I Think He Has a Crush on Me

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"Twin?"Percy asked. He had been asking this question for the past two hours while everyone else seemed to grasp the concept pretty easy.

"Yes, Percy. She's your twin," said Piper after Nico shadow traveled them over to Camp Jupiter for the "family reunion". Everyone was telling me he would be okay after a little bit of Piper's charm speak. Whatever that is, I didn't ask.

"But.... But... Why wouldn't my mom tell me?" He wondered looking a little frustrated. I could tell by the fact that he was pacing and throwing his arms around like a mad man.

"You can use my phone to call her and ask her," I said saying the first word to him since I told him. I held out my phone and he took it. He dialed a number and put it up to his ear.

"Hi, Paul. It's Percy. Can I talk to my mom please? Thanks." He looked at me then quickly looked away.

"Hi, Mom." He walked away for this conversation. But I could tell it wasn't going well by the fact that he was still waving around the one arm that wasn't holding my cell phone.

After a few minutes and him making a couple glances back at me then looking away quickly. He comes back and hands me my cell phone. "Here. Thanks for letting me use it," he didn't make eye contact.

"Percy, can I talk to you for a second?" Annabeth asked standing up and motioning for him to follow her. They walked about 15 feet away, out of earshot.


Annabeth pulled me away from the others. I have no idea what is gonna happen, but to be honest I am a little frustrated that I just found out I had a twin sister, that my mom never told me about.

"Percy, you need to be nicer to your sister," she gave me a do-what-I-say look.

"But I am just a little frustrated right now. My mom never told me I had a twin sister." I said hoping she wouldn't yell at me.

"That doesn't mean you have to take it out on her. She is the one that told you. And you should be happy, you wont be alone swimming at the bottom of the lake anymore, or the only one that can talk to horses. You wont get all those weird stares, you can share all those weird stares with your sister."

"If she can  talk to horses," I said hoping she would drop it.

"Well why don't you go over there, talk to her, and find out?" She was starting to get mad and giving me her do-it-or-else look.

"Fine," I trudge off towards the group who have sat on the ground and started eating a picnic since it is now about seven o'clock.  When I got about half way there, I realized I didn't have a pleasant look on my face. I quickly put a smile on my face, the best one I could muster, and sat in between Brooke and Nico on the picnic blanket. There was enough room in between them for two Franks. I decided to ask Nico about it later. Right now I was hungry and had 17 years of catching up to do with my sister.

About one hour later...


I looked at the time on my phone. It was eight o'clock. My mom must be worried sick. "Hey guys I gotta get home. It's eight o'clock and my mom is gonna ground me until I'm 30." I said stopping the conversation between Percy and Nico.

"Hey, Nico?" Percy asked.

"Yeah, Percy?" Nico looked at him, hesitantly.

"Could you take my little sis home?" He asked, and I already knew the answer.

"Sure, I guess so," Nico answered trying to hide a smile that only I seemed to notice. "C'mon Brooke, we don't want your mom to get any more worried, or mad, whatever she is right now." He stood up and held his hand out to help me up.

"OK," I took his hand and stood up. Then he asked me where I live. I told him if we go back to Camp Half-Blood, I could walk from there. "Oh and Percy, I'm roughly thirty minutes older than you," and with that, Nico and I shadow traveled to Camp Half-Blood.

Once we landed on Half-Blood Hill  Nico let go of my hands and dropped his gaze, occasionally,looking up at me. "Well I gotta go. I'll come back tomorrow," I saw a small smile stretch across his face. "And maybe I can stay a little while. Bye," and I started to walk away.  Nico grabbed my hand.

"I can't let you walk home, alone, in New York City," he said without a smile, but I can hear it in his voice.

"So what will you do about that?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Let me walk you home. Like Percy told me, I have to take you home, not Camp Half-Blood," I saw a small smile on his face.

"OK, what's the harm in that?" Then we started walking, and he still hadn't let go of my hand. I looked down at my hand in his and looked at him. He saw me look at him and he looked down at our hands. He dropped my hand quickly and his face turned bright red. Well bright compared to his usual pale skin.

"I'm sorry about that," he said, running his hand through his hair embarrassed.

"It's fine. No harm, no foul," and he gave me another smile.

"So, what's your story?" I asked curious of how he came to be such a dark person.

"It's a long one," he said running his hand through his hair again.

"We still have a ways to my house," I urged him to tell me, hoping he would.

"OK," and he told me the story as he walked me home.

He finished his story as we walked into my building. He walked me up to my door so he could help me explain to my mom why I am so late. As soon as I opened the door, my mom came running. She scooped me up in a hug. "Oh thank god you're okay. Brooke I was so worried," then she noticed Nico. "And who is this?"

"Mom, this is Nico. Nico this is my mom." I said quickly introducing them wanting to get this out of the hallway.

"Hi, Ms. Smith. I was just bringing your daughter home," he said with a small smile as he twisted his skull ring.

My mom wrapped him in a hug. "Thank you, Nico." When she finally let him go, he looked like it wasn't normal for him to get hugged.

"Mom, why doesn't Nico come in so I can tell you where we've been?"

"OK, honey. Come on in Nico." Nico came inside and we explained the two camps and everything else to my mom.

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