Chapter 23

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The evening felt unusually quiet as Engfa sat on the couch, watching Charlotte move around the kitchen. They had just finished dinner, but the silence between them had grown heavier. Engfa could sense something in the air, a hesitation that Charlotte hadn't voiced yet. She leaned back, gathering her thoughts, before finally deciding to break the silence.

"Char," Engfa said softly, her voice carrying a gentle seriousness. Charlotte paused, turning to face her, sensing what was about to come. "I've been thinking a lot... about us."

Charlotte's heart skipped a beat. She had an idea of where this conversation might be heading, and her chest tightened with nerves.

Engfa continued, trying to keep her voice steady. "I care about you a lot. I think it's obvious by now that I want more than just this... friendship." She looked down at her hands for a moment before meeting Charlotte's eyes. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

The words hung in the air, and Charlotte felt her stomach twist. She hadn't expected Engfa to ask her this so soon. She loved Engfa deeply, but there was still a part of her that felt uncertain—unsure if she was ready to take that next step. The last few weeks had been a whirlwind, and while their bond had grown stronger, there were still lingering doubts in her mind.

"I—" Charlotte stammered, her hands fidgeting as she tried to find the right words. "Engfa, I... I don't think I'm ready. Not yet."

Engfa's heart sank. The disappointment was like a punch to her chest, but she forced a small, understanding smile. She didn't want to pressure Charlotte, but the sting of rejection lingered. "It's okay," Engfa said quietly, though her voice wavered slightly. "I understand."

But deep down, Engfa didn't know how to handle the overwhelming mix of emotions swirling inside her. She had hoped that things would move forward, that she and Charlotte would be able to take that next step together. Now, everything felt uncertain.

As the evening wore on, the quiet between them only grew more uncomfortable. Charlotte tried to comfort Engfa, but Engfa's mind was already elsewhere. She couldn't shake the feeling of restlessness that had settled over her.

After Charlotte went to bed, Engfa found herself pacing around her apartment. Her heart was heavy with frustration, and she knew exactly what she needed to calm her nerves—racing. It was her old way of coping, a bad habit she hadn't turned to in a while. The adrenaline always helped her clear her head, helped her feel in control when everything else seemed uncertain.

Without a second thought, she grabbed her keys and slipped out the door, heading straight for her car. The streets were quiet as she sped through the city, the roar of the engine filling the silence in her mind. It was dangerous, reckless even, but in that moment, Engfa didn't care. All she wanted was to feel the rush, to escape the overwhelming emotions that had built up inside her.

As the night wore on, Engfa raced through the streets, pushing herself harder and faster. The wind whipped through her hair, and for a brief moment, the tension in her chest eased. But as the adrenaline began to wear off, the reality of the situation came crashing back down on her.

What was she doing? This wasn't the solution. Racing wouldn't fix anything, and deep down, she knew it. But still, she couldn't stop. The need to escape was too strong.

Hours later, Engfa returned home, exhausted but still restless. She crept into the apartment, careful not to wake Charlotte. Slipping into bed beside her, Engfa stared up at the ceiling, wondering how long she could keep running from the feelings she didn't know how to handle.

Charlotte stirred beside her, turning over in her sleep and unconsciously resting her head on Engfa's shoulder. Engfa sighed, feeling the weight of the night settle over her. She loved Charlotte, there was no question about that. But how long could she wait? How long could she keep pushing down the feelings of frustration and disappointment before they consumed her?

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