Chapter 42

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"So?" Nyx asked Camilla who just walked out from the restroom to the bedroom with a pregnancy test kit in her hand.

Camilla wore a short pink dress as she stared at the kit in her hand, Nyx kept staring at her seriously.

Camilla had been feeling really off since one week, she had nausea, loss of appetite and sometimes she was feeling dizzy, she bloated really often and her boobs had increased in size a bit. She also noticed she had been urinating often and she had missed her period.

"So?" Nyx asked again when she didn't reply, all she had was a smile on her face and Nyx was too curious to read her facial expressions.

"It's positive" Camilla said.

Nyx screamed loudly jumping on the bed, she kept singing she was going to be an auntie.

"I can't believe this. Are you for real? You are actually pregnant? A baby is growing inside you?" Nyx asked jumping down from the bed and standing in front of her holding her hand happily.

"I guess I am actually pregnant" Camilla replied smiling.

Nyx hugged her cheerfully "this is good news. I am going to be an aunty, we are expecting a baby" she sang.

"Calm down, why do you look more excited than I am? It's just a baby, why are you overwhelmed?" Camilla asked smiling and sitting on the bed.

"I am, it's good news, do you know what it means to actually be expecting a baby, it is really good news" Nyx said.

"It is" Camilla sat on the bed "but....." she was saying.

"But what?" Nyx asked.

"You know I can't keep the baby" Camilla said.

"Why? Why can't you keep the baby? You don't want a baby?" Nyx asked.

"It's not as if I don't want a baby, I've always wanted one but have you forgotten that I am an assassin remember, I can't be flying fences with a protruding tummy, it will be even more dangerous for me and......" Camilla said.

"So what? You want to abort?" Nyx asked seriously.

Camilla looked at her sadly "what if boss finds out about this? I am ready breaking one rule by being with Ramiel, I can't break another rule by keeping this baby, it's going to be really dangerous, I could get killed" she said.

"Don't give me that face. You must be joking, how can you even think of doing such? How do you want Ramiel to feel after finding out you aborted his first child" Nyx said

"I am not going to tell him and neither should you, he shouldn't find out about this" Camilla said.

"What the hell do you think you are about to do Camilla? Do you think this is a good idea?" Nyx asked

"But I can't keep it" Camilla says

"And who said you can't?" Nyx asked seriously.

"What if boss finds out about this? Remember what happened the first time? We almost lost our lives" Camilla complained.

"I know this is dangerous, I understand your fears but aborting the child isn't the best of options, it is also dangerous because your life is involved, what if you lose your life along the line? I won't be able to forgive myself if anything happened to you" Nyx said

"What do I do Nyx?" Camilla sobbed

Nyx hugged her "if you ask me, I say you keep the child. Children are blessings from God, he sent you a blessing, you can't be sending that blessing back to him, you can't be telling him that you refuse his blessings" she said.

"Nyx my life is so messed up" Camilla sobbed.

"Your life isn't messed up. We would fix this, you have always wanted out, this might just be your chance" Nyx said.

Camilla sobbed.

"Look at me" Nyx placed her two hands on her shoulders "do you really want this baby?" She asked when Camilla looked her in the eyes.

"Yes" Camilla nodded.

"Then you will disappear" Nyx said.

"Disappear?" Camilla looked eyes wide open at her.

"Yes. You will leave this country to a strange country, you will lay low, you will leave with Ramiel, live a happy life, raise your baby, you would live like you never lived this life" Nyx said.

"What?" Camilla asked.

"Look at me, this is the best option for you, abortion is not an option for you. Disappear and live a happy life with Ramiel and your baby" Nyx said

"Then what happens to you?" Camilla asked.

"I will be fine" Nyx replied

Camilla looked worried at her.

"I will be fine as long as you are safe. Lay low and make sure you are in a safe country, somewhere boss can never find you" Nyx said.

Camilla sobbed more, she didn't know what she did to deserve Nyx. She hugged Nyx

"Thank you for all you do for me Nyx, I never really know how to pay you, you are so kind to me, you are more than a sister" Camilla sobbed.

"Your happiness and safety is important to me, I care about you" Nyx hugged her "you leave by weekend, it is enough time to get you a ticket and accommodation. Update me about the baby" she said.

"I will update you of all its developments, I promise" Camilla said.

Camilla's phone rang, she picked the call, it was Ramiel.

"Hey babe" Camilla answered cheerfully "I have something to tell you" she said before Ramiel could say anything.

"I have something to ask you too. Are you with Nyx?" Ramiel asked.

"Yes" Camilla replied.

"I am coming to get you" Ramiel said and grabbed his keys.

Camilla hung up and nodded at Nyx "he is on his way, he said he had something to ask me" she told her.

Nyx smiled "I know he will be really excited when he gets the news about his baby"

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