A Life-Changing Revelation

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"It's okay," she says softly, and I exhale deeply.

"I have to go," I tell her, and she looks at me, a hint of annoyance in her eyes.

She steps closer. "Thank you again," she says, and as I move toward the door, she opens it and watches me leave.

"You're not as bad as you seem. I like this kinder side of you more," her voice halts me. I turn to look at her, smile, and head to my car.

As I get inside, I can still smell her fragrance, as if she's right beside me.

This is indeed strange, and I don't want to feel this way again. She brings out a completely different version of myself—one that should remain undiscovered.

I start the engine and drive away from her house, stealing one last glance as I hit the road.


He corners me with his hands in the car, closing the distance between us. I look up at him.

"I'm not weak!" I say calmly, and he stares back. She steps closer, so close that our lips could brush against each other once more.

I gaze at him. "Do it!" I challenge, and his body freezes, caught off guard. I smile, then push him gently, resting my hands on his chest.

"Someone else is weak!" I tease, watching him regain his composure. He slides into the car, and I follow.

As he starts the engine, I tell him where my house is. When we arrive, he parks in my driveway, and we grab the bags.

I open the door and step inside, placing the bags beside the entrance while he surveys my home.

"Thank you," I say, smiling at him.

He looks at me, then back at my smile. "No problem," he replies.

"Can I get you something?"

"A glass of water would be nice."

I head to the kitchen, fill a glass with cold water—assuming that's what all boys prefer—and bring it to him. He drinks, returning the glass afterward. I take it back to the kitchen and come back to the living room.

"Do you live alone?" he asked.

"Yes, but my aunt visits me sometimes."

He nods and glances around my somewhat cluttered home before meeting my eyes. I notice his lip is still slightly bruised.

"I'm sorry about your lip," I say, furrowing my brow, letting out a breath.

He looks at me, then down, placing a hand behind his neck. I can tell he feels awkward, and I smile at the thought.

"I didn't mean to say that about your mom," he admits, and I gaze back at him, grinning.

"It's okay," I reply, and he meets my gaze.

"I have to go," he says, changing the subject.

I nod in agreement. "Thank you again." I move toward the door, and he follows.

I open the door and lean against the frame as he walks toward his car.

"You're not as bad as you seem. I like this kinder side of you," I call out. He pauses, turning to look at me. I brace for a snarky comeback, but instead, a genuine smile appears.

He smiles, and it's not sarcastic.

He starts the engine and drives off as I close the door. Wait, did I just challenge him to come into my house, apologize, and he reciprocated?

Oh no, I really need to see a psychologist or something.

Breathe, Emma. Nothing happened aside from him stealing my first kiss. He helped me with the bags and cursed my mom but then apologized. That smile when I told him I liked his nicer side... it's something I never thought could happen.

I'll calm down. It was probably so awkward that I bet he'll hate me again tomorrow at school.


I arrive home, step out of the car, and walk inside.

"You're back, dear," my mom says as she looks at me.

"How do you know that girl?" I ask, keeping my tone steady.

"She's the niece of my friend," she replies.

"What about her parents?" I ask, not caring if I'm being intrusive.

"The girl's parents have passed away, along with her brother."

"How?" I inquire, my curiosity piqued.

"In a car accident."

"And she was...?"

"With them," she explains, and I stare at her, shocked.

"How?" I ask, my heart racing.

"She was the only survivor. The doctors said when they found the overturned car, she was the only one who moved slightly and managed to escape. They almost lost her but got to her in time."

"That's impossible."

"I know. The girl was lucky but has been through a lot in her life. I feel sorry for her. She's incredibly strong."

I look at her, realization dawning on me. How stupid can I be? She's the sole survivor of that crash, and I treated her like that, making comments about her mother...

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" my mom asks, concerned as she notices my expression.

"I'm fine," I tell her, heading to my room.

The player and the shy girl (english version)Where stories live. Discover now