Chapter 82 - Concern Everywhere

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Emperor Rui issued a decree: all the inns in the capital were to host the scholars coming from Jiangnan free of charge, with the imperial court covering their expenses until the case of Chancellor Tan was resolved. This act once again won Emperor Rui the admiration of scholars across the nation. Every emperor had a way of winning hearts, and Zhao Jinrui was no exception.

At Qinzhen Hall, the empress arrived with her rounded belly.

"Prince Duan was a traitor, so there's no need for mourning ceremonies. I will handle the Empress Dowager. You just need to follow protocol and prepare for the New Year banquet," Emperor Zhao Jinrui said after hearing the empress's concerns.

The empress understood. It seemed the emperor had been deeply affected by the treason of Prince Duan. "Yes, I shall take my leave, Your Majesty."

"Mhm, take it slow on your way back. The roads are slippery. In the future, if anything comes up, have someone inform me. You should refrain from walking around, it's dangerous," Zhao Jinrui advised.

Now that the rebellion was over and a legitimate heir was on the way, no one would be able to challenge his rule any longer.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I will remember," the empress replied, appreciating his concern, even if she knew his true worry wasn't for her.

After the empress left, Defu, the head eunuch, informed him that Xiao Li from Lanyue Pavilion had arrived. Zhao Jinrui was a bit puzzled. What could they want at this moment?

"Let him in," Zhao Jinrui said, rubbing his temples. The recent events had left him exhausted, with no time to relax.

Xiao Li entered, carrying a food box. Upon seeing what was inside, Zhao Jinrui couldn't help but smile.

"How is your mistress?" Zhao Jinrui asked. He Liangdi was likely the only one in the palace who was so concerned about his meals, whether she was in a good mood or not.

"He Liangdi is well," Xiao Li replied, relieved that the emperor's mood was better than expected after having already met with the empress.

"That's good. Has she been resting properly and moving around as needed?" Zhao Jinrui asked, showing a keen interest in her health. Xiao Li answered each question carefully.

Finally, Xiao Li conveyed He Liangdi's message, "He Liangdi was worried about Your Majesty being overburdened, so she sent some simple dishes. She said that staying well-fed and warm is essential for fighting against bad people, and Your Majesty should not let others upset you."

Zhao Jinrui chuckled, "How thoughtful. Alright, I'll eat right now. Watch me eat, and then report back to her that I finished it all."

Defu opened the food box, revealing simple, homemade dishes. It was clear they weren't prepared by the imperial chefs but by the hands of He Liangdi's private kitchen.

"Someone bring a small stove," Zhao Jinrui ordered.

With Defu and Xiaolizi assisting, the emperor finished all the food. Defu was shocked. Ever since the troubles in Jiangnan began, the emperor hadn't been eating well, barely touching his meals. Today, however, he had eaten two full bowls of rice.

"Look, I finished it. Now you can go back and tell your mistress that I ate it all," Zhao Jinrui said with satisfaction.

Xiao Li, delighted, packed up the dishes. "Yes, Your Majesty. I will report back that you ate well."

"Tell her to take care of herself and eat more. She's carrying twins and can't neglect her own health. If she needs anything, she should come to me, or if I'm busy, have her find Xiao Xiazi."

"Understood, Your Majesty," Xiao Li said, before leaving.

As soon as he was gone, Defu couldn't help but praise He Liangdi, "He Liangdi is truly sincere, Your Majesty. This servant is overjoyed."

Zhao Jinrui smirked, "What are you so happy about? She's not concerned with you."

"I'm happy because she cares about Your Majesty. I'm just a servant—there's nothing special about me to be concerned with," Defu responded sweetly. No wonder he was favored by the emperor.

"Alright, enough flattery." Zhao Jinrui, feeling a rare moment of relaxation, leaned back in his chair. "Defu, why do people always seem so hard to satisfy?"

Though the emperor's question was vague, Defu knew how to respond, "It's because they don't know how to be grateful."

"Yes, they don't know how to be grateful," Zhao Jinrui sighed deeply. How many people in the world truly understand gratitude?

Since the emperor remained silent after that, Defu simply stood by quietly, not daring to speak further.

Later that evening, Zhao Jinrui visited Lan Guifei. After dismissing the servants, he spoke privately with her. Whatever was said in the room brought Lan Guifei to tears, pleading for mercy for her family. The servants outside could only faintly hear her cries, while those waiting in the courtyard heard nothing at all.

Moments after Lan Guifei's pleas, a furious shout from the emperor erupted from the room, loud enough to make Defu's legs go weak. He knew the emperor was displeased, but he hadn't expected such a fiery outburst.

Considering the gravity of the situation, Lan Guifei had no right to beg for her family. What a tragedy. No wonder the emperor had lamented earlier about people never being satisfied. The Tan family, once so powerful, was now on the verge of losing everything due to their greed. If the emperor didn't handle this correctly, the entire nation might lose faith in him, making governance impossible in the future.

Lan Guifei had acted foolishly. This was not a matter that could be resolved by a concubine's plea for mercy.

Back at He Liangdi's quarters, Xiao Li returned, brimming with excitement. "My Lady, the emperor finished everything! He even praised the cooking skills of our small kitchen."

"Did he give any reward?" Bai Jingxian rolled her eyes. Praise? If the food was so good, shouldn't there be a reward? After all, people worked hard, hoping for a little something in return.

Xiao Li hesitated, "My Lady, the emperor's praise is a reward in itself. It's an honor more valuable than any material gift."

Bai Jingxian glanced at him, "Oh, is that so? I suppose you've been showered with plenty of the emperor's praises yourself then. Fine, I won't reward you this time—after all, you've already received so much glory."

She then called over her maid, "Chunshui, give the kitchen staff an extra month's wages. Tell them the emperor enjoyed the food."

Hearing this, Xiao Li panicked, "My Lady!"

"Ha! There's none for you."

After some teasing, Xiao Li informed her of the emperor's promise to visit.

However, Bai Jingxian was unfazed. She didn't expect him to come. The capital was under strict lockdown, and the emperor had endless duties. Even if he did enter the inner palace, he wouldn't come to her chambers. She wasn't sending food to curry favor but merely to maintain a positive image.

And just as Bai Jingxian predicted, after meeting with Lan Guifei, Zhao Jinrui returned to Qinzhen Hall, where he worked late into the night.

Meanwhile, in the empress's quarters at Kunning Palace:

"Your Majesty, Wen Xiuyi requests an audience," the head maid reported.

The empress was taken aback. She and Wen Xiuyi were not close. What could she possibly want? After a brief pause, the empress replied, "Let her in."

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