One Phone Call... That's All...

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I accepted the call."Brooke?" I heard a voice say on the other side of the phone.

"Percy," I felt my eyes sting.

"Brooke, we're gonna find you. I swear it on the River Styx." Percy said. I heard a rumble of thunder on the other end of the line.

"Okay." That was the only response I could muster

"Brooke?" This one was a female voice.

"Annabeth," I couldn't keep the tears from running down my cheeks anymore.

"I'm working on finding more detail about the prophecy. We will get to you and Rachel." I heard her voice crack a smidge.

"Please hurry," I heard my voice crack too. I ignored it.

"Brooke?" I recognized this voice as Nico.

"Nico," I could hardly get out his name.

"Were going to find you. We won't stop until we do. You're my source of happiness. Without you I will just be back to being distant and sad. Please, stay safe. Don't let him touch you." I could tell he was a little angry when he said that last sentence. He mostly had sadness and worry in his voice.

"I'll see you when you get here, Nico." I wiped my cheeks. "I love you," I waited for a reply. I heard a door close on the other side of the call.

"I love you too. Never forget that." Then I heard another voice.

"Brooke?" The young voice asked.

"Addy," I smiled at how happy she sounded, despite the circumstance.

"I miss you, Brooke. I'm gonna help find you. Don't worry." I smiled even bigger.

"I'm not worried, Addy. I have hope and faith on my side. I will be waiting for you to find me. Be as fast as you can and stay safe. Promise me you will stay safe?"

"I promise," she said. "Other people want to talk to you now. I have to go. I will see you soon." Then she was gone.

"How ya holding up, cuz?" Said the familiar voice of none other than Jason.

"I could be better, but then again I could be worse." I said.

"How could it be worse?" He asked confused.

"You could all be dead and I could be all alone with no one to find me." I stated simply.

"Well, that would be worse. Definitely worse. Don't give up hope. Hope is all you have."

"You're wrong Jason. I also have faith. I have faith in all of you to find me and hope that it will be before my birthday. I do not want to turn eighteen while locked up." I heard him chuckle.

"I gotta give you to someone else now. But we will be there. We will find you. We will never give up until we do." Then he too was gone. Only to be replaced by another voice.

"Hey, Brooke." Said the very familiar voice of Thalia.

"Hey, Thalia. You sound a lot more casual than everybody else." I said with a small smile because I knew she was just trying to hold everyone together.

"I have to stay strong so we can find you. If I'm not strong, then who will be?" She asked. She had a twinge of sadness in her voice.

"If you're not strong, then I will be. Rachel, too. We will be strong." I heard Thalia sniffle a little.

"I gotta give you to someone else now. See ya soon." Then I heard her cover up a cry. She was trying to stay strong, but she knows I see her as my sister. As the one I can come to if I get in a fight with Nico or Percy. I could tell that Annabeth was comforting her now because I could hear her sobbing. I started to cry a little harder.

"Brooke, what happened to you?" Said a boy I knew to be Leo.

"Well, I woke up in the middle of the night to a knock at the door. When I opened it, it was Percy, or someone who looked like Percy because now that I think about it, he didn't have the smell of salt water. But, anyways, I thought it was Percy. So I let him in and we sat on the couch and drank some cocoa until I fell asleep. When I woke up I was here with Rachel." I heard mumbling and assumed Leo was telling everyone what I told him.

"Well, it wasn't Percy because he was asleep in the Zeus cabin until Nico and Annabeth woke him up because you were gone. It was Brandon. Nico felt his presence on one of the mugs you guys drank out of. I gotta go. If we're gonna find you before your birthday, I gotta get to packing for this quest." Leo said. Then I heard a few more familiar voices because the must have decided to put it on speaker.

"We will find you Brooke. We promise." I heard the voices of Hazel and Frank say.

"We will never stop." I heard the voice of Jason say. Then all I heard was Piper. No background noise. She must have wanted a private conversation with me.

"Brooke, what did you say to Nico? He was happy when he got off the phone with you. I could see it in his eyes." Piper said.

"I told him I loved him." I said. I heard a small squeal on her end of the phone. Then I heard Thalia's voice again.

"Your Aphrodite is showing." Said Thalia. Her voice was a lot softer this time. Probably because she wasn't talking into the mic.

"So? If you had heard what I just heard, you would be excited too." I heard Piper's comeback. "We gotta go so we can get started on finding you."

"OK, I will see you when you get here." I said.

"See you when we get there." She said. Then the call ended and I handed the phone back to Rachel. I put my face in the pillow that was on the bed and started to cry. What if they never found me? Then Percy would be blasted off the Earth for breaking aa oath on the River Styx. I pulled myself out of the negative thoughts. I thought of the positive part of that conversation. Nico loves me. And I love him, too.

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