Chapter 16

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Engfa and Charlotte sat close together, the warmth between them slowly calming the fear and tension inside Engfa. For a moment, everything felt quiet, safe. Just as Engfa started to relax, her phone buzzed, breaking the peaceful silence. She looked at the screen, and her eyes widened when she saw who was calling.

"It's my dad," she whispered, glancing at Charlotte before picking up. Charlotte stayed quiet but curious, watching as Engfa answered.

Engfa switched to Italian as she greeted her father. "Ciao, papà." (Hi, Dad.)

"Engfa, come stai? Ho saputo che ci sono stati dei problemi." (Engfa, how are you? I heard there have been some problems.)

Engfa's heart sank a little, but she didn't want to worry her father. "Sì, è stato difficile, ma sto bene. Niente di troppo grave." (Yes, it's been tough, but I'm fine. Nothing too serious.)

Charlotte couldn't understand what they were saying, but she could tell by the tone of Engfa's voice that the conversation was serious. She watched as Engfa's face softened while she spoke, looking a little less stressed.

"C'è qualcosa che posso fare? Sai che sono sempre qui per te." (Is there anything I can do? You know I'm always here for you.)

Engfa smiled softly, touched by her father's concern. "Lo so, papà. Grazie. Ma adesso sto gestendo tutto." (I know, Dad. Thank you. But I'm handling everything right now.)

There was a pause on the other end, and when her father spoke again, Engfa could hear a playful tone in his voice. "E la tua ragazza, Charlotte? Quando posso finalmente conoscerla?" (And your girlfriend, Charlotte? When can I finally meet her?)

Engfa's heart skipped a beat, and she looked at Charlotte, who was watching her curiously. She wasn't expecting her dad to bring this up. "Uh... presto, spero. Lei... lei è qui con me ora." (Uh... soon, I hope. She's here with me right now.)

Her father chuckled. "Davvero? Allora, saluta Charlotte da parte mia, e spero di vederla presto. Mi piacerebbe incontrarla." (Really? Well, say hi to Charlotte for me, and I hope to see her soon. I'd love to meet her.)

Engfa smiled nervously. "Glielo dirò. Ti chiamo presto, papà." (I'll tell her. I'll call you soon, Dad.)

"Va bene, tesoro. Stai attenta, e ricordati che sono sempre qui se hai bisogno di me." (Alright, sweetheart. Take care, and remember I'm always here if you need me.)

"Lo so. Ciao, papà." (I know. Bye, Dad.)

Engfa ended the call and turned to Charlotte, who looked more curious than ever. "What did he say?"

Engfa chuckled nervously. "He said hi... and he wants to meet you."

Charlotte's eyes widened in surprise. "Meet me? Already?"

Engfa laughed. "Yeah, my dad's like that. He's really eager. But don't worry, he's cool. You'll like him."

Charlotte smiled, though she still looked a little shocked. "I guess that's something to look forward to... eventually."

Engfa leaned her head on Charlotte's shoulder and sighed. "Yeah. But let's just survive tonight first."

As they sat there in the quiet, Charlotte gently stroked Engfa's hair. "You doing okay? You seem kinda distracted."

Engfa tensed up a little. She wanted to tell Charlotte everything, but it felt like too much. How could she explain that the attack earlier wasn't random, that the people involved were after her for a reason? It felt too heavy to drop all at once.

"I'm fine," Engfa mumbled, though even she didn't believe her own words.

Charlotte didn't push, but it was clear she wasn't convinced. "Engfa, I can tell when something's wrong. You know you can talk to me, right?"

Engfa's heart ached. She knew Charlotte was right, but she was scared. Scared of pulling her into something dangerous. She hadn't even told Charlotte about the attack earlier or the bigger issues behind it.

"I just don't want to drag you into my problems," Engfa said softly, her voice shaky. "There's so much going on right now."

Charlotte frowned, looking at Engfa seriously. "But I want to help. You don't have to handle everything on your own."

Engfa sighed. She couldn't keep this from Charlotte anymore. "Earlier, when I got hurt... it wasn't random. The people who attacked me... they're part of something bigger."

Charlotte's expression changed instantly, from confusion to concern. "What do you mean? Who are they?"

Engfa hesitated, feeling Charlotte's arms tighten around her. "They're rivals. People who don't like me—who see me as competition. They've been watching me, waiting for a chance to scare me, and tonight, they did."

Charlotte's eyes were wide with shock. "And you're just telling me this now?"

Engfa looked away, feeling guilty. "I didn't want you to worry. It's dangerous, and I didn't want you to get involved."

Charlotte's expression softened, though she still looked worried. "Engfa, I'm already involved. You're important to me. If something's going on, I want to know so I can help."

Engfa felt tears sting her eyes. She had been so scared to open up, to let Charlotte into the dangerous world she was caught in. But now, hearing Charlotte's words, she felt a little lighter, like maybe she didn't have to face it all alone.

"I don't know what's going to happen next," Engfa whispered. "But I'm scared."

Charlotte pulled her even closer, wrapping her arms around her tightly. "Whatever happens, we'll face it together."

Engfa felt a small wave of relief wash over her. She didn't know how things were going to turn out, but with Charlotte by her side, maybe she had a chance. For now, all she could do was hold onto the hope that they were stronger together.

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