Chapter 37

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After the excitement of the proposal, Engfa, Charlotte, Chompu, and Nudee decided to grab lunch at their favorite café, a cozy spot filled with colorful decor and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. As they settled into a sunlit corner booth, the energy was electric, filled with laughter and chatter.

Charlotte couldn't contain her excitement as she gazed at the sparkling ring on her finger. "I still can't believe it! You really proposed at the racing venue! What an unexpected twist!"

Engfa chuckled, feeling warmth spread through her at Charlotte's enthusiasm. "I thought it was fitting. It's where our journey has had its ups and downs. Plus, I knew it would be a surprise!"

Chompu leaned forward, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "So, Engfa, tell us, how did you actually pull it off? Was it really that hard to keep it a secret from Charlotte?"

"More than you know!" Engfa replied, rolling her eyes playfully. "I was so nervous that I almost slipped up several times. There were moments when I had to fake a million excuses to keep Charlotte from figuring it out."

Nudee added, "And there was that time when you almost invited her to come watch you practice driving! I thought you'd blow the whole thing!"

Charlotte laughed, her cheeks flushing with delight. "I can't believe that! What were you thinking, Engfa?"

Engfa shrugged with a grin. "I was just too excited! But I knew that if I made it seem like it was a regular race, she wouldn't suspect a thing."

"So, how did you pick out the ring?" Charlotte asked, her curiosity piqued. "It's gorgeous!"

Engfa beamed. "I wanted something that represented us. I thought about your style and what you'd love. Plus, it had to be perfect for the moment."

Charlotte reached across the table and squeezed Engfa's hand. "You really did an amazing job. It's stunning, just like you."

Chompu couldn't help but tease, "Okay, but now that you're engaged, when's the wedding? We need a date!"

Charlotte's eyes widened, and she nearly choked on her drink. "Whoa, slow down! We just got engaged, and now we're already planning the wedding?"

Engfa laughed, enjoying the banter. "Well, we can definitely take our time. But I have to admit, I've been thinking about it. Maybe we could have it at a racing venue again?"

"That sounds perfect!" Chompu exclaimed, bouncing in her seat. "I can already picture it — all the cars decorated, the adrenaline pumping, and you two saying your vows. It'll be unforgettable!"

Nudee grinned, adding, "Just promise me you won't race each other down the aisle!"

Charlotte rolled her eyes, laughing. "We'll keep the racing for later. Right now, I just want to enjoy this moment."

As they chatted, their food arrived, a feast of delicious dishes that made the table look inviting. They dug in, sharing bites and exchanging playful banter about their favorite meals. Charlotte leaned back in her chair, still in awe of the proposal.

"Seriously, though, how did you manage to get me there without raising any suspicions?" she asked, a teasing glint in her eye.

Engfa leaned forward, her expression serious for a moment. "I just knew you'd come. You care too much about me and my racing. I had faith you wouldn't let me take unnecessary risks."

Charlotte's expression softened. "You're right. I do care about you. I guess I just didn't expect it to happen like this."

Nudee chimed in, "And you guys are just meant for each other! I've seen how you two look at each other. It's like nothing else matters when you're together."

Chompu nodded in agreement. "You balance each other out perfectly. Engfa's the daring one, and Charlotte's the steady one. It's a dream team!"

Engfa smiled at Charlotte, her heart swelling with affection. "I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm so lucky to have you by my side."

As the lunch continued, the atmosphere was filled with warmth, laughter, and love. They reminisced about past racing adventures, sharing stories of funny mishaps and close calls that had made their friendship stronger. Engfa felt grateful for this moment — for her friends and for Charlotte, who had brought so much joy into her life.

As they finished their meals, Charlotte leaned back, a satisfied grin on her face. "Okay, I need to know — how did you pick the exact moment to propose? Did you have it all planned out?"

Engfa nodded, her excitement bubbling up again. "Yes! I waited until we were all together, just before the race was about to start. I wanted you to be completely distracted, so I could catch you off guard. And it worked, didn't it?"

Charlotte laughed, her heart racing with the memory. "Absolutely! I was in total disbelief. And to think, I almost didn't show up! Thank goodness Nudee convinced me."

"Well, now that you're engaged, you have to admit it was worth it," Chompu said, winking at Engfa.

"Definitely worth it," Charlotte echoed, her gaze locked on Engfa. "I can't wait for what's next for us."

With that, the friends clinked their glasses together in a toast to love, friendship, and new beginnings, knowing that whatever the future held, they would face it together.

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