"Two Little Birds in a Storm"

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In 2040, on October 23rd, at 9:00 am, we find ourselves at La Grave's church. Inside, a little girl sits alone, crying. She is none other than Helene, reminiscing about the sweet times she spent with Elise. Completely broken after losing her aunt and uncle, she is consumed by grief. Outside the church, another little girl watches her. Her name is Eloise, also ten years old. Both Eloise and Helene attend the same school and share the same hobbies, such as reading storybooks. They are best friends. However, Helene is currently uninterested in anything besides crying. After observing for Some time from the door, Eloise decides to approach and sit next to Helene. Helene doesn't even notice her presence until Eloise speaks.
Eloise: Didn't I tell you that my uncle is a marine biologist? His group went to study the warm temperate water zone. After putting on his gear, he was the first one to leave the boat. Other people on the boat were getting ready at that time. Little did he know that during the dive, he got a small scratch on his leg. After diving, he went to study the organisms in that area. While he was studying, he noticed something big and fast approaching him! When he realized what it was, it was too late, A giant tiger shark was coming toward him at full speed. He panicked and started swimming away. He couldn't understand why the shark was suddenly chasing him. The shark quickly closed the distance between them and opened its mouth. My uncle tried to move to the right to avoid the bite, but he lost one of his legs. Then he lost his balance and collided with a rock. He saw the shark slowly approaching him again. He couldn't swim away, losing too much blood and unable to ask for help because the boat was too far away. The shark then opened its mouth and swallowed my uncle's head."

When he opened his eyes after some time, he found himself under the bed. The first thing he noticed was his wife holding an empty cup, with cold water drops dripping from it. Then he realized that his holiday had already started and he was at home. It was just a nightmare, and he had been screaming at the top of his lungs, so his wife woke him up with cold water. After hearing that, Helene smiled a bit.
Eloise: Don't cry like that. What do you think your aunt would feel watching you cry like that? She always stayed by your side. Whenever she returned from work, you were the first one she visited. You remember the times she used to tell stories to you. She is the reason you developed a liking for books. You know, Helene, what I think? She always wanted you to be happy. So, don't cry. I know this is a tough time, SO please stay strong."

"Have you had your breakfast?" Helene said yes, but her stomach growled after that, and her face turned red. Then Eloise gave her Some toffees that she had brought for Helene. She held Helene's hand and took her to her home. Outside the church, there was a large black coffin leaning against the church wall. It was empty and open. Next to the coffin, there was a hole the same size as the coffin. When they arrived outside the church, Helene accidentally pushed the coffin, which fell to the ground. When the father asked, "Who did it?"

Eloise: l am sorry, my hand just accidentally touched it.

Father: OK, be careful on your way.

Helene was completely shocked. When Helene tried to tell the truth, Eloise blocked her mouth and took her straight to her home. Eloise's mom had already told Helene's mom that Helene would spend some time at her home, sO not to Worry about anything.

On their way to Eloise's home, they heard some villagers talking behind their backs.

Two women were speaking slowly.

First woman: "Hey, did you know Elise died? According to the news, it was a murder."

Second woman: "I knew she was going to get murdered someday. There's no way a woman like her could become a world-renowned scientist."

First woman: "I heard that she had stolen someone else's project to become popular."

Second woman: "What a shame."

After hearing that, Helene felt really bad but didn't find the courage to answer back. The women were not the only ones talking; two old men were also speaking.

First old man: "I am happy she died."

Second old man: "She was ruining our village's reputation."

The villagers passing by them also looked at Helene like she was some kind of thief.

Eloise shouted loudly, "Look at you people talking like some big shots. You are nothing more than dead men talking, doubting your own villager's talent. Calling a Nobel laureate a thief, saying a girl like that can't achieve something on her own. This is jealousy at its peak. I feel bad for your craniums. They are not protecting your brains because you people don't have any. They are just stopping your rotten ideas from leaking outside and polluting the environment. I recommend you get a life."

Helene stopped her and said, "Enough."

All the people who were talking gibberish went on their way.

One woman muttered, "Kids these days don't know manners."

When both of them arrived at Eloise's home, her mom told them to wash their hands and wait. After Some time, she served them "pain perdu" and "jus de fruit." After they finished their food, both of them requested a story from Eloise's mom. Then she told them a story.

Once upon a time, there was a king who had a minister known for his high intelligence and cunning nature. Everyone else working in the kingdom was jealous of the minister. He also solved problems for the people. One time, he came across a very interesting case. Two merchants came to him to register complaints against each other. Merchant B told the minister that he had lent some money to Merchant A for his business, but when the time came to return the money, Merchant

A refused to pay it back. Merchant B said, "No, sir, he is lying. He is just jealous that I am growing quickly. So he wants me to perish." The minister was unable to determine who was lying and who was telling the truth, So he sent both of them away and said that he would solve the problem

in two days. After they went home, he called two soldiers and asked them to disguise themselves as civilians and gather information about A and B from the town. They returned from town and told him that Merchant B was respected by everyone, while Merchant A was not well-regarded. After hearing that, he came up with an idea to find out the truth. He put two gold coins inside a new dress and told both soldiers to sell those dresses at the lowest price to both merchants. After the soldiers sold those dresses, the minister found out who was right and who was Wrong.

Then Eloise's mom asked both of them who was right and who was wrong, and Helene quickly

answered. Both Eloise and her mom smiled because they knew she was smart. After hearing the story, both of them went outside to play. Helene's mood improved a little, and she remembered the last

conversation between her and her


That night, when everyone was about to sleep, we saw a large number of vehicles surrounding the entire village, with all the people equipped with heavy weapons.

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