Playing Around

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It was the morning after I walked Brooke home and I needed someone to talk to. Not Percy, anyone but Percy. Then I saw Piper by the docks. "Hey, Piper? I think I have a problem," I told her certain a daughter of Aphrodite could help me.

"And what would that be Nico?" she looked up from what she was doing to look me in the eyes.

"Before I met Brooke, I saw her walking with Percy and Annabeth. So all I thought was we had a new camper, not I had a new cousin,"

"Are you saying you have a crush on her?" Piper interrupted, showing her daughter-of-the-goddess-of-love smile.

I rubbed the back of my neck. "Just a little one, but she is my cousin." I looked at my watch. "And she had me help her tell her mom she wanted to stay here this next year. And she had me tell Chiron. She's gonna be here in ten minutes. Don't tell Percy anything. She wants him to be surprised. But what do I do?"

"Well, you should tell Annabeth."

"But then she will tell Percy," I ran my hand through my hair nervously.

"Then you should tell Percy."

"I will think about it. But don't say anything." And with that I went to meet Brooke at the top of Half-Blood Hill.


My mom dropped me off in front of the path to Camp Half-Blood. As I got to the top of the hill I saw Nico sitting against a tree with his eyes closed. I slowly went up behind him and crouched down behind him. "What's up?" I said startling him to where he pulled out his sword. "I surrender, I surrender," then he saw who it was and put his sword away.

"Don't scare me like that. You could've died." He said and I knew he was trying to hide a smile.

"Is Percy in the Poseidon cabin?"

"No he is having his morning swim, let's get you settled." He led me to the Poseidon cabin and pointed out Percy's bed and then another that belonged to someone named Tyson. I picked the bed above Percy's.

"When will Percy be back?" He looked at his watch.

"In about a minute," and with that he slipped into the shadows, but I knew he was still there. Percy walked in, completely dry. Being chased by a soaking wet Annabeth. When he saw me on my bed, he stopped. Annabeth came up behind him and tackled him. She put her knife to his throat, making him dry her off. He did then she let him up.

"What are you doing here, Brooke?" Annabeth finally noticed me on the top bunk above Percy's bed.

"I decided I would come and stay for a while."

"Cool," Annabeth said and she started to help me unpack into the empty dresser.

"You told your mom right?" Percy asked.

"Yeah she dropped me off at the end of the path. Oh, and later we need to go back out into the woods and look for my keys." He reached into the top right drawer of his dresser and pulled out my keys. "Thanks, I am gonna need these at some point," and I put them in the drawer with my phone, charger, and other stuff that wasn't clothes.

"Wanna go for a swim?" Percy asked me tossing Annabeth a towel.

"Sure, Why not? I will meet you at there." After they left I went into the bathroom and changed into my swim suit and some shorts and grabbed a towel myself. When I wet them there, Percy had Annabeth on a fountain of water. 

"Put me down, Seaweed Brain!" She screamed. I thought about how funny it would be if a wave took out Percy, putting Annabeth back in the water. And to my surprise a wave took out Percy and Annabeth started to fall. Then without thinking, I put the fountain back under her and slowly lowered her.

"Whoa," I said to my self. Then Annabeth started climbing onto the dock.

"Was that you?" She asked grabbing her towel.

"I think so. I didn't know I could do that," she laughed. "What's so funny?"

"You wiped out your own brother," she said in between laughs.

"Are you gonna swim with us?"

"Only if kelp head over there stops."

"If he does it again, I'll help you."

She smiled at me and we jumped in the water. When we came to the surface, Piper, Leo, and Nico walked past. "Hey guys!" Annabeth yelled, waving her arms. "Come join us!" 

"We will be back dressed to get wet," Leo said with a smile. Then Nico dissapeared while the other two walked to there respected cabins

When they came back they were all in swim suits. When Nico reappeared, he had Hazel and Jason. They were dressed for the water. They all jumped off the dock. Except Nico who sat there on the end of the dock, alone. "C'mon, Nico! Get in!" I said hoping he would listen to me. When he shook his head no, I sprayed him with water. He accused Percy as Annabeth and I laughed so hard we couldn't breath.

"Dude, I'm not the only child of Poseidon here." Percy said, defending himself. Nico looked over at me. Annabeth and I continued to laugh. He finally jumped in, since he was already wet. 


As Brooke was talking to Piper, I showed up behind her and put my finger over my lips. Telling Piper not to say anything. I splashed her with water. She turned around, her eyes narrow and a smile on her face. She created a wave to wipe me out.

When I wasn't being moved by the wave anymore, I opened my eyes and I was on the beach. I sat up and spit out a little bit of water. She laughed. Along with everyone else. I laughed too, since I kinda deserved it. And what would you expect from a daughter of Poseidon? Who has a twin brother, and Percy would do the exact same thing.

Then Jason lifted me into the air. He lifted me into the middle of the water and dropped me about 30 feet. Before I plummeted to the water, I was caught by water. I looked over at Percy, who pointed to Brooke.

As soon as I mad eye contact with her, a huge grin spread across her face. She shot me higher into the air. Now I know how Annabeth feels when Percy does this to her. When Brooke went to shoot me higher, I shadow traveled. When I showed up behind her, I picked her up and tossed her three feet in front of me. She hit the water with a scream of laughter. We all exploded with laughter. After a couple minutes she didn't come up.

Percy went under. He came up and said he couldn't find her. The next thing I know I am in the air again on a fountain of water. When I look down, she is at the surface with a huge grin on her face. I shadow travel onto the dock. She comes up and joins me, completely dry. "You win," I said putting my hands up in defeat.

"Good, I believe I deserved to win."

"I think Jason floating me out into the middle of the water was a little over board, though."

"Demigods," Chiron yelled from the beach. "I need you at the Big House in two minutes. Get Hazel and Thalia." He galloped back to the Big House. 

"C'mon, Brooke. I'll race you," then I shadow traveled to my cabin. Put on dry clothes and went to the big house.

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