Eyes on the village

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Kathy: So that's your plan.

Hans: Pretty much.

Kathy: Fine, I will do it.

The next day, after following their morning routine, they had their breakfast. After that, everybody left for their jobs and colleges. Celine and Oberheuser were planning to go shopping, but they were joined by Kathy.

Celine: Kathy, are you not going to work?

Kathy: No, Hans and I are on a long vacation.

Oberheuser: How long?

Kathy: We will go back to work next Sunday.

Celine: Fine, let's go.

After Kathy left with them, Hans started his plan. Hans went to his friend, who was a surveillance technician.

Bezos: Yo, long time no see, Hans. I think you forgot about me after getting a high-quality job.

Hans: If I forgot about you, then why do you think I came here?

Bezos: What do you think of me? Do I look like a telepath to you?

Hans: Enough with the small talk. I want to know about the most advanced security camera you have.

Bezos: Oh, come with me.

He guided Hans to his personal office and told him to take a seat. He left and came back with five different flavors of tea and his product.

Hans: I don't have time for this.

Bezos: You know, after completing high school, we never drank tea together, right?

Hans: Yes, you are right. We used to skip class so that we could taste different flavors of tea. Those were the days. I can't believe we are grown-ups with jobs to do.

After that, they drank the tea together.

Hans: So this is the camera, I guess.

It was a dark red cube, 20 cm on each side. Then Bezos gave him a ring to wear. After wearing the ring...

Bezos: Hans, try giving it orders.

Hans: Like what?

Bezos: Like saying "levitate."

Hans: Okay, levitate.

The ring he received from Bezos started glowing, and the cube moved up in the air. After launching itself into the air, all sides of the cube, except the upper part, moved like a Rubik's Cube, and five cameras emerged from it.

Hans: Okay, I am impressed, but look at that thing. It isn't stable. It is moving up and down; it will create a problem.

Bezos: Okay, let's go outside to the field.

Hans followed Bezos to the field. On their way, he heard some noises behind him. When he turned around, he saw that the camera was following him.

Hans: Hey, this thing is following me.

Bezos: It's alright.

They reached the field.

Bezos: At what height do you want to place the camera?

Hans: Probably 15 meters high.

After hearing that, the camera adjusted itself to exactly 15 meters high.

Hans: Okay, but it's still moving up and down.

Bezos: Why don't you tell it to remain constant?

Hans ordered it to stay constant, and it remained still in the air.

Bezos: Everything is perfect about the camera. It can withstand anything. The quality is the highest; you can even zoom in on an ant from that height. Nothing escapes its gaze. It is aerodynamically designed to withstand even extreme storms.

Hans: Okay, I'm taking it.

Bezos: How many?

Hans: Two.

Bezos: Why not four? You can plant one on each side of your village.

Hans: Let's call it a game.

Bezos: What? Are you okay, or do you want to visit a doctor?

Hans: I am fine. Hey, do you have small cameras?

Bezos: Yes, they are the size of a coin.

Hans: Even smaller?

Bezos: Let me finish. The coin-sized camera is the most advanced one. You can even make it invisible.

Hans: Interesting.

The scene switched to the girls' section. Everyone was busy shopping. Oberheuser and Celine were buying clothes and accessories, while Kathy was busy buying lab equipment and supplies as instructed by Hans. After they packed all their items in the car, Oberheuser took them to the supermarket for a little fun. After that, they went to the food section and started enjoying various sweets. While they were eating, Oberheuser looked at her phone and stood up from her seat.

Oberheuser: You girls wait here. I have something to do in the lower section. I will be back in 10 minutes.

Oberheuser went to the lower section where she asked a staff member, "So, sir, where is the teddy that I left here yesterday?"

Staff: Here, ma'am.

Oberheuser then opened her phone and messaged someone. Then she bought another toy and returned to the food section.

When she arrived with those toys...

Celine: I never knew you were interested in toys.

Oberheuser: Oh, it's not like that. I won the teddy in a competition and forgot it here yesterday. So, I bought another one so that I can give them to both of you.

Celine: I will take the dolphin.

Kathy: Fine, then I will take the bear.

After enjoying themselves, they arrived at the village. It was lunchtime, so Katrin called them. The people left in the village would eat together. While they were eating, Celine said, "The dining room is too silent."

Katrin: Don't worry, they will return in the evening, so we will eat dinner together again.

Before the arrival of the girls from shopping, Hans planted two cameras at the starting and ending points of the village. Hans explained this to Katrin and Bjorn. The camera at the starting point could capture the entire village from the dining room to the cliff, but its right camera was closed. The same was true for the other one, but its left side was closed. They both were operating with four cameras instead of five. Both cameras were more focused on the lakeside because of the incident.

From the dining camera's point of view, you could see the entire village along with the cliff, but you couldn't see the scene behind the right-side turf houses. Similarly, from the other camera's point of view, you couldn't see the scenes behind the left side of the turf houses. This meant both cameras were planted in such a way that they had a common blind spot. When Katrin asked Hans about this, Hans said, "It will be fine since all the activities take place either towards the lakeside or in the middle, but never towards the other side."

While eating lunch, Katrin explained everything to Oberheuser, and Celine overheard it. After lunch, we saw that Celine was giving something to Olav and told him to plant it in the outdoor washroom.

Every turf house has its own attached washroom, except the largest one/dining hall. The dining hall's washroom was not attached; rather, it was built next to it. Hans was watching the camera when he suddenly saw that Olav was near the washroom. Hans thought that he was going to use it, but rather than using it, Olav opened the door and started doing something weird. Hans monitored his actions closely and found them suspicious. When Olav finished his work, he came out of the washroom and closed the door. Then he looked around as if he were searching for people. When Hans was thinking about asking him, he saw that Miss Oberheuser was going to use the washroom. Then he started running towards the washroom to stop her.

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