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Nico and I stood there for a good two minutes before we heard someone walk up to the door. The door was yanked open and I was faced with a smiling five year old. She latched onto my leg. "Happy birthday Brooke!!!" She said then grabbed my hand and pulled me inside, causing me to pull Nico along with me.

When I was finally inside, I saw all of my friends. And my Mom? My baby brother? I ran up and hugged both of them. When I turned around with the biggest smile in the world on my face, Hazel stood up from where she was sitting. "Happy Birthday Brooke. I hope you liked your present." She said. I gave her a huge hug.

"I loved it. Thank you for bringing my family to see me." I whispered to her. I then released her.

"Okay, now sit down so you can get the rest of your presents." Percy said from where he was sitting in the circle of demigods on the floor. I sat down next to him and Nico sat down next to me. Nico held one of my hands and Percy held the other. I smiled at both of them and looked at the rest of the group. They were all smiling at me. I was handed a black box with a golden ribbon from Addy. I opened it up and it was one of those electronic picture frames. I gave her a big smile. I turned it on and found pictures that had been taken throughout the time I had known this wonderful group. There was a picture of me with Blackjack, a picture of me and Addy playing with the naiads at the bottom of the lake, a picture of me beating Percy at archery, and pictures from my first quest. I smiled as I turned off the device and looked up from it to meet Addy's gaze.

"Do you like it?" She asked me with a huge grin on her face.

"I absolutely love it. Thank you, Addy." She gave me a big hug and sat back down next to my five year old brother. Next I was handed a silver box with a blue bow from Stella. I untied the ribbon and opened the box to see a ring. The ring was silver with a blue pearl. Around the pearl was small gold beads. Painted on the pearl was a silver bow. I slid it on my finger and looked up at Stella.

"Press the pearl," she stated with a huge grin on her face. I pressed the pearl and it glowed silver. I felt a weight on my back. I looked and there was a bow and quiver full of arrows on my back. They were a magnificent blue. I pulled the bow off of my back and held it in my hands. I pulled an arrow out of my new quiver and examined it. I placed it back in my quiver and put my bow back over my shoulder. I pressed the pearl on my ring again and the glow faded. As did the weight of my new bow and quiver on my back.

"Thanks, Stella. I love it." I smiled at her and she took her seat next to Thalia. Thalia then handed me a sky blue box. I opened it and found thirteen silver charms. I looked up at her and she handed me my charm bracelet that had the trident on it. I put it on my wrist and pulled one of the charms out of the box. A lightning bolt, the symbol of Zeus. I placed it on my charm bracelet. Then I pulled out another charm. A crown, the symbol of Hera. The next charm I pulled out was a skull, the symbol of Hades. I then pulled out a owl charm, the symbol of Athena. A moon charm, symbol of Artemis. A sun charm, symbol of Apollo. A heart charm, symbol of Aphrodite. A hammer charm, symbol of Hephaestus. A wild boar charm, symbol of Ares. A caduceus charm, symbol of Hermes. A grape charm, the symbol of Dionysus. A charm that looked like a stalk of wheat, the symbol of Demeter. The last charm was a small fire, the symbol of Hestia. I placed all of my charms on my bracelet. I smiled contently as I looked up at Thalia.

"Some of the gods and goddesses even gave you a gift with their charm." She said. She then turned to Annabeth. "Which one would be the least dangerous for her to try out?"

"Probably Demeter," Annabeth replied. She then turned to me. "Press the wheat charm." I pressed it and Moonlace grew out on the balcony. I pressed it again and the Moonlace grew into a beautiful garden. I smiled contently.

Daughter of a Greek GodWhere stories live. Discover now