Secrets under the moon light

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People who were in the kitchen were shocked.

Kathy: Why are the lights gone?

Lilja: How am I supposed to know that?

Lucas whispered in Isabella's ear, "It's time."

Isabella then told Lilja and Kathy to open the door. Outside the door, everyone was ready, including Ansel and Briony. After opening the door, Sofia pushed Freya outside.

Freya: Hey, you moron, I could have tripped.

When she turned around, she saw that two elves were standing on both sides of the door, holding blue candles. She freaked out initially but then understood what they were.

Freya: Thank you, you two look beautiful in that costume.

Then Maeve pointed her fingers towards the backside of Freya.

Freya: Are you telling me to turn around?

When she turned around again, she freaked out. This time she saw two Vikings standing behind her. She complimented them again. Then the guys with planks came and put the plank down.

One man in a black cloak said, "Climb up."

Freya: You don't have to carry me; I can walk.

Sofia: Hey, don't you respect their hard work? Just climb up.

Before she climbed up, a screen on the plank formed a beautiful red moon. After that, they picked her up and took her to the field. When the people inside the kitchen went to the field, they were surprised. The village looked like a place from a fairy tale. The beautiful artificial light plants, the artificial butterflies, the glowing large teddy bear in the middle, and the beautiful elves. The glowing balloons floating above each turf house, everything looked spectacular. The cake was placed just before the teddy bear. To cut the cake, Freya had to stand between the bear and the cake.

Freya: OK, where did they go?

After that, everybody came from behind the turf house holding glowing balloons. Each balloon had "happy" written on it. They formed a circle around her and released the balloons into the air. After watching everything, Freya got emotional but still managed to hold back her tears.

Then they put the plank down along with her. She went to her position to cut the cake, and when she reached there, suddenly a light from the head of the bear focused on her and the cake. The beauty of that cake was amazing, and there was something else written on it that only she could read. It was written on the curved surface of the cake in three layers. Gudrun was the one who wrote that. Freya started reading it.

"We were born in this world, with our own dream.
Wiped by the devil's storm, who wanted to reign supreme.
Struggled with our broken dreams, slowly our brighter world became dim.
Some gave up, some struggled, but the world got covered in innocent screams.
Slowly as time passed, the lucky ones got redeemed.

We were brought here from around the world, the only reason for you so that you can take care.
Different cultures, different languages, different parents but one thing in common: we all were scared.
We didn't know what to feel, either we were scared or felt despair.

But when we needed you, you were there. You acted tough but deep down you cared.
We may have lost our family, friends, and hopes, but as a guardian, you were there.
You may not be our real mother, but you acted like one; you may not be our real sister, but you became one.

They said angels exist only in fairy tales. Yes, they are right. You are engaged here with us; how can they see you fly?"

After reading the poem, she was unable to hold back her tears, but they were wiped by Sofia. Eva, who was standing next to her, said, "Don't cry, otherwise you are going to scare everyone."

After hearing that, she started laughing and cut the cake. She fed everyone with her own hands. Eva was holding a photo of John because he was not there with them. After that, they ate together, played songs, and started dancing. Helmut took the camera from Ansel and told him and Briony to dance. They both danced, holding each other's hands. They enjoyed every moment. Eva called Svidrigailov to join them, but he declined.

Svidrigailov: I can't forget about myself; just watching you happy makes me feel like I am in heaven. Please, let me do my job.

Celine was near the food section with Lilja, distributing food, but Celine kept a food plate ready and separate from the rest. When Eva came to them for a plate for Svidrigailov, Celine gave that one. Then Eva took it and gave it to Svidrigailov. We see Olav with Lucas enjoying as well. Then all of them gave her the gifts. Sofia gave her a shoulder bag made of diamonds and gold, which looked spectacular. Lucas and Isabella gave her a necklace. Oberheuser and Celine gave her a jewelry set. But all the kids gave her a gift. When she opened it, she found a beautifully crafted golden wings. She smiled a beautiful smile, just like a real angel.

This went on until 2 AM. After that, everyone was completely tired, so they decided to rest and clean everything tomorrow. They went to their respective turf houses. Kathy entered the turf house, but we can't see the teddy given by Oberheuser there. When Johan was about to enter his turf house, he was called by Celine from behind.

Celine: Are you going to sleep?

Johan: Do you need something?

Celine: Actually, Oberheuser, Sofia, and Freya are making hot soup. They asked me to join them. Can you join me, please? Everyone else is already gone.

Johan was really tired, but he agreed. They all went to the kitchen. While they were making soup, Celine and Johan were sitting near the serving table alone, waiting for the soup. When they were making the soup, Oberheuser left for the washroom.

Celine: Hey, you look extremely tired. Let me give you a head massage.

Johan: No need for that.

He declined, but Celine gave him a massage anyway, and he slept again. At that time, Sofia and Freya were making soup with all their focus. Celine picked up a knife and placed it near Johan's hand while he was sleeping and left the kitchen without telling anyone. She went to her turf house and slept there. This whole thing was being watched by Hans. Hans saw only Celine coming out of the kitchen. He was monitoring the camera from 2 AM after the party ended. After 30 minutes, he saw that Johan came to his turf house. When he looked closer, something was dropping from his hands. After watching that, he immediately understood how John died.

Hans: Don't leave the room. Watch everything closely.

He said to someone who was in his room and immediately ran towards the kitchen. When he saw his worst nightmare, it came true.

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