Crime and punishment

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When the cop opened Celine's house door, they saw that she was sleeping, her body covered in a blanket. Her left hand was hanging from the bed, touching the ground.

Oberheuser said, "Look, officer, I told you she was sleeping, facing the bed."

The head cop replied, "Okay."

After that, they quietly left her room.

The scene shifts to the cliff, where an unknown person and Person B are talking.

After the conversation between Person B and the unknown person finishes, Person B opens the camera screen, which she took from Hans's room, and flies his drone as well. She flies the drone close to her and zooms in for a better view.

Person B: "Let's use the powerful lenses properly."

She actually takes both drones away from the village. Then Person B pulls Mia's hair again and tells her, "Watch carefully what is going to happen to all your beloved people."

In the next scene, we see Person B sending someone a photo of a little girl and a woman. Forty-five minutes after that scene, we witness Oberheuser coming out of her room wearing her red jacket. The reason she comes out of her room is to check whether everything is okay, as she didn't hear the footsteps of the cops walking around. She is surprised to find no cops outside. She can't even see the robots flying in the air. She starts looking for the cops but sees that almost every house door is open.

While she is watching the open doors, she crashes into a cop. Oberheuser gets scared and is about to scream, but the cop covers her mouth. When Oberheuser looks closely, it is a cop.

Oberheuser: "Where are the others?"

Cop: "I don't know. I went to the washroom, and when I returned, no one was outside."

Oberheuser: "Give me one of your robots."

Cop: "The robots are working fine, but we didn't receive any footage from the robots before I went to the washroom. Not only that, but we also lost the signal from our phones."

Oberheuser checks her phone and then says, "No, we have the signal. Give it to me."

Oberheuser: "But I thought the robots you use are advanced AI."

Cop: "Yes, ma'am, you are right. Our robots have the most advanced AI, but there is a problem."

Oberheuser: "What is that?"

Cop: "The robot can scan using X-rays, scan the ground, or record using its advanced camera, but after that, it sends its content to its respective screen. If someone jams the signal, it can't send us the scans or footage, but it will record everything."

Oberheuser: "Oh, but why does your camera have no footage of the last 45 minutes?"

Cop: "Because when I went to the washroom, I turned my robot off."

After hearing that, Oberheuser uses the robot to scan the entire village. She uses ultra-wideband (UWB) to check inside the houses. She first checks Katrin's house and is relieved that they are alive, same with Isabella's house and Olav. But when it comes to the kids, Johan and Lilja are sleeping, while Briony and Helmut are sitting in their room's corner in fear. Except for them, everyone else is dead.

They find Gudrun's body outside Eva's house, in front of the back door. The cop and Oberheuser immediately rush to Gudrun. When they reach her, they see she is holding a gun (not a laser). She is facing the sky, and the ground is covered in blood.

Cop: "Someone shot her in the neck from behind."

Oberheuser checks her heartbeat and confirms that she is no more. When Oberheuser turns the body, it is clear that she was shot in the neck. Oberheuser uses her handkerchief to monitor the gun. After that, they check the rooms of every person who was killed.

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