Chapter 34

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Engfa had been patient for long enough. After weeks of dealing with threats, lies, and constant danger, she had finally tracked down her enemies. The people who had been spying on her, attacking her, and threatening her life were all gathered in one place, and she wasn't going to let this opportunity slip away.

Under the cover of night, Engfa made her move. She had brought a few trusted allies along, including Tina, but this was her fight. She had warned Charlotte to stay out of it, to not ask questions about where she was going. This was something she had to handle on her own.

As she stood outside the warehouse where her enemies were hiding, her fists clenched in anger. This wasn't just about protecting herself anymore. These people had crossed too many lines, and they were going to pay for everything they'd done.

"Tina," Engfa said quietly, her voice cold. "Wait outside. Make sure no one escapes."

Tina nodded, her expression tense but understanding. "Be careful, Engfa."

Without another word, Engfa pushed the door open and walked into the dimly lit building. The room was filled with the very people who had been haunting her life, the same faces that had taunted her, attacked her, and made her question her safety at every turn.

They noticed her immediately. The air became thick with tension as they scrambled to their feet, surprise and fear flashing in their eyes. They hadn't expected her to come alone, let alone so boldly.

"Engfa," one of them said, trying to keep his voice steady. "What do you think you're doing here?"

Engfa didn't answer. Instead, she walked forward, her eyes never leaving them. She felt the anger boiling up inside her, the months of stress and fear turning into something darker.

"I gave you all a chance," Engfa said, her voice low and controlled. "I tried to let it go. I tried to walk away, but you didn't stop. You threatened my life. You threatened Charlotte's life."

The group shifted uneasily, exchanging nervous glances. They weren't sure what Engfa was capable of, but they could tell by the look in her eyes that she wasn't here to negotiate.

"We didn't—" one of them started, but Engfa cut him off.

"Don't lie," she snapped. "I know everything. I know about the attacks, the spying, all of it. You made this personal, and now you're going to pay."

One of the men stepped forward, trying to look tough. "You don't scare us, Engfa. You can't just come in here and—"

Before he could finish, Engfa moved. In a blur of motion, she lunged at him, her fist connecting with his jaw in a swift, brutal punch. He staggered back, blood pouring from his mouth, and before he could react, Engfa grabbed him by the collar and slammed him against the wall.

The others froze, too stunned to react. Engfa's expression was fierce, her body tense with anger. This wasn't a game anymore. This was survival.

"I'm done playing nice," Engfa hissed, her grip tightening. "You made a mistake coming after me. Now you're going to learn what happens when you mess with the wrong person."

One of the other men tried to grab a weapon, but Engfa was faster. She kicked the chair he was reaching for, sending him tumbling to the ground. She was a whirlwind of fury, and nothing could stop her.

As the fight continued, Engfa felt her control slipping. She didn't just want to teach them a lesson—she wanted to end this, once and for all. Every punch, every kick, was fueled by the months of fear and frustration she had endured. These people had taken so much from her, and now she was going to take everything from them.

By the time the last of them was on the ground, bruised and bleeding, Engfa stood over them, breathing heavily. Her knuckles were raw, her muscles aching, but she didn't care. This was justice. This was the only way to make sure they never came after her—or Charlotte—again.

One of the men groaned, trying to sit up. Engfa's eyes narrowed as she stepped closer, her hand moving to her belt where a knife was sheathed. She could end it right now. She could make sure none of them ever hurt anyone again.

But something stopped her. In that moment, as she looked down at the broken men before her, a voice echoed in her mind—Charlotte's voice. The thought of her girlfriend, the only person who had ever made her feel truly safe and loved, was enough to pull her back from the edge.

Engfa lowered her hand, taking a deep breath to calm herself. She couldn't do it. As much as she wanted to, as much as they deserved it, she couldn't become the monster they were.

"Get out of my sight," Engfa growled, her voice cold and hard. "If I ever see any of you again, I won't be so merciful."

The men scrambled to their feet, limping and stumbling as they fled the warehouse. Engfa stood there for a moment, watching them go, her heart still racing. She had won, but the victory felt hollow.

Tina appeared in the doorway, her eyes wide with concern. "Are you okay?"

Engfa nodded, though she didn't feel okay. "Let's get out of here."

As they left the warehouse, Engfa couldn't help but feel a strange mix of relief and guilt. She had come so close to crossing a line she could never come back from. But in the end, it was Charlotte's love that had saved her.

When she finally returned home, it was past midnight. Charlotte was waiting for her, worry etched on her face. As soon as she saw Engfa, she rushed over, her eyes scanning for any injuries.

"What happened?" Charlotte asked, her voice trembling with fear and anger. "Why didn't you call me? I've been worried sick!"

Engfa wrapped her arms around Charlotte, pulling her into a tight embrace. "I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "I had to handle it. But it's over now."

Charlotte hugged her back, her anger melting away as relief washed over her. "Just promise me you won't do anything like this again," she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I promise," Engfa replied, holding her close. "I'm done with them. It's just you and me now."

As they stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, Engfa knew that she had made the right choice. No matter how dangerous things got, she would never let anything come between her and Charlotte.

A/N: Please do vote for my story!! I hope you like it.

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