Chapter 27

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As the night settled in, Engfa and Charlotte were sitting on the couch, soft music playing in the background. The atmosphere felt lighter after everything they'd been through, but there was still a quiet tension between them, the kind that only comes with unresolved emotions.

Engfa glanced at Charlotte, her fingers tracing absent-minded circles on the armrest. "Do you ever wonder how we got here?" she asked, her voice low, almost unsure.

Charlotte, who had been looking down at her hands, lifted her gaze to meet Engfa's. "What do you mean?" she asked, her tone gentle but curious.

Engfa shifted, turning to face her more directly. "I mean, with everything that's happened. All the misunderstandings, the fights, the racing—" she chuckled lightly, "it feels like we're always in the middle of chaos. But then, at the end of the day, I always want to be here, with you."

Charlotte felt her heart skip a beat at Engfa's words. The honesty in her voice stirred something deep within her. "I feel the same," Charlotte admitted, her cheeks warming. "No matter what happens, it's always you I want to come back to."

For a moment, neither of them spoke. The quiet between them wasn't uncomfortable. It was filled with unspoken understanding, a recognition of the bond they shared.

Engfa shifted closer, her hand gently reaching for Charlotte's. "You know, I've never felt like this with anyone before," Engfa said softly, her eyes searching Charlotte's for reassurance. "I don't know where this is going, but I do know that I want us to keep trying."

Charlotte squeezed her hand gently, her heart swelling with the same feelings she had been trying to make sense of for so long. "I want that too," she whispered. "I'm scared sometimes, but I want to be with you, Engfa."

The air between them grew heavier with the weight of their emotions, yet it felt like a release, like a dam finally breaking down. They leaned into each other, their foreheads touching as their hands intertwined. The closeness was comforting, an unspoken promise that whatever came next, they would face it together.

They spent the rest of the evening like this, sharing quiet moments, speaking softly about their dreams, their fears, and everything in between. As the night deepened, the weight of everything that had happened began to fade, replaced by the warmth of each other's presence.

A/N: Please do vote for my story. I hope you like it, thank you for reading my story!

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