"Ohana means family, family means no one gets left behind or forgotten."~Stitch

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I woke up to an unfamiliar bed. It wasn't even a bed at all. It was a couch. There were two girls curled up next to me. I soon realized they were my sisters. Thalia and Frank were asleep in the chairs across from the couch I was on. Jason and Piper were asleep in Percy's bed and Percy and Annabeth were asleep in Brooke's bed. Piper woke up next and took Jason's arm off of her waist. She saw the sad expression lingering on my face from earlier that morning and came to sit next to me. She picked up Addy and sat down next to me, lying Addy in her lap and covering her back up with the blanket.

"Don't worry Nico. We will find her. The prophecy said that we would save our friends and another demigod. So don't worry, we will get her back." She told me. She looked me in the eyes and I couldn't keep this act anymore. I felt tears threatening to fall. I tried to hold them back, I just couldn't anymore. I felt hot tears roll down my cheeks. I hadn't cried since Bianca died. I just couldn't keep my emotions bottled up anymore. I wiped my cheeks and stopped crying. Piper gave me a hug. She pulled away. "Do you wanna talk about it?" She looked genuinely concerned.

"Sure, but it's mostly bottled up emotions. I feel like I'm gonna explode if I don't let it out." I said. She nodded her head. I told her about how Bianca died and how I felt betrayed by Percy because he didn't keep her safe. I told her about loosing Zoe Nightshade. I told her about how I was still a little mad at Percy because I used to look up to him, how he was like a character from that mythomagic game I used to play, and how it crushed me to know that my hero lost my sister. I told her how I felt when Bianca joined the hunters.I told her how it pained me to look at Addy because she looks so much like Bianca. I told her how Brooke made me happy, she was the first thing to do that in a long time. I told her how I freaked out on the inside when I couldn't find her anywhere. Then, I finally told her how I had been worried about Annabeth when Percy had gone missing. When I was done, I realized I had been crying. I quickly wiped my eyes. She gave me another hug.

"You have been through so much Nico. I don't know how you do it." She said before releasing me from the warm embrace. She wiped a tear from her cheek. I wiped my eyes again and gently lifted Hazel's head off of my shoulder. I stood up and placed her head down on a pillow I had grabbed from the end of Percy's bed.

"You want some cocoa or something?" I asked Piper.

"Cocoa will be great," she said. She stroked Addy's hair. I turned and went into the small kitchen. I looked around and found two mugs in the sink. At first I didn't think anything of it. I took two more cups out of the cupboard. I filled them with hot water from the sink and poured in the packets of mix. When I was done mixing them, I found a bag of mini marshmallows. I put some in each cup and went back and gave a cup to Piper. I sat on the arm of the couch since I had put Hazel in my spot. I sipped my cocoa staring out the window. I finished my cocoa and looked at Piper's empty mug on the table. I took both and put them in the sink.

I looked at the two that were already there. On one, I could feel Brooke's presence. On the other, I felt Brandon's. But why would she let Brandon into her cabin after what he did to her in Hollywood and what he did to all of us by taking Rachel? I walked back out and sat on the coffee table across from Piper. "Brandon was here."

"What?" She looked like her eyes were gonna pop out of her head.

"There were two mugs in the sink when I was in there. One having the presence of Brooke, and the other having the presence of that jerk."

"But why would she let him in?" 

"She wouldn't. That's what I don't understand." I accidentally banged my clenched fist against the table. Thalia jolted upright. She looked around frantically. When she realized it was only Piper and I awake, she got up and came over and sat on the arm of the couch. 

"What's with the banging on the table?" She asked. I clenched my fists. Piper told her our conversation. But only the part after I put our mugs in the sink. Thalia's expression darkened. "Well, that explains it." I got up and ran my hand through my hair. I heard everyone stirring in their beds as they started to wake up. I sat back down and gazed at my shoes. I didn't look up until I felt a several hands on my back.

Hazel, Thalia, and Piper were looking at me with a sad expression. Addy sat in my lap and hugged me. I gave her a hug back, glad to have comfort so I didn't punch a hole in the wall. Percy came over and put a hand on my shoulder. Everyone sat down around me and Piper told them what I discovered. Percy stood up and stormed out of the cabin.

"I'll get him," Annabeth said. She stood up and followed Percy out the cabin door. We all sat in silence. None of us knowing what to say or what to do.

~Somewhere in Florida~

Brooke was starting to wake up. I sat next to where she was laying in a bed that Brandon had put in here for me. She opened her eyes. They filled with shock as soon as she saw me. She sat up and gave me a huge hug. "Don't be so happy yet. You've been captured too." Her eyes filled with sadness. She looked around her.

"Just be glad I can throw a punch. That Brandon guy was getting a little handsy." I informed her, giving her a small, but strong, smile. "I texted your phone when I realized you didn't have pockets. Annabeth knows you're okay. I told her that they needed to hurry because Brandon was getting way too comfortable with you being asleep."

"Can I see your phone?" She asked, holding out her hand. I looked around and dug it out of my jean pocket. I handed it to her. She typed something and gave it back to me. I read what she put. She told them it was her and that she was okay. My phone buzzed. It was a call from her phone.

"I'm pretty sure it's for you." I gave her the phone.

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