Chapter 29

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Ramiel watched as Hans packed up his bags, Hans will be leaving back to the city today while Ramiel had decided that he wouldn't leave the town until he met with Camilla, seeing her twice now meant she lived around and he placed it upon himself to find her. He had been so troubled, he really wanted to see her, they had a lot to talk about.

He was so heartbroken last night, he couldn't sleep, his heart was troubled, he wondered why Camilla avoided him, she ran away from him, why? At this point there was so many whys, he had so many whys, he wanted so many explanations, for everything. His life was now pretty fucked up, he was messed up. This was a really difficult stage for his life, his love life and career was confusing him, making it so hard for him to determine his next step to take. Everything was crashing around him, he thought he had control over his life but now he knew better.

"You sure you don't want to go back with me?" Hans asked folding his clothes into the luggage in front of him. Ramiel laid on the bed staring at the ceiling, his head clouded with so many thoughts. He really needed to see Camilla and he wouldn't leave the town until he sees her.

"I really need to find Camilla Hans" Ramiel spoke, he really needed to find her, his life hadn't been the same since she left his life, he was pretending to be okay but deep down, he knew he wasn't, he was sad, he felt empty, something was missing in his life and that something was Camilla, she was missing from his life and due to that he had lost his glow and smile. He was now different, he was no longer jovial, he was always sad.

"I thought you got over her but now it seems like you didn't" Hans spoke staring at his friend on the bed who looked so confused, he wished Ramiel wouldn't have to go through all these pain, it was just too much for him.

"I really thought I did but now....... I doubt. Seeing Camilla yesterday resurfaced all the buried emotions" Ramiel spoke sadly.

Hans sighed "Camilla doesn't look like who wants to be found, she ran off as soon as she saw you, she doesn't want to see you, I really don't mean to hurt your feelings but I think you should read the handwriting on the wall" he said.

"I love her Hans, she really means everything to me" Ramiel said turning to face his friend, he looked seriously at Hans.

"I know you do. But you are going to be hurt all over again" Hans said.

"I just want to know why she left. She didn't state her reason for leaving" Ramiel told him.

"Are you sure you are ready for the truth?" Hans asked.

"What truth?" Ramiel asked.

"The reason why she left of course, what if her reasons for leaving hurts you?" Hans asked.

"It will be easier for me to move on" Ramiel said.

"I really wish you wouldn't have to go through all these" Hans spoke

"I wish so myself too" Ramiel said.

Hans sighed and zipped up his luggage, Ramiel escorted Hans out to the cab that will be taking him to the airport.

"Be safe" Hans said

"I will. Let me know as soon as alight" Ramiel said

"I will, don't forget the wedding. You need to be back before the bachelorette party, we still have a lot of planning to do, you are my best man and the chairman of the occasion so don't forget my wedding" Hans said

Ramiel laughed "how can I forget my best friend's wedding. C'mon I will definitely be there" he said

"Don't forget to keep me updated about Camilla and your recent developments" Hans said

Ramiel laughed "enough please, you are acting like a father who is about to send off his child for school. I will be fine. I can deal with Camilla, I will also let you know of any developments. Take care and send my regards to Kimberly" he said

"Okay" Hans reply and got into the car

"Off you go" Ramiel said before Hans shut the door and chauffeur drove off.

Ramiel sighed and walked back into the hotel and straight to his room. He collapsed on his bed and sighed before drifting off to slumber.

Ramiel was chasing after someone, he identified the person as Camilla, he was chasing after her in a busy path, he realized that the closer he got to her, the further away she became. He was scared for her because everywhere was getting dark, he kept yelling her name and begging her to slow down but she wouldn't listen.

Finally he ran to an end point, the ground separated, it was like a cliff that was stopping him from running further, opposite him at the far end of the cliff stood Camilla

He begged her to come to him, he begged her to find him and be with him but Camilla ignored him and before turning her back at him, she said 'stay away from me'

He kept screaming out her name but she was no where to be found, he screamed loudly before jolting awake.

It was a dream

He breathed out relieved. He sat up on the bed and checked the time on his phone, it was past 6pm, he needed to visit the bar, he needed to find Camilla, his guts told him she wouldn't return to the bar but he just wanted to try his luck to see if maybe she would change her mind and she would want to see him.

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