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I wasn't surprised to see Tyler at home after class, I saw the group text and knew what had happened. Andre texted later to say it was fixed and he was taking him home.

I know Ty's not going to be happy about this. He may manage incredibly well with one arm, he's had a lot of practice, but it prevents him from playing drums for at least four weeks and that's like torture for him.

He's had a lot of trouble with that shoulder.

It got so bad a year after graduation that it didn't take much to pop it out of place. Most of the time it would happen while he seized. The tendons and ligaments that held it in place were so stretched that they could barely hold it anymore and the force of his muscles contracting and jerking was enough to dislocate it. He ended up having to get surgery to fix it so it didn't happen so easily anymore.

Even though it was nothing compared to the brain surgery he had a year before he was miserable and acted like a child the whole time. 

I teased him mercilessly for it.

I get it sucked, he couldn't use his arm for six months and had to go to physical therapy after that to regain muscle he lost but seeing him pout was kind of funny and ridiculously cute.

I also didn't mind that I got to be his distraction while his shoulder healed. We spent a lot of time together.

After the surgery it didn't dislocate as easily and this is only the second time since so its been a lot better.

They were still sitting at the table talking when I got there.

Andre didn't stay long, he was working the night shift and had to get ready. Me and Ty sat up and watched some T.V. after dinner. Eventually once he had ate his salad bowl of cereal we went to bed. 

Saturday afternoon we went back to the shop for his first session on his sleeve. Iggy was a little reluctant when he saw Ty's right arm in a sling but when Tyler laughed and said it's a good thing that's not the arm he's getting done he smiled and shook his head.

He took us to the back again and Ty got settled while he set up.

"So what the fuck did you do?" Iggy asks as he sits down and starts placing pieces of the stencil on his arm.

"Fell, a friend tried to catch me, pulled it out of socket." Ty says and half shrugs.

"Ouch, that hurts. I've done that before." Iggy nods and Tyler chuckles.

"Yeah its like the sixth time I've done it so its really not that big of a deal."

"A little accident prone?" Iggy laughs as he sketches between the stencils with a marker tying them all together.

"Kind of comes hand in hand with the epilepsy." I say nodding.

"Oh yeah, I guess it would huh?" he says raising his eyebrows. "So how come you fell? I thought you said you got some kind of warning." he asks looking at Ty.

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