"Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end."

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Brooke got off the phone and handed it back to me. She grabbed the pillow and shoved her face in it. I heard her cry. After about ten minutes of just sitting there while she cried, she stopped. She removed her head from the pillow and looked at me. "What if they never find us?" She asked me.

"They will never give up. They care about us too much to loose us. They will find us." I assured her, rubbing her back.

"I told Nico I loved him. What if I never see him again? What if he dies trying to save us?" She wiped tears from her eyes and took a shaky breath.

"He wont. And if he does, Percy will bargain with Hades. He wont let you suffer. He will talk to Poseidon. He will talk to all the Olympians. He will always find a way to make you happy. Even if it means swapping his life for Nico's. He wants you to be happy. He will always be there to pick up the pieces and re-arrange them, even if they don't fit back together perfectly. Percy has only known you for a short amount of time. But he loves you as if you two grew up together and were never separated. He will do anything for the ones he loves." I said. She put her head on my lap and slowly drifted off to sleep. They will find us, they will never give up until they do. I thought to myself. Then I went to sleep.


I sat on the porch of the Poseidon cabin, just thinking about what Brooke said earlier. She said she loved me, and I didn't hesitate to say it right back. I will find her, if it's the last thing I do. I was gonna go to my cabin to sulk in the darkness when the others came and sat or stood around me. "Okay. So I talked to Chiron and he said we would leave tonight, after dinner. We should all go pack. Including Addy, since she makes a tenth demigod. Meet at Half-Blood Hill after dinner." Annabeth said. Everyone nodded and went to their cabins to pack. I stood up from the spot I had been sitting all day, and slowly made my way to my cabin.

When I got inside, Hazel and Addy were already there. Addy was jumping on the bed while Hazel rushed around, pulling clothes out of her dresser. Then pulling some out of Addy's dresser and shoving them into two black backpacks. I went over to my dresser and pulled out some clothes. I shoved them in a bag and took some other stuff out of my dresser. I pulled out the blue box that had Brooke's birthday present in it. I shoved it in my bag and zipped it up. I helped Hazel by finishing Addy's bag. I put a hairbrush in for her. I zipped her bag and set it next to mine. Hazel finished packing and the three of us went to have lunch.

~After Dinner That Night~

We finished dinner and walked back to our cabins. Hazel, Addy, and I grabbed our backpacks and went to the top of Half-Blood Hill. When we got there, Annabeth, Percy, Jason, Thalia, and Leo were already there. We stood there in silence for a couple minutes until Piper ran up to us. She was soon followed by Frank. We all looked at each other and nodded. We started walking down to the highway.

"Okay, you guys. Be on the lookout for any suspicious behavior and any monsters. Six children of the big three are going to attract quite a lot of them." Annabeth said, finally breaking the silence.

"Okay," Everyone mumbled.

"Make sure to keep Addy safe at all costs," Hazel said. "She's only five and she promised Brooke she would stay safe. Plus, I don't think she could hold a sword." Everyone nodded in agreement. We continued to walk for a while until it was too dark to see. Well, too dark for everyone but me and my sisters. Leo, Annabeth, and Percy pitched the tents. There were four tents. At first, Thalia wanted a boy free tent, her still being loyal to Artemis. But Addy had different plans. Addy pleaded and pleaded for Thalia to sleep in our tent since Hazel was sleeping in the tent with Frank. Thalia finally gave in since it was almost midnight and she wanted to sleep. She rolled her sleeping bag out on one side of the tent. Addy rolled hers out in the middle, and I sat in the empty corner.

We had walked for four hours but we didn't cut a fraction off of our total distance. So we decided that tomorrow, Piper would charmspeak a car salesman into letting her take a car. Then we would start out long journey. I rolled out my sleeping bag and got in it. My head hit the pillow and I was asleep.


I sat in the little room, panting and sweating. I just had the worst nightmare ever. I woke up and Rachel was already awake. "Will you tell me about your nightmare?" She asked. I nodded my head and began the story.

"I was walking in the woods with Nico and Percy. Each on one side of me. They were both holding my hand. We walked for a little while longer and I looked at Percy. He wasn't Percy anymore. He was Medusa. I looked at Nico, he wasn't himself anymore either. He was Brandon. I put my hand up to my hair for my bobby pin. Nothing. By bracelet was gone too. I had no way to defend myself. Brandon yelled something to Medusa that I couldn't quite understand. He turned back to me with an evil grin on his face. The next thing I knew, he had pushed me up against a tree. He put his lips to mine and I couldn't stop him. My arms wouldn't move. He put his hands on my hips and started removing my shorts. That's when I woke up." At the end, I burst out crying. I've been dream raped, I told myself.

Rachel just sat there with me as I cried. She didn't really say anything. She just made a soft shush noise like when you are trying to calm a baby. I soon fell back asleep. But this time, it was dreamless.

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