Chapter 17

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The next morning, soft light filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the quiet room. Engfa stirred awake on the couch, her head resting on Charlotte's shoulder. She blinked groggily, still replaying the events of the night before in her mind. The confessions, the vulnerability—they had been intense. Now, an uneasy quiet filled the space between them.

Charlotte was already awake, sipping her coffee and staring thoughtfully out the window. Engfa shifted, sitting up slightly, and for a moment, neither of them spoke. The warmth from their closeness lingered, but the silence felt heavier than it should have.

"Charlotte," Engfa finally said, breaking the quiet. Her voice was soft but serious, "What are we?"

Charlotte looked at her, a little taken aback. "What do you mean?"

Engfa hesitated, her heart pounding. She needed to know where they stood. "I mean... after everything, after last night, what are we now?" Her voice trembled slightly, revealing the worry building inside her.

Charlotte smiled gently, as if trying to lighten the mood. "We're friends, Engfa."

The word hit Engfa like a punch to the gut. Friends? After everything they had shared? The closeness, the deep conversations, the way Charlotte had cared for her—it felt like so much more than friendship. Hearing Charlotte say it so casually made it feel like everything they had built was being brushed aside.

"Just... friends?" Engfa repeated, her voice thick with hurt. She didn't want to sound desperate, but disappointment clouded her expression.

Charlotte noticed the pain in Engfa's eyes. She knew that "friends" wasn't what Engfa wanted to hear, and truthfully, it wasn't the full truth for her either. But Charlotte had always been cautious. With all the craziness going on in their lives, she wasn't sure if they were ready to take that step. Seeing Engfa so vulnerable made her realize she couldn't keep holding back anymore.

Taking a deep breath, Engfa gathered her courage. "What if I want to be more than just friends? Can I... court you?"

The question hung in the air like a fragile balloon. Engfa was giving Charlotte the chance to decide, and the weight of that moment made Engfa feel like she was teetering on the edge of a cliff.

After what felt like ages, Charlotte finally looked up, meeting Engfa's hopeful gaze. "I... I think I'd like that," she said softly.

Engfa's heart soared, disbelief washing over her. "Really?" she blurted out, her eyes lighting up. The joy bubbling inside her felt like a wave crashing over a sandy shore.

"Yes," Charlotte said, her voice a little stronger now. "I just didn't know if we were ready. Things have been so complicated lately."

Engfa could hardly contain her excitement. Overwhelmed with happiness, she smiled brightly and blurted out, "Grazie mille, amore mio!" The Italian words slipped out naturally, filled with emotion.

Charlotte furrowed her brow, confused. "What did you just say?"

Engfa chuckled, realizing that Charlotte didn't understand. She leaned in a bit closer, her voice playful. "It means 'Thank you so much, my love.'" She felt a flutter of shyness but couldn't help enjoying the surprised look on Charlotte's face.

Charlotte's cheeks turned a light shade of pink, and she laughed, shaking her head. "Oh wow, you're going to start speaking Italian around me, aren't you?"

"Maybe," Engfa teased, her eyes sparkling. "But only the romantic parts."

Charlotte rolled her eyes playfully, but her smile showed how much she liked that idea. "You're impossible, you know that?"

Engfa's smile softened. For the first time in what felt like forever, she felt a wave of peace wash over her. Things were finally beginning to feel right. She had Charlotte's trust, and now she had a chance to show her just how much she cared.

They spent the rest of the morning on the couch, talking about everything and nothing at all. The sun climbed higher in the sky, but time seemed to slow down, allowing them to savor being together.

In one of those moments of comfortable silence, Engfa turned to Charlotte and asked softly, "So... what are we now?" She needed to hear it again, to confirm that this wasn't just a fleeting moment.

Charlotte looked at her, surprise flickering across her face. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, are we still just friends, or is it something more?" Engfa asked, her heart racing. She couldn't bear to go back to being just friends after everything they had experienced together.

Charlotte hesitated, the weight of the question heavy in the air. She had always been careful with her feelings, but the vulnerability in Engfa's eyes made her realize that this was more than just a casual question. It was about their future together.

After a moment, Charlotte sighed and finally said, "I guess we're more than friends now."

Engfa's heart skipped a beat, the relief flooding through her was almost overwhelming. "Really?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Charlotte smiled softly, her eyes warm. "Yeah. I care about you a lot, Engfa. It's more than just friendship."

Engfa beamed, feeling like the happiest person in the world. "That's all I wanted to hear," she said, her voice filled with joy. She leaned in closer, filled with a mix of excitement and affection. "I promise to make it worth it."

Charlotte laughed lightly, her heart feeling lighter. "I know you will."

Engfa let out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding. This was a new chapter for them, and she was ready to embrace it. For now, as they sat together, everything felt right. No matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them side by side.

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