"Some people care too much. I think it's called love"~Winnie the Pooh

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It was early when I woke up to knocking on the cabin door. "Who is it?" I called, getting up and walking up to the door.

"It's your brother. Can I please come in. Zeus was not happy I slept in his cabin last night. But he was amused to why." I opened the door and felt the coldness in the air.

"Come in before I'm a popsicle," I said as he realized I was wearing my usual pajamas, a tank top and shorts. He quickly came inside. I closed the door behind him and went to the small kitchen that was in our cabin. I came back with two mugs of hot cocoa.

"Is one of those for me?" Percy asked, sitting down on the couch.

"Nope, I am going to drink both of these mugs by myself." I replied sarcastically. I handed him a mug and we sat there drinking hot cocoa. "So, how did you sleep?"

"Well, besides the constant feeling that Zeus was gonna strike me with a lightning bolt, it was fine." He said. I laughed and we finished off our cocoa. I took the cups and put them in the sink. I went and sat back down next to Percy. I leaned my head on his shoulder and felt my eyes grow heavy. Before I drifted back off to sleep, I felt the warmness of a blanket on me. With a warm blanket and a human pillow, I fell asleep.


I hadn't slept very well. I had the feeling something bad was happening. I followed my instinct and went to Brooke about it. I knocked on the door and didn't get an answer. I knocked again. Nothing. I slowly opened the door and looked inside. No one. Where was Percy? More importantly, where was Brooke?

I went to the Athena cabin and knocked on the door loudly. Malcolm opened it, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "What is it Nico?" He asked.

"I need to talk to Annabeth. It's urgent." I heard someone running towards the door. Malcolm stepped out of the way and Annabeth replaced him.

"What is it Nico?" She asked running a brush through her hair.

"Well, Percy and Brooke aren't in their cabin." I said. Her eyes went wide.

"Did you check anywhere else?" She asked, putting her hair up.

"No, I came here first." She walked out the door and closed it behind her.

"C'mon, we gotta find them." She said. We went to ask Jason and found Percy asleep in the bed next to Jason's. 

"Why is he in here?" I asked motioning to Percy.

"Brooke locked him out last night." Jason said. I laughed a little which got me an elbow in the ribs from Annabeth.

"Well, we gotta wake him up. Brooke's missing." Annabeth said. Jason's expression showed worry. He opened the door wider letting us in. Annabeth shook Percy, trying to wake him up. Man he's a hard sleeper. She put her mouth next to his ear.

"If you don't get up, I will never kiss you again." She whispered. I held back a laugh when Percy sat up right.

"What? Hmm... I'm up. I'm up." He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

"Good. We gotta find your sister." Annabeth said. Percy fell out of the bed onto the floor.

"What do you mean, 'find my sister'. Isn't she asleep in our cabin?" He asked, standing up and looking confused and worried at the same time.

"Nico went to talk to her and she wasn't there." Annabeth said. Percy's face showed concern and a small bit of fear. I chose to ignore that last one.

"Any idea where she is?" Percy asked, sitting back on the bed to tie his shoes.

"Well, last night Rachel texted her because apparently Brandon forgot to take her phone. It was a prophecy and her location. I will go get her phone to show you the prophecy." Annabeth said. She sprinted out the door to the Poseidon cabin. Percy stood up and ran out the door behind her. Jason and I followed after waking Thalia, Hazel, Leo, Piper, and Frank telling them that our new friend was missing.

The seven of us that weren't already there, raced to the Poseidon cabin. Annabeth was sitting on Brooke's bed. She was scrolling through something looking for the message. She must have found it because she thrust the phone at Percy.

We all took turns reading the prophecy. "Well, we know she is with Rachel and Brandon." Piper said. Brooke's phone buzzed and Annabeth took it. She read the screen and turned back to us.

"It's from Rachel. She says that Brooke is there and she's fine, so far. She says she can't keep Brandon from touching her for much longer. That creep." Annabeth said. She had tears brimming her eyes. She was enveloped in a hug from Percy. She buried her head in his shoulder and you could hear her sobbing. Soon Hazel was wrapped in a hug from Frank, and Piper was in Jason's arms. I heard a small noise from behind me. I turned around to find Addy in the doorway.

"Where's Brooke?" She asked. She saw all of our sad faces. She looked at me expectantly.

"We aren't sure. We will find her though." I said crouching down next to her.

"What happened?" She asked. She looked a little scared to find out the answer.

"You know that guy we came back from the quest with?" I asked. She nodded. "He took her and Rachel. He has them somewhere in Florida." I saw her eyes glint with tears. One rolled down her cheek and I picked her up in a hug. I could hear her softly crying. I sat down on the couch. She curled up in my lap and soon she had cried herself to sleep. I grabbed the blanket that was sitting on the other end of the couch and covered her up with it. I looked up to see everyone looking at me.

"What?" I asked. I was completely confused. Hazel came and sat on the other side of me. She put her head on my shoulder and soon, she too had cried herself to sleep. "I'm still wondering why you guys are all staring at me," I said quietly. Thalia sat in the chair across from the couch.

"Well, Nico, we didn't know you could be so caring." She said pointing to my sisters who were asleep.

"Did you just call me Nico? Instead of Death Breath?" I asked. A smile was tugging at the corners of my mouth.

"Don't push it." She stated simply. Soon everyone in the cabin was asleep. I rested my head on Hazel's and drifted off myself, thoughts of Brooke rushing through my mind

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