Perfect Timing

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Percy had been talking on the phone for a matter of seconds. A huge smile suddenly broke out on his face and the sadness that had been in his eyes for the past three days was replaced with relief and happiness. I couldn't help but wonder why he was so happy after what happened to Rachel and Brooke. Was it because he just realized it was his birthday? Or did he get some good news over the phone? What I didn't know was that my sadness was about to be replaced too and that I would finally be whole again.

Percy removed the phone from his ear and started jumping up and down like a seven-year-old Leo on a sugar high. We all gave him puzzled looks, especially Stella. He must of noticed the shared look of confusion that spread among our small crowd of demigods because he automatically stopped jumping. "They escaped! They're free!" It took everyone but me a moment to realize who he was talking about. A huge smile broke out on my face, which confused everyone even more. Annabeth figured out who we were talking about and hugged Percy. Everyone soon figured it out except for Leo, poor guy.

"Who's free? Who's safe? What are you guys so happy about?" He asked. Hazel whispered something in his ear and his elfish grin came back. He started jumping up and down. He turned to his right and picked up the nearest girl, who thankfully didn't have a boyfriend, and kissed her. We all fought the urge to laugh when Artemis showed up and punched Leo in the face for kissing her daughter. He noticed all of us smiling. "Well, it was worth it." He said, rubbing his jaw, where a big black and blue bruise had already formed. Stella immediately blushed and Piper nudged her with her elbow, causing her to turn a deeper color red. Percy turned back to who I assumed was Brooke on the phone.

"Where are you guys?" He asked.  He mumbled a few "yeah"s and "Okay"s. He hung up the phone and stuffed it back in his pocket. He turned to us. "Okay, they said they would meet us at the mall in Miami in about an hour. According to the GPS on Rachel's phone, they aren't that far from there. Let's go."

We quickly got in the cars and got to Miami in less than forty-five minutes. It took us ten minutes to park and get inside. We looked through everyone for the two girls, they must have been do in the same because I looked over at Percy and he was smiling with tears in his eyes.

"Brooke! Rachel! We're over here!" He shouted and I looked to see a girl with red hair tab the shoulder of the black haired girl. My breath got caught in my throat and my heart started racing. The two girls turned around and ran to us. Brooke ran into Percy's arms as Rachel ran into Annabeth's. Everyone hugged the girls and I stood there, waiting, until Brooke turned around and saw me standing there. She ran to me in almost a full out sprint. I picked her up by the waist and spun her around. I pulled her close to me and she wrapped her arms around my neck. She buried her face in my neck. I pulled her away, still holding her in the air, and kissed her. She put her hands on my shoulders, and I slowly lowered her to the ground, wrapping my arms around her small waist as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I leaned forward, deepening the kiss, causing her to have to lean back.


I'm having my first kiss, with my first boyfriend, and someone just had to ruin it. One of our friends, probably my brother, cleared their throats. I flipped them off, keeping my arms around Nico's neck, until someone cleared their throat again. I pulled back from the wonderful kiss, and glared, deathly, at everyone around. Percy gulped, signalling that he was the one that cleared their throat, and took a step back. I slowly removed my arms from around Nico's neck, and he took his arms off of my waist, and made my way over to Percy, keeping my glare firm. He backed up until he was against one of the tables in the food court. When I saw how scared he was I smiled. I stood on my tip toes, and whispered in his ear.

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