Fighting for His Life

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The monster advanced, her green tinted hair turning into the scaly bodies of hundreds of snakes. "Medusa." Percy said grimly while uncapping Riptide. "I thought I killed you five years ago." He slashed with his sword, but she ducked.

"Yes you did but you won't decapitate me again, Perseus Jackson." She hissed, menacingly, not taking her attention off Brandon. She was wearing sunglasses. As long as she didn't take them off, we could kill her quite easy. I pulled my bobby pin out of my hair and pressed the green gem. It grew into my sword. I realized there was a compartment on the bottom. I opened it and out came a bracelet with blue gems in it. It had one charm, a trident. Suddenly I knew what to do. I put the bracelet on and it turned into a silver shield. Percy pressed his watch and it turned into a shield. He glanced at me and smiled. Jason took a gold coin out of his pocket and flipped it. It turned into a sword. The others grabbed their weapons out of the limo. Brandon just looked at us all. Hazel closed her eyes and a celestial bronze sword came out of the ground. She tossed it over to Brandon and we went into battle.

As soon as Nico swung his sword at her she started to take off her glasses. We all looked away. I used the reflective surface of my silver shield to look at her without actually looking at her. She headed straight for Brandon. I swung my sword and nicked her cheek. She just continued on her way to kill the new demigod who we were sent out to retrieve. I swung my sword at her feet making her fall backwards on the ground. I slammed my shield into her nose and stabbed her in the chest with my sword. She immediately turned to dust.

"OK guys, you can look now." I said turning around to face my friends.

"Whoa, cool." Leo said. Percy and Annabeth came up and gave me a hug.

"Great job, sis." Percy said smiling.

"Where'd you get the shield?" Leo asked examining it. 

"There was a compartment on the bottom of my sword that had a bracelet in it. It had a trident charm, so I pressed the charm and it turned into this shield. Which is better than any mirror, ever." I responded touching the trident emblem on the strap of the shield. It turned back into a bracelet on my wrist.

"Cool. I wonder if you could add more charms to turn it into different thing." Leo said, and I'm pretty sure he was talking to himself.

"Well, we are all glad you didn't get turned to stone." Percy said, rolling his eyes at Leo's comment about the charms.

"Well, I'm just glad we can get back to the hotel and sleep. Pampering and parties wear me out." I said yawning. We got in the limo and drove back to the hotel where we would spend one more night and then leave in the mourning.

~Thirty Minutes Later~

When we got back to the hotel, we had an.... unpleasant discussion. "So, who's the hotty with the silver bracelet? Man do I wanna piece of that," Brandon said as everyone was getting their stuff in their bags. A scowl spread across my face as Percy turned red with anger.

"Uhh, dude," Grover said with a little bit of fear in his eyes. "That's Percy's sister. Don't talk about her that way."

"Well, why not? I was just being honest." He said obviously not afraid of Percy. This wasn't going to end well.

"Why not? WHY NOT? I will tell you why not because if you talk about her like that again I wont hesitate to slit your throat!" Percy said, quite loudly. Brooke and Annabeth came running to the door in their P.J.s.

"What the hell is going on? Percy why are you threatening to slit someone's throat?" Annabeth asked shock covering her face.

"Percy doesn't like the way this jerk was talking about Brooke. I don't think any of us do," Jason said with a protective look in his eyes. We hadn't known Brooke for long but we knew her well enough to know that we were gonna have to protect her from this jerk.

"And what was he saying about me?" Brooke asked putting her hands on her hips.

"I don't think it would be wise to repeat what he said if it made Percy that angry. I have a solution to the problem. All the girls will sleep in here with you guys and newbie over here will sleep by himself in the other room." Annabeth said glaring at Brandon. She didn't hear what he said but she was even being protective. Annabeth left the room and came back with all the girls and all of their stuff. "Get out Brandon," Annabeth said once all the girls had set their stuff down next to our stuff.

"Make me," he said. Not a good choice of words. Everyone drew their weapon and pointed it at Brandon's throat. He had ten razor sharp blades ready to kill him. "OK, OK. I'm going." He said we all lowered our weapons and he walked out of the room. But not before turning and being a total jerk to everyone in the room. Just by doing one action.

He grabbed Brooke by the waist and kissed her. She shoved him away. "Get off of me creep! I can't believe I saved you from Medusa," she said wiping her mouth. Percy started to walk towards Brandon. His fists were clenched so tight, his knuckles were white. It took Jason, Frank, Leo, Grover, Thalia, and I to hold him back. He struggled against the six of us.

"How dare he do that," he muttered under his breath. "I'm gonna get you Brandon. Trust me on that." Percy said with an infuriated look in his eyes. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Brooke swishing mouth wash. That jerk french kissed her. Brandon walked out of the room with a smug look on his face. Brooke spit and rinsed her mouth out with water. She walked over to Percy and put her hand on his chest.

"Percy, don't. You can get him during capture the flag." He looked into her eyes and immediately calmed down.

"I'm gonna get him alright," he mumbled before turning around. I turned to Brooke.

"I saw you rinsing your mouth with mouth wash. Did he french kiss you?" I whispered once everyone was figuring out their sleeping arrangements.

"Yeah, just a little bit. And don't freak out about it. I'm gonna get him for that one." She said with a mischievous look in her eyes.


Once Percy and almost everyone else fell asleep, I crawled up in between Nico and Leo. They smiled when I sat next to them. "We have spent less than twelve hours with that guy and everyone already hates him," Nico said as soon as I sat next to him. I grabbed his hand.

"It's OK. He will get his share." I then looked at Leo and saw the anger in his eyes. I grabbed his hand, too. "Don't worry Leo. Percy is gonna beat his butt so bad he is gonna be unconscious in the infirmary for a week." After that, the three of us went to sleep.

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