× "Will you come over? You've been rejecting me for a week, baby."
× "I told you to stop calling me that. And no, I won't come over, how many times do I have to say it!"
× "Should I come over?"
× "No, Lydia, don't come over. Understand, it's over."
× "Come on, baby."
× "Have a good time, Lydia!"
I say, and I hang up, leaving my phone on the table.Emma looks at me, surprised.
"I had to end it at some point," I say, and she keeps looking at me."I didn't expect that... though it's none of my business, I'm glad you cut things off with her," she says, turning back to the TV.
I raise an eyebrow.
"Seems like there's some hate for Lydia, or is it just my imagination?""Maybe yes, maybe no."
"And why's that?"
"Because she's a stuck-up b who thinks every guy wants her."
"Well, they do."
I reply, and she gives me a serious look.
"For a quick hook-up," I add."Now that, I believe. Like you wanted her," she says, standing up from the couch and heading to her room.
I stand up and look at her.
"Are you telling me that bothered you?""Not really," she says as she enters her room.
I follow her, leaning on the doorframe.
"I've told you before you're a terrible liar.""You've said that, but I'm not, and besides, I don't lie. There's no reason for me to be bothered."
"Alright then, you won't mind if I invite her over?"
Just then, the doorbell rings, and she gives me a serious look.
"You called her, didn't you?""No! You were right there when I talked to her!"
We both head to the living room as I open the door.
I see her standing there—ugh, what part of 'no' doesn't she understand?
"What are you doing here? I thought we were clear on the phone," I shout, and she looks at me.
She looks inside and sees Emma.
"So that's why you won't come. You're sleeping with her, aren't you?"The moment she mentioned Emma, I had to restrain myself from hitting her, but I held back...
"Don't you dare bring her into this! You don't even compare to her!"
"How dare you talk to me like that? And you're leaving me for this cheap girl?"
"If you mention her again, I'll break you to pieces, you slut. You're the cheap one!"
Emma snaps, glaring at her, ready to charge."Lucas, are you seriously letting her talk to me like that?"
"And she barely said enough."
I answer, and Lydia glares at me, fuming."We'll deal with this another day," she says, looking at Emma, before starting to leave.
Emma watches her go and moves to grab her, but I stop her, holding her back.
"Come here, b! I'll tell you what we're going to deal with!"
Emma shouts, angry."COME ON, TELL ME!"
Lydia taunts, clearly asking for it...She's lucky I'm holding Emma back, or she'd be on the floor by now.
I shout, and Lydia looks at me."You'll call me, right?"
She says, and Emma laughs, breaking free from my grip and lunging at her."Yeah, the Grim Reaper will call to come get you, don't worry about it."
I pull Emma back, preventing her from doing any real damage.In the end, Lydia leaves, and I push Emma back inside the house...
She looks at me, angry.
"Why did you hold me back?"She growls.
"Because I didn't want her mother crying over her. She wouldn't have survived you, wildcat," I say, and she looks at me, her expression changing."She's lucky you held me back, or she wouldn't even dare say the first letter of my name again!"
"Listen to me!"
I say as I approach her, trying to calm her down.
"I WON'T LET ANYONE TALK ABOUT YOU OR TOUCH YOU!"She looks at me, slowly calming down...
I pull her into my arms, feeling her heart racing from anger.
"You should have let me tear her apart," she murmurs.
"I know I should have, but she wouldn't have survived that. To be honest, I was scared for myself, thinking you might hit me."
I joke, and she looks at me seriously before laughing and playfully hitting my stomach."See? You're getting violent."
"Should I get violent too?"
She says, emphasizing the words.I grab her and carry her to her room, dropping her onto her bed and starting to tickle her.
She bursts into laughter, unable to catch her breath.
"Lucas, tickling isn't violence, it's just being a prankster!"
She says, still laughing."Maybe, but as long as I win, I'm happy."
"Stop, please," she begs, still laughing.
"And what do I get if I stop?"
"Nothing, just stop!"
She continues to laugh."Then no deal!"
I say, continuing to tickle her.

The player and the shy girl (english version)
RomanceAs I walk into the school, he spots me and immediately starts talking to me. I brush past him, ignoring him, but today is definitely not my lucky day... He grabs my arm firmly, stopping me, and turns me to face him. The pain on my face contorts his...