shattered dream

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A complete dark room, a girl is sleeping on her bed. Lightning outside. The girl starts to scratch her bed and moves her head left and right repeatedly.

La Grave is a small village located in the French Alps, known for its stunning natural beauty and world-class skiing and mountaineering opportunities. It is situated in the Hautes-Alpes department, near the Massif des Écrins mountain range.

The village itself has a population of only a few hundred people but attracts many visitors.

There lives a family of three people: father, 36-year-old Marcel Proust; mother, 33-year-old Alice Camus; and daughter, 10-year-old Helene Proust. Helene is gifted with beautiful, shiny red hair and deep blue eyes, which distinguish her from others. She is a very smart, kind, and cheerful girl.

On October 19, 2040, Helene was reading a book near a small pond under a tree. Birds were flying over her head.

Alice: "Helene, where are you?"
Helene: "Sorry, Mom, I am coming."
Alice: "You should come quickly, or breakfast will get cold."
Helene: "Sorry, Mom. I was reading a book."
Alice: "Again? I told you not to read your father's book. You are not ready yet. Just 10 years old and reading crime books."
Marcel: "What happened?"
Alice: "You should watch your books. Look, she is reading them at such a young age."
Helene & Marcel: "Sorry."
Alice: "OK. Finish your breakfast."

Martin works as a servant in the house.

Marcel: "It is a beautiful morning, isn't it, Martin?"
Time: 8:30 am.
Martin: "Yes, sir."

Martin was closing the door of the closet. After that, he brought the delivery box that was in the foyer.

Martin, on his way, meets Helene who is holding a book.
Helene: Good morning, Mr. Martin.
Martin doesn't reply back; instead, he looks unsatisfied after seeing Helene.
Martin: Are you reading those books again?
Helene: It's just—
Martin: Why are you doing this? You know when you grow up, the only thing you will do is cook food and look after your family. Aside from that, you are only a hindrance. You can't even save anyone when they are in need.
Helene: Mr. Martin, why are you always so mean to me?
Martin: Because I don't like you.
After saying that, he went on his way.
Helene felt really bad but hid it deep inside her.

8:45 am: Alice asks Martin about the complete white vase.
Martin: "I don't know."
Alice: "Are you sure? You are the only person who came in the morning."
Martin: "But I don't know about the vase. I promise."

After a little bit of searching, Martin found the broken white vase behind the closet. Alice politely asked if he was the one who did it and was acting so that no one would suspect him.

While Martin and Alice were discussing Chloe (neighbour) came to Alice's home to ask for some flowers.
Chloe: what happened Alice?
Alice: someone broke my vase.
Chloe then saw Martin's face ,
Chloe: the same thing happened in my home as well, when I asked my servant she said " the cat did that". But later we found that it was her who did it .
Martin: Mrs Chloe indirectly you are making me sound like the culprit.
Chloe: who knows maybe you are . After all why will a thief reveal himself.
That really hurt Martin's feelings but he was unable to answer back.
Alice: Mrs Chloe that's enough, we don't have proof. You can't blame any innocent for that.

Chloe: I was just giving my advice. Maybe in the future, you will know its value.
After saying that, she left.
Martin tried hard to prove his innocence.

After hearing the shouting, Helene came and saw the broken white vase with red stains.

Helene: "Mom, is something going to be delivered today again?"
Alice: "Yes, your father's books around 10 am."
Helene: "Ask them to wait until 10 am."

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