Chapter 3

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As the weeks went by, Charlotte kept impressing Engfa with her strength. But Engfa's challenges only got tougher. She'd give Charlotte impossible tasks, set crazy deadlines, and sometimes spring unexpected surprises on her, like a last-minute presentation to clients.

One evening, after another long day, Charlotte was in the break room pouring herself some coffee. Just as she turned around, she bumped into Nudee, Engfa's best friend, who was casually leaning against the counter.

"Hey, you're still here?" Nudee asked, looking at Charlotte with curiosity. "You're like a total workaholic."

Charlotte laughed a little, feeling sheepish. "Just trying to keep up with Engfa."

Nudee raised an eyebrow, her expression turning serious. "You know she pushes people hard. You're not worried about burning out, are you?"

"I'm okay," Charlotte said, though she felt a little doubt creeping in. "I can handle it."

Nudee studied her for a moment and then nodded slowly. "Well, if you ever need a break or want to talk, I'm here. Engfa can be a lot."

Charlotte appreciated the offer. "Thanks, I'll remember that."

As the week went on, Charlotte's workload started to wear her down. One night, after a particularly rough day filled with constant changes and revisions, she slumped in her chair, staring blankly at her computer. Just then, Engfa walked in with a serious look.

"Are you still working?" Engfa asked, crossing her arms.

"Just finishing up some details," Charlotte replied, trying to sound more cheerful than she felt.

Engfa looked at her closely. "You need to take care of yourself, Charlotte. You can't help me if you're exhausted."

"I'm fine," Charlotte insisted, even though her tiredness showed.

Engfa sighed, a hint of concern flickering in her eyes. "Alright, but I'll be keeping an eye on you."

Later that week, Nudee decided it was time for a break. She invited Engfa out for drinks, hoping to help her unwind.

"Let's go out tonight. Just us," Nudee suggested, pulling Engfa aside in the office.

Engfa hesitated, glancing back at Charlotte, who was busy working. "I don't know..."

"Come on, you need this. You've been on edge lately. Plus, we can chat about that assistant of yours," Nudee teased with a smirk.

Engfa rolled her eyes but couldn't hide a smile. "Fine. Just one drink."

That night, Engfa and Nudee found themselves at a cozy bar. Engfa sipped her drink, feeling the tension from the week start to fade.

"I can't believe you like that girl," Nudee said, leaning in with a playful grin. "You usually don't let people in that easily."

Engfa shrugged, a flicker of annoyance crossing her face. "She's tough, I'll give her that. But I'm not going to get attached or anything."

Nudee laughed. "Right. Just wait until she charms you. I can totally see it happening."

Engfa shook her head, trying to hide a smile. "I just want her to know this is serious. I need someone I can rely on."

"Maybe she's more than just reliable," Nudee suggested, raising her glass. "Cheers to that."

As the night went on, Engfa found herself opening up about Charlotte, her frustrations, and the respect she was starting to feel. The walls she had built around herself began to crack, and she wondered if maybe Charlotte was someone worth letting in.

"Just don't get too attached," Nudee warned gently. "You know how this world can be."

Engfa nodded, but deep down, she felt a spark of hope. Maybe Charlotte was someone worth fighting for.

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