Chapter 73 - I Miss You So Much

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"Who is it outside?" Zhao Jinrui asked as he rubbed his temples, having just finished discussing court affairs with his ministers.

De Fu had yet to return, as he needed to accompany the Empress and others back to the palace, so Xiao Xiazi and another head eunuch were currently serving him.

"Your Majesty, it's Xiao Li from He Liangdi's Lanyue Pavilion," replied the head eunuch, who was another trusted confidant of the Emperor, though he usually handled matters outside the palace.

"What is it?" Zhao Jinrui's tone remained calm, as if the favor he had previously shown to Lanyue Pavilion no longer mattered.

"He Liangdi said that Your Majesty must have been weary from your journey back to the palace, so she had some food prepared and hopes that you will take care of your health," the eunuch relayed the message Xiao Li had given him.

Zhao Jinrui nodded. "Let him in."

Soon, Xiao Li entered the Qinzheng Hall carrying a food box. His head was bowed low, and he dared not glance around, as it was his first time entering this place. Naturally, he was very nervous.

Seeing Xiao Li enter, Zhao Jinrui's face showed a hint of satisfaction. It wasn't the first time a favored consort had sent a eunuch to Qinzheng Hall, but most would steal glances around him, as if trying to see if there were any other women near him. It always made him quite displeased.

"How is your mistress? Is she feeling unwell?" After all, she was someone he had once favored, and now she was carrying his child. Naturally, Zhao Jinrui cared.

Xiao Li, hearing the Emperor inquire about He Liangdi, immediately bowed respectfully and replied, "Your Majesty, apart from a lack of appetite and some fatigue, the consort is otherwise in good health." He Liangdi had warned them earlier that they must always tell the truth when speaking to the Emperor.

Hearing that she was doing well, Zhao Jinrui's expression brightened. "She is truly fortunate. Her pregnancy seems to have fewer symptoms than most." He thought of the other women in the palace, who constantly complained about discomfort, which often left him in a foul mood.

"Alright, you may leave the food here. Tell your mistress that I will visit her later." After being away for several months, it was indeed time to check on her.

"Yes, Your Majesty. This servant takes his leave."

After Xiao Li left, the head eunuch stepped forward to serve the meal.

When Zhao Jinrui saw the light, simple dishes on the table, his appetite stirred. After taking a bite, he smiled in satisfaction. "She truly knows how to please. Go to my private treasury and select some items for the child. Reward her for nurturing the royal offspring."

The eunuch was surprised that after just one bite, the Emperor had already decided to bestow such a reward. Even the Empress had not received such favor.

"Yes, Your Majesty. I will select the best."

Just as the eunuch was about to leave, Zhao Jinrui stopped him. "Make sure to prepare a double portion."

That's right—Xiao Xiazi had informed the Emperor of He Liangdi's multiple pregnancies. However, due to his recent busy schedule, the Emperor hadn't paid much attention to it. Now, having some leisure time, he remembered.


The head eunuch was well aware of He Liangdi's pregnancy with twins, as he was responsible for gathering such information.

After a pleasant lunch, the Emperor finished his afternoon duties and then set out for Lanyue Pavilion.

The Emperor's entourage caused quite a stir. Though most of the palace concubines had not yet returned, some still remained in the palace. The lower-ranked concubines were not worth mentioning, but the one in Changchun Palace was well aware of this visit.

"Miss," Dong Mei said with resentment. After all, her mistress had personally gone to request an audience with the Emperor and was turned away. Yet, now the Emperor was heading straight for Lanyue Pavilion. It was as if he had slapped her mistress in the face.

Zhang Wenke was equally furious, but no matter how angry she was, she didn't dare criticize the Emperor. "Later, summon the imperial physician for the Third Prince."

If she could not win favor for herself, she would rely on her son. She refused to believe that the Emperor would neglect the Third Prince.

Dong Mei hesitated, worried for the frail prince's health. What if something went wrong?

Seeing Dong Mei's concern, Zhang Wenke smiled and reassured her, "Don't worry. I would never use my own son as a pawn. It's just a pretense. If the Emperor no longer cares about the Third Prince, then I will have truly lost all face."

This, she understood all too well.

Zhang Wenke had long stopped believing in the Emperor's affection. If she hadn't, she wouldn't have remained hidden for so long.

Combined with what happened with Shu Fei, she could guess without even thinking that there was a reason why the Emperor didn't want to see her this time.

Fortunately, Xian Fei was unaware of the Emperor's plan to use the Zhang family as a blood sacrifice, or else she would not be so at ease.

Regardless, that was her family. No matter how strained their relationship was, when she was their only hope, the Zhang family would have no choice but to back her. The same went for the Empress Dowager.

This was why, no matter how many Zhang family women entered the palace, she remained unshaken. She knew her position was different.

Having received her mistress's instructions, Dong Mei put her concerns aside and went to inform the Third Prince to play his part.

When Zhao Jinrui arrived at Lanyue Pavilion, he didn't announce his visit. As he entered the western wing, he saw a beauty, her belly round and full, walking slowly in the garden. Several attendants followed her closely, afraid something might happen.

The sight of her large belly startled Zhao Jinrui. After all, he had never seen a palace consort with a pregnancy so advanced.

"Slow down, My Lady. Your belly is quite large, and walking too fast might harm both you and the children," Wang Momo urged with concern.

"Don't worry, Momo. The children are fine. They haven't caused me much trouble. Look, I can eat and sleep well. Walking even helps them grow stronger," Bai Jingxian replied with a gentle smile. Her already stunning appearance was now softened by a maternal glow, making her look even more ethereal.

Even from a distance, Zhao Jinrui was captivated by her aura. However, seeing her protruding belly, he didn't dare approach too quietly. He coughed softly to announce his presence.


As expected, the sound startled Bai Jingxian. She turned her head and immediately spotted the man she had longed for day and night.

"Your Majesty!" she cried out excitedly, her eyes instantly welling up with tears. She quickly turned around, pushing away the attendants supporting her, and hurried toward him.

If not for the weight of her belly, she might have broken into a run.

Zhao Jinrui, startled by her reaction, rushed forward and soon had her in his arms.

"You scared me. What were you thinking?" he scolded gently, his heart tightening in fear that something might have happened.

But Bai Jingxian paid no attention to his reprimand, only tightening her embrace around him. "Your Majesty, I missed you so, so, so much," she whispered, holding him even tighter.

It was summer, and with their light clothing, the warmth of their bodies was palpable as they embraced. Her large belly pressed against him, impossible to ignore.

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