Early Mourning Wake Up

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I woke up with my head on Leo's lap and my legs on Nico's. I didn't see any one else was awake so I tried to go back to sleep. Then I felt a hand on my hip. I looked at the hand, it was pale and had a skeleton ring. Nico was twisting his ring symbolizing that he was awake. I turned onto my back and rubbed my eyes like I had just woke up. He jumped and put his and on his lap.

"Good Morning," I said with a small smile, watching as he returned my smile.

"Morning," he looked like he had been awake for hours.

"How long have you been up?" I asked him.

"Twenty minutes at the least." He looked at his wrist even though there wasn't a watch. "How about you? I know it wasn't a coincidence that you happened to just wake up spontaneously after I took my hand out from under your thigh since you fell asleep on it. It had started to go numb." He rubbed his thumb and fore finger together while looking at me knowingly.

"Alright, you caught me. I woke up about five minutes ago. Then I felt your hand on my hip and I decided to roll on my back so you would remove it. It felt weird." I replied.

"Oh, sorry." He looked down at his hands.

"Not weird like that. Weird like a weird tingly feeling went up my spine when I felt your hand on my waist." I smiled at him.

"Really? You weren't totally creeped out? Because me being a son of Hades does that to people," he seemed surprised, yet, he also seemed happy.

"Really. I would like to sit up but I don't want to wake Leo." I looked up at Leo's face. I wonder if he knows that he whispers in his sleep.

"I'll help you," Nico said as he lifted my legs gently off his lap and came over to where my head was. He slowly lifted my head off of Leo's leg. When I was sitting up, I looked back at Leo to see that he was still asleep. "There, better?" He asked while sitting back down.

"Yeah. Knowing I was laying on his lap, I couldn't go back to sleep. But now I don't have a pillow." I frowned.

"You can lay on me if you want," he didn't make eye contact as he said this.

"OK." I put my head on his chest and curled up with my knees on his leg. Within seconds I was asleep again.


She put her head on my chest and curled up. A few seconds later she was asleep. I wrapped my arm around her waist and rested my cheek on the top of her head. Then moments later, I drifted off to sleep, as well.


I woke up a few minutes after Annabeth. She was standing in between me and where Brooke was sleeping. "Morning Seaweed Brain. I thought you got rid of the whole 'drool in your sleep' thing?" She was smiling at her joke.

"Ha-ha. Now why are you standing there?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

"Because if I weren't standing here, Nico would not live to see tomorrow." She didn't match my gaze when she said this.

"Why? What happened?"

"Oh, nothing."

"Come on, I know it's something."

"Fine, I will step out of the way. But you have to promise not to kill Nico."

"Promise." She stepped to the side and I saw something that made my blood boil.

Brooke was curled up with her head on Nico's chest while he had his arm wrapped around her waist and he was asleep with his cheek resting on the top of her head. One of my best friends and he does this to me. I stood up and walked over to Leo. I shook him awake.

"Leo," I said as he whispered something I couldn't recognize, in his sleep. It kind of sounded like "Calypso, it's a magic pineapple."

"Dude, why did you have to wake me up? I was having the best dream ever," he said. Then he rubbed the sleep off of his face.

"Look over that way," I said pointing in the direction of Nico. He turned his head.

"What the...?" He looked like he wanted to rip the head off of a teddy bear.

"Yeah, I am not allowed to kill Nico, I promised Annabeth, so will you do it for me?" He looked back at me.

"No. That would just upset Brooke and I want her to be happy." He looked at her longingly. I'm gonna deck this guy. 

"Fine." I walked back over to my bed and picked up the little pad of paper they put next to the phone. I started tearing off pieces and crumpling them up. Then I soaked them in water and threw them as hard as I could at Nico and Brooke. I wish they would wake up and they wouldn't be like.... that..... anymore. I was starting to feel betrayed. Soon enough I hit Nico in the forehead and his eyes fluttered open.


Is this gonna be the beginning of a great relationship between Nico and Brooke?

Or is this gonna be the end of Nico's life?

Find out by reading the next chapter...

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