let's leave here, then we can talk"

Ramiel nodded childishly and followed Camilla out of the bar, they got to where he packed his car. Camilla took the driver's seat because she knew Ramiel wouldn't be able to drive in this state.

Ramiel told her his hotel name and room number, she drove them there. She ordered ginger tea when they got to his room.

Ramiel laid on the bed on the bed after puking for the fifth time, Camilla wondered why he drank so much, the Ramiel she knew wouldn't take alcohol, he wouldn't get drunk, she wondered if he did that because of her. Her absence in his life really affected him a lot, she really hurt him, she hurt him so bad.

"Please don't leave me" Ramiel begged in his sleep. He shivered under the covers, she knew he was having a bad dream, Camilla felt so bad. She walked to the bed and slipped under the covers and cuddled him. She was already tearing up, she really didn't mean to leave Ramiel in this state, she even thought he had moved on by now, it's been months.

"I won't leave you again, I promise" Camilla said, she was already sobbing from guilt.

Ramiel opened his eyes slowly to stare at her, he wasn't shivering again, he was not dreaming again, he was drunk but conscious and he had heard her promise and her sobs, he wiped the tears that flowed freely on her cheeks and leaned forward to kiss her on her lips.

Camilla was shocked but didn't resist him, she didn't push him away instead she gave him more passage for him to deepen the kiss. Ramiel wrapped her in his arms under the covers as he kissed her deeply, her cheeks still wet with tears.

"I missed you so much" Ramiel said when he broke the kiss, he stared into her eyes, she was the woman he loved, the one person who had completely stolen his heart. He had really missed her, words were not enough to describe how much he had missed her, he wished so much for this day to come, he still couldn't believe that she was actually his arms.

"I missed you more Ramiel, I am sorry I left you shattered, I am sorry I broke your heart, I am..........." Camilla sobbed as she apologized.

"Shhhhhh....... I forgive you. I love you" Ramiel said.

Camilla was shocked, he had never told her he loved her before, love was a really strong word and he just said it so casually, this was the first time he would tell her that he loved her, she didn't have a reply to give him.

Did she love him?

She didn't know, she only knew that she didn't want to lose him and what they had.

Ramiel chuckled.

She stared at him surprisingly "why are you laughing?" She asked

"Because of your expression you look like a ghost" he replied still chuckling.

She smiled "you never really said you love me before" she said

"I never thought I would lose you. I feel it's best you know of my intentions towards. I really care about you" he said and Camilla smiled, she kissed him briefly on the lips.

"I love you too" she said and Ramiel smiled, he got on top of her using one hand to support his weight so he doesn't crush her and kissed her slowly. Camilla responded to his kiss.

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