Screams and Introductions

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I woke up to an ear piercing scream. I shot to a sitting position and saw Addy, curled in a ball on her sleeping bag. "Addy, what's wrong?" I said, going over to sit next to her. She stood up and flung her arms around my neck.

"I don't want to go back there. Don't ever make me go back there." She repeated over and over again in my ear. I stroked her hair, trying to calm her down.

"Don't make you go back where?" I asked.

"To that forest. There was Medusa.... a-an-and," She stuttered.

"Shhh, you don't have to continue. I will never make you go back again. Never. I promise." I said as soothing as I could. But I couldn't help wonder what happened. She continued to cry into my shoulder until she fell back asleep. I didn't want to have her alone if she has another nightmare. So I unzipped my sleeping bag and sat down on it. She was still wrapped around my neck. I pulled her arms off of my neck and placed them gently at her sides. I put her head on my lap and pulled her sleeping bag over us as a blanket. I sat there as she slept, until everyone else was awake. We were about to start packing up the tents so I gently picked her up. She wrapped her arms around my neck again and I held onto her legs so she didn't fall. 

Everyone else helped Annabeth pack our supplies. I just stood off to the side with a sleeping Addy. When they were finished packing, we walked towards a local car dealership. Piper walked up to the nearest salesman and asked him sweetly for two cars. The salesman went into the back and brought out two keys. He walked us to the cars and gave us the keys. I got in the backseat of one of the cars and put Addy beside me. I buckled her in a put her head on my shoulder so she could continue to sleep.

We drove for sixteen hours before deciding to stop to sleep. As soon as we had the tents pitched, we heard someone yelling for help. Hazel stayed behind with Addy as the rest of us ran to find the source of the yells.


It was dark. The only light was that of the moon. We were following someones cries for help. I turned my head just in time to see a figure run right into Nico. I let out a small laugh as they both hit the ground. I helped the stranger up as Piper help Nico up.

"What's your name?" I asked her as she wiped the dust off of her jeans.

"I don't think it's the time and place for that," she said.

"Why?" She opened her mouth to say something but then we heard a roar.

"That's why," she said pointing to the source of the noise.

"It's a Chimera!" Annabeth shouted. "Get behind us."

"Gladly," said the girl. She ran and hid behind a tree that was behind us.

"Jason, get it from the air. Frank, and Thalia, use your bows. Percy, there's a lake behind it. Leo, use your fire. Nico, Piper, and I will get it from the ground. Let's send this thing back to the underworld." Annabeth said. She drew her dagger and started attacking the snake head/tail thing. I started blasting it in the side with fire. Percy got it with water and Jason struck it with lightning. Thalia and Frank both released a volley of arrows. A few arrows hit it in the back. It turned into dust. Jason landed on the ground.

"That," said the girl. "Was AWESOME!! Who are you guys?"

"Well, I'm Annabeth, that's Percy, then there is Jason and Piper, Leo and Nico, and then there is Frank. But back at our camp we have Nico's two sisters, Hazel and Addy." Annabeth introduced all of us. Pointing to the person as she said their name. "What's your name?"

"Stella Moon." She said.

"So your name is Star Moon?" I asked. I got a punch from Thalia. "OW!!" Man that girl punches hard.

"Technically yes. But if you call me that, I will kill you." She said in a serious voice. I took a step backwards.

"So, Stella, let's get you back to our camp." Thalia said. We started walking in the direction of where our camp was set up.


"So, how did you guys kill that thing?" I asked, still in awe, as we walked to their camp.

"Well, we're demigods, and celestial bronze and imperial gold are fatal to monsters." Annabeth said. "Why were you in the middle of the forest?"

"Well, I've been on the run for the past three years. I have moved from tree to tree." I said.

"Why did you run?" Nico asked. I was surprised when I realized it was him who spoke. He hadn't said a single word.

"It was my dad. He was an abusive drunk. He beat on me and my sister. Until one day, my father had-uh-pinned me against this wall. My sister threw a beer bottle, but she missed his head. He threw me on the ground, and turned his attention to her. She yelled at ne to run, so i did, just into the tree line so i could wait for her. But, she never came. The next morning, I woke up to see my father dragging a bag towards the forest." I felt my eyes tear up a little, but I blinked the tears away. "I followed him, only to see him burying my sister in a clearing, in an unmarked grave. I-uh-I came out after he was gone and carved her name into the tree she was buried under, putting her date of birth and her date of death. That's when I started running."

"I'm so sorry," Piper said.

"You don't need to apologize. She just didn't deserve to die like that, not by his hands." As I said this, I remembered the pain of watching him cover his tracks. I remembered the heartbreak of my sister being taken from me, leaving me to fend for myself. A tear escaped my eye and rolled down my cheek. I received hugs. One from everyone but Nico. I didn't ask why. We continued walking until we reached the camp.

When we got there, a small girl about Nico's age ran up and gave him and Frank hugs. Frank kissed her on the top of the head. Then a young girl, about five or six, ran out and hugged Nico. She then noticed me. "Hi," she said coming over to me. "I'm Addy. Who are you?"

"I'm Stella." I said as I crouched down so I was at eye level with her.

"That's a pretty name." She said.

"Thank you very much." I said.

"Your pretty." She said. I smiled.

"Not as pretty as you. You're much prettier than me." I said. She smiled and gave me a hug. I hugged her back. I stood up after she released me from the hug. "You must be Hazel," I said to the dark skinned girl with curly brown hair who was standing next to Frank. She nodded.

"It's nice to meet you, Stella." She said. I nodded in reply.

"So, why are you guys camping in the forest?" I asked, looking around their small camp.

"We are on a quest to find Percy's sister." Piper said.

"What happened to her?" I asked.

"She was kidnapped along with another one of our friends. We are on our way to find them." Percy said. As he said this, his eyes dropped down to the ground. Annabeth enclosed him in a hug. As I looked at everyone else, I saw that Nico was looking at the ground too. Addy noticed this and ran to give her brother a hug. He picked her up and placed her on his shoulders. His dark eyes were full of sadness. I decided not to ask anymore questions about his sister.

"So, what do we do now?" I asked. Their faces drifted to above my head. I looked up and there was a silver bow and arrow. It dissapeared and I looked back at them.

"Stella Moon, daughter of Artemis." Annabeth said, her eyes wide.

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