Descent into the darkness

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When Kathy was planning to take Hans to his room, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her neck. She then dropped Hans on the ground again. She began to lose strength and her voice, feeling as weak as Hans. When Kathy turned around, she saw that it was none other than ...

**Unknown Person**: You're late.

**Person B**: No, I was not. I arrived at the perfect time.

**Kathy**: But how? All signals were jammed.

**Person B**: It's quite simple. Our signal jammers interfere with radio waves but emit an infrared wave. When the CCTV and all signals were jammed, I received my signal that it had started. When my signal jammer turned red, I knew it was time to act. I came directly to the kitchen and hid behind the stage curtain. Then you arrived. After you saw the dead bodies, instead of inspecting them, you decided to find Hans. You came straight to the CCTV blind spot because you thought that was where you'd find him. After that, I followed you, but you didn't notice me. You were too focused on saving Hans. Don't worry, the bullets used are not meant to kill. They are designed to paralyze the prey, causing minimal bleeding and, yes, inducing a lot of pain.

The unknown person asked Kathy, "Why do you think Hans is still alive?"

Kathy was confused and remained silent, more concerned about Hans than about answering questions.

**Unknown Person**: Let me tell you why. Because we knew you were coming to help him. We waited for both of you to arrive and reveal all your cards.

**Person B**: And you did exactly what we wanted. You've played all your cards. You two are the only threats here. Now, there's no one left who can even read our moves.

**Kathy**: Why? Why are you doing this? Is it for revenge? Please, stop. Can't you see that the survivors have left the past behind? They've moved on. As survivors, we should ensure that such tragedies never happen again. We know the pain and despair. As human beings, don't you think we should prevent others from going through the hell we endured? For me, that's what evolution and growth are about. It's better to suffer ourselves than to let others suffer. Those who died in the war, do you really want their sacrifices to be in vain? I shouldn't call it a sacrifice, but as scientists, we know the truth. We lost our parents, families, friends, and homes, but look how far we've come in the last five years. The people who caused the war are criminals. We can't forgive them, but do you think they will be remembered as villains in the future?

**Person B**: What do you mean?

**Kathy**: Answer me, Celine. What do you think of the people who developed anesthetics, improved neurosurgery, and bone surgery?

**Person B**: I want to thank them. If you're asking me, they are the real heroes for us medical students.

Kathy laughed.

**Person B**: Why are you laughing?

**Kathy**: Thanks to those war crimes in WWII, we are as advanced as we are. You may change your mind after hearing this, but deep down, we all know it's thanks to their contributions that some people are walking with us. Those war criminals are demons and villains to them, but to us, they are different. The people who started the war are now villains for us. We can't forgive them, but in 50 or 60 years, they will be seen as heroes. Look at the development in every field that happened after this war. This will overshadow the crimes, and in the future, people will thank these criminals. So, it's better to let go and move on as well.

**Person B**: You're right. I completely agree with you.

**Kathy**: Then why are you committing these crimes?

**Person B**: There's no reason, just for fun. Can't you see the expressions of people in despair? I love tormenting innocent people. Their expressions are so satisfying to watch, don't you think?

**Kathy**: What's wrong with you? Why target the innocent? What crimes have they committed to deserve this?

**Person B**: Don't you know that the biggest crime you can commit in this evil world is being innocent?

After hearing that, Kathy realized that Person B was a psycho. She should have dealt with both of them when she had the chance. Kathy's expression changed.

**Unknown Person**: I know what you're thinking, but it's too late. Blame yourself for being soft-hearted.

**Person B**: Oh, look how cute you are.

Person B said this while squeezing Kathy's cheeks.

**Person B**: You really look beautiful when you cry.

After that, Person B handed a pen she brought to the unknown person. It wasn't a pen; it was a laser that could cut even diamonds.

**Unknown Person**: Hey Kathy, look at Hans. He can't move but he can feel the pain.

The unknown person started the laser and was about to cut Hans.

**Kathy**: Please don't kill him. I beg you. If you want to kill someone, kill me instead. Let others live, please...

**Person B**: Oh, look at you. You're even cuter now. Maybe we should accept your proposal.

The unknown person handed the laser to Person B, who turned it on. At that moment, Hans was crying but unable to speak; frustration was evident in his eyes. Kathy looked at him with a smile and said,

**Kathy**: I'm sorry, Hans. I hope you'll forgive me. It was my mistake that we lost, but don't worry. I pray you'll be happy. I don't want you to cry; just smile a little. That would be the greatest gift from God. I know you'll find someone who will make you happy, and I hope she'll be a hundred times better than me. I've seen all the villagers happy; please just tell them not to cry. I love all of them, and I hope everyone will be happy. Thanks, Katrin, for giving me a second chance.

The laser was about to touch her, but Person B stopped it.

Kathy was shocked again.

**Person B**: I'm sorry, Kathy. I understand my mistake. Please forgive me.

After saying that, Person B cried and stood up from behind Kathy, who was sitting beneath her. Person B then took a few steps back and wiped her own tears.

**Kathy**: Don't worry; everyone will forgive you. Just apologize to them sincerely.

Hans stopped crying, and Kathy felt relieved.

Then Person B came slowly toward her and said, "I was joking."

Person B sat back on Kathy's back and covered her mouth with her hands. She then passed the laser to the unknown person, who started cutting Hans piece by piece. The pain Hans was enduring was visible, and Person B made sure Kathy watched. Kathy tried everything to free herself, but the drug prevented her. In the end, Kathy was like a fish out of water, forced to watch her beloved being cut. After everything was over, the unknown person brought Hans's head and placed it in front of Kathy.

**Unknown Person**: Look how beautiful he looks.

The unknown person then grabbed Hans's hand and said, "Isn't this the hand you wanted to hold? Here, take it as a gift from me. The only problem is that the fingers and palms are not attached."

After that, both the unknown person and Person B laughed.

**Person B**: Do you want all the villagers to die?

**Kathy**: Please, just kill me. I'm begging you; spare everyone.

**Person B**: Okay, then we will spare them only if you drink Hans's blood and eat his meat. Choose before I count to three.

Person B began counting, but before she even finished, Kathy was eating Hans's finger and crying.

**Person B**: Wow, this is amazing, so much better.

Then she started dancing.

**Unknown Person**: Time for your reward.

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