chapter 34

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Nakshatra wants to live confined everywhere She doesn't even feel like crying or laughing now Things around It doesn't make any difference to her .she remembers those who are waiting for her .Only if she stands up in life She can give light to those who expect her With her blood When she knew that she could change the life's of many people

She realized that there was some meaning in her life She has small hopes in her mind to save everyone's life when they tell her the gratitude in their eyes .
May be it is her fate to have to be lived like this .She is now trying to forget all the nightmare of her . when she came back from a small job at the physician house her biggest nightmare was staying indoors. In the past Seeing that person made his heart skip a beat But now when  see the same person She feels nothing. Without any feelings she asked

"Why is Alpha here"?

Rogan heard the sound of the nakshatra and looked back Seeing her It was as if all the strength he had stored up for so long was draining away .he closed her eyes and took a deep breath and walk neat Nakshatra.

" I need some time to talk to you."
Nakshatra stood there silently

"Please forgive me You have been hurt a lot It's all my fault. I didn't know Everyone use you as a tool. As a partner I have done nothing for you. I know it is very difficult for you to forgive me. "

"Just give it time slowly Let's all fix it .Everything you need . I will give you everything in this world I will never make you sad again ."

"Please give me one more chance I will never let you down. I am ready to beg you if you want I can't live without you anymore I realized all my mistakes The moongoddness found you  for me I refused because of my pride. But now I am ready to leave my pack  for you .Let us go to some other place and live in peace."

Seeing Nakshatra silent, rogan asked,

"tell me something, Nakshatra "

" All the drama is over" A few days ago the drama was played by you  sister and relatives All their needs are met. Now Are you putting it as a new play?"

"Nakshatra you  misunderstood I said things honestly"

"It's true that I still get everything wrong But I don't understand one thing. "If I come into your life What will Serena do?"

" I have already cut her out of my life" Rogan said hopefully "She will never come into our lives again I will tell everyone that you are my mate with all dignity I have accepted all my mistakes Ready to receive Whatever punishment I receive, I will gladly accept it Kindly please don't you leave me"

Ohhhhh! "Now I understand things Now
There's no one there to make your bed warm right? That is why I am being called now Or is there any other purpose? Take this fake face of yours .At least a little Are you ashamed to stand in front of me?

Hearing her answer Rohan looked at her shocked "I didn't think anything like that, Nakshatra I know you can't forgive me easily Just give me some time I will show you my sincerity I will give you anything you want'

"You can do anything for me, right"?

Rogan an happily nodded .

First"Everyone here is calling me a traitor now Some people are disgusted as they see me You should tell them the truth"

" Second thing I gave you my pride.I gave you my all because I loved you I want that back too"

"The third thing I want my baby back If you give these three I forgive you"

Rogan  stood there not knowing what to do. All three cannot be given to her Rogan bowed his head and stood .

Nakshatra asked him with a scornful smile "Can't give Didn't you say that you can give me whatever I ask?"

Rogan said with a pitiful  "please give me a chance for me . I can't give these three things for you" 

'ok I will give you one more chance .I don't want the first two things I said But I want the third thing . Can you give me my baby back? I didn't even see my daughter's face"

Rogan started crying from there his daughter's figure came to his mind.

"You have never loved anyone in your life and you only love your privilege and tried to raise your reputation. Still You come  me because you feel guilty".

"Have you ever loved me in your heart? Never loved you I was just an object to you. You are nobody to me .when I see you It's just  my child's murder is in front of me Because of you My baby is not with me How can I forgive you and live with you?"

Rohan also heard this Said out loud


" how can I kill my own baby.I have no choice, nakshatra .That's why I can't give justice to my child."

" I love you so much nakshatra i like you At first I lost the courage to say it I wasn't thinking about myself, I was thinking about the people around me Kindly done You don't talk like that I can't endure it." Rogan said unbelievable pain

   "If we truly love a person we can never hurt them You have hurt me and you are still hurting me to you.if you want forgiveness You must reject me and my baby"

Rogan's legs started shaking after hearing this "Once I do that, it doesn't matter if I'm alive anymore ", but  I will definitely get your forgiveness, no matter how long it takes, he said and started leaving.

Rohan was shocked to see Steve  standing there and he was listening to everything from there .

"How could you behave so wickedly? Rogan" Steve asked with teary eyes.
Rogan can't stand there any more  and went out without saying a word.

Steve  looked and said "I don't know what to tell you I know that it doesn't matter what I say anymore I have hurt you a lot with my words Forgive me if possible. You can ask me anything if you ever need "I can only do that by atonement.

"  You all have done so much Please don't hurt us anymore and get out of here" emily shouted." Steve leave without anything.

Whenever Steve  sees Emily,  His heart beat will increase . But in case Emily she see in the royal family is now disgusted .She thinks that everyone is the same there Is it because of them that she and her sister are suffering so much?.

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