In the Garden of Sorrow

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While Loid was sleeping in the garden inside a sleeping bag, he stared at the beautiful stars in the sky, tears streaming down his face. Memories flooded back: helping his friends, the fun times they had, eating ice cream and roaming around the world. But a surge of anger interrupted these thoughts, reminding him of his current situation. He couldn't do anything until his service was finished.

Loid sensed someone watching him. He turned and saw a big pet house, inside which a pair of glowing eyes glared at him. Startled, he kept his distance. But something felt wrong. Gathering his courage, he approached the pet house and looked inside. There, he found a black dog, all skin and bones. The sight of the unclean, foul-smelling place made Loid puke. He then sat in front of the pet house and started talking to the dog.

"By looking at you, I can tell that you have been living in hell," Loid said softly.

The dog made faint noises, clearly scared of humans.

Loid continued, "So, this is life. Everyone and everything around you exists so that you can better yourself each moment. They are just obstacles, nothing more and nothing less."

He then noticed the name on the board in front of the house: Juju.

That night, Loid watched videos on how to cook since he was preparing a meal for the nurse. He spent all night watching and imagining how to cook.

The next day, the nurse was eating at the table while Loid watched nervously. She took a bite of the soup and looked dissatisfied.

"Come here, Loid, and show me both of your palms," she demanded.

"Why?" Loid asked.

"Just do it," she snapped.

Loid approached and showed her his palms. Without warning, she poured the hot soup onto his hands, burning him badly. He screamed and fell to the floor.

"My mood is ruined," the nurse said coldly.

Loid watched her with angry eyes.

"Careful, kid. Don't think anything funny. You know what I can do, right?" she threatened.

Remembering why he was there, Loid stayed quiet. The nurse threw some ointment towards him.

"Use it and check your account. I transferred some money. Go and bring me a sandwich. The remaining money is yours," she ordered, tossing him a pair of gloves to hide the burns.

Loid bought the sandwich, shared another sandwich with Juju, and started taking care of the dog regularly. Weeks passed, and Juju started gaining weight and walking. Seeing Juju's improvement gave Loid the strength to endure his harsh circumstances. He saved money, took Juju to the vet, and began wearing a mask to hide his face.

One day at the supermarket, he saw Chris and Crysta together. They didn't recognize him with the mask. He listened to their conversation from a distance.

"Thanks to you, our village got the money and I was able to save my little brother. I can't believe you made a plan to take all the money from your best friend in such a short time," Crysta said.

"Loid was an idiot. I can't believe he fell for that. We have to thank the old man and all the villagers too," Chris replied.

"We already shared the money with them for their cooperation, no more," Crysta said.

"Yes, you are right."

"Hey, Chris, thanks again."

"It's okay, but thanks to you for accepting my feelings on our first encounter," Chris said, blushing.

They left the store, leaving Loid seething but determined to stay calm. He took some medicine for his sickness and returned to the garden to spend time with Juju.

That night, his mother called.

"What happened to you, Loid? You were only messaging me but didn't call. Is everything okay?"

Loid looked at the sky and smiled. "Yes, everything is fine. You don't have to worry."

"If your company investment didn't go well, don't be upset, okay? If you need more money, ask for it. Mistakes happen, so please don't get depressed," his mother urged.

"Don't worry, Mom. I don't need money. I have plenty," Loid reassured her.

"Your voice is a little weak. Is your health okay?"

"Don't worry, everything is fine."

"How is Chris?" she asked.

A tear escaped Loid's eye. Juju licked it away, sensing his sadness.

"Yes, he is fine," Loid lied.

"Okay, your best friend. I assume you two are having too much fun."

"Yes, we are having so much fun that I can't describe it."

"Okay, bye. Oh, one more question. Are you sure you don't want more money? Speak frankly."

"A little amount would be helpful," Loid admitted.

Relieved after getting the money, he immediately wanted to leave the nurse's house but couldn't abandon Juju. He decided to leave the next day. That night, his health worsened, and it started raining. Juju, concerned, dragged Loid inside the pet house, sharing the sleeping bag to keep him warm.

The next day, Juju waited for the nurse outside the front gate, hoping she would help Loid. The nurse, in a foul mood, kicked Juju hard when she saw him.

"What do you think you are doing?" she yelled.

The dog looked at the pet house, trying to get her attention, but she wasn't interested. She was about to step on him when Loid blocked her.

"Out of my way, you idiot. Don't you dare forget your place," she warned.

Loid looked her in the eyes, gave her the money, and completed his debt.

"Don't touch Juju from now on. I will take him with me. You don't have a problem with that, right?"

The nurse didn't reply, her pride wounded.

After settling with the nurse, Loid went to his room to collect his things. He hadn't returned the room manager's calls in days, knowing he didn't have the money to pay.

When he reached the manager's office, the manager grabbed Loid by the collar.

"Where do you think you're going, you thief?" the manager spat. "Do you know how much my business has suffered because of you?"

Loid looked down, his voice barely a whisper. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry won't cut it! You owe me extra, and your friend's part too. I can't believe that idiot said you were going to pay for him as well," the manager fumed.

"How much do I owe?" Loid asked, his eyes meeting the manager's with a determined gaze.

The manager pulled out a crumpled piece of paper, scribbled with figures. "This much," he said, thrusting it at Loid.

Loid then paid him, collected all his belongings, and left.

When he returned to pick up Juju, the sky shone with sunlight, and flowers shed pollen as butterflies danced around. But as Loid approached the pet house, his heart sank. Juju lay still, covered in blood, a knife embedded in his head.

Loid's joy shattered, replaced by overwhelming grief. He fell to his knees, tears mixing with the dirt beneath him.

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